#from langchain.llms import OpenAI import streamlit as st from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI st.title("🔗 LinkedIn Test Post Generator two options") def generate_linkedin_post(topic): # Enhanced prompt with additional context for better post generation prompt = ( f"Create a LinkedIn post about {topic} that grabs attention and makes people chuckle. Here's how:" + f"Start with a relatable pain point:** Something the audience groans about inwardly (e.g., 'Ever spend hours on a task that should take minutes?')"+ f"Agitate with a pinch of absurdity:** Exaggerate the pain point in a slightly ridiculous way (e.g., '...only to discover your cat was sitting on the keyboard the whole time.')"+ f"***Offer a solution (with a twist):** Provide a real tip but phrase it unexpectedly (e.g., 'Turns out, the answer lies in [insightful tip] - and checking for rogue felines.')"+ f"***Tone:** Confident, slightly tongue-in-cheek. Aim for a knowing smile, not a belly laugh.") llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7, openai_api_key=st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) response = llm(prompt) return response with st.form("my_form"): topic = st.text_area("Enter the topic for your LinkedIn post:") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Generate Post") if submitted and topic: post = generate_linkedin_post(topic) st.info(post) elif submitted and not topic: st.error("Please enter a topic to generate a post.") with st.form("my_form1"): topic2 = st.text_area("Enter the topic 2 for your LinkedIn post:") submitted2 = st.form_submit_button("Generate Post") if submitted2 and topic2: post = generate_linkedin_post(topic) st.info(post) elif submitted2 and not topic2: st.error("Please enter a topic 2 to generate a post.")