#!/usr/bin/env python import gradio as gr from gradio_space_ci import enable_space_ci from open_pr import open_pr enable_space_ci() TITLE = "Listen to Pull Requests and start ephemeral Spaces on new PRs! 🚀" DESCRIPTION = """ ## Gradio Space CI is a tool to create ephemeral Spaces for each PR opened on your Space repo. The goal is to improve developer experience by making the review process as lean as possible. The app below let you open a PR to enable Space CI on a Space. The steps are the following: 1. Paste a read-access token from hf.co/settings/tokens. Read access is enough given that we will open a PR against the source repo. 2. Input a Space id from the Hub 3. Click "Submit" 4. That's it! You'll get feedback if it works or not, and if it worked, you'll get the URL of the opened PR 🔥 #### ⚠️ Disclaimer: **Gradio Space CI** works only on public Spaces. For more details about **Gradio Space CI**, checkout [this page]](https://huggingface.co/spaces/Wauplin/gradio-space-ci/blob/main/README.md). If you find any issues, please report here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Wauplin/gradio-space-ci/discussions """ with gr.Blocks() as blocks: gr.Markdown(f"


") gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Row(equal_height=False): with gr.Column(): space_id = gr.Textbox(label="Space ID or URL", lines=1) gr.LoginButton() gr.LogoutButton() submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary") with gr.Column(): output = gr.Markdown() submit_btn.click(open_pr, space_id, output) blocks.launch()