import streamlit as st import os import pathlib import textwrap from PIL import Image import google.generativeai as genai os.getenv("GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY") genai.configure(api_key=os.getenv("GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY")) ## Function to load OpenAI model and get respones def get_gemini_response(input, image, prompt): model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision') response = model.generate_content([input, image[0], prompt]) if response.candidates and response.candidates[0].safety_ratings: for rating in response.candidates[0].safety_ratings: if rating.category in ("HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY", "HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY", "HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE", "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_SUGGESTIVE", "HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL", "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS"): return f"Response blocked due to safety concerns: {rating.category}" if response.candidates and response.candidates[0].content and response.candidates[0] return response.candidates[0][0].text else: return "No valid response generated." def input_image_setup(uploaded_file): # Check if a file has been uploaded if uploaded_file is not None: # Read the file into bytes bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() image_parts = [ { "mime_type": uploaded_file.type, # Get the mime type of the uploaded file "data": bytes_data } ] return image_parts else: raise FileNotFoundError("No file uploaded") # Streamlit App # Set Page Configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="Image Reading Gemini", page_icon=":mag:", layout="wide" ) # Custom Theme st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.title("Debyez Image Extractor :eyes:") # Input Elements with Session State if "input" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.input = "" if "clear_input" not in st.session_state: # Add a flag for clearing st.session_state.clear_input = False # Callback function for the "Clear" button def clear_input_callback(): st.session_state.input = "" st.session_state.clear_input = True # Set the clear flag uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) input = st.text_input("Input Prompt: ", key="input", value=st.session_state.input) # Submit and Clear Buttons in the Same Row submit = st.button("Submit") clear = st.button("Clear", on_click=clear_input_callback) # Input Prompt for Gemini input_prompt = """ You are an expert in understanding writings, colours and designs from an image. You will receive input images & you will have to answer questions based on the input image only """ if submit: if uploaded_file is not None: image_data = input_image_setup(uploaded_file) response = get_gemini_response(input_prompt, image_data, input) st.markdown(f"**The Response is:**") st.write(response) st.markdown("---") else: st.warning("Please upload an image first.") if st.session_state.clear_input: st.session_state.clear_input = False st.experimental_rerun() # Refresh the UI