import streamlit as st from api_utils import upload_document, list_documents, delete_document def display_sidebar(): # Sidebar: Model Selection model_options = ["gpt-4o", "gpt-4o-mini"] st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Model", options=model_options, key="model") # Sidebar: Upload Document st.sidebar.header("Upload Document") uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=["pdf", "docx", "html"]) if uploaded_file is not None: if st.sidebar.button("Upload"): with st.spinner("Uploading..."): upload_response = upload_document(uploaded_file) if upload_response: st.sidebar.success(f"File '{}' uploaded successfully with ID {upload_response['file_id']}.") st.session_state.documents = list_documents() # Refresh the list after upload # Sidebar: List Documents st.sidebar.header("Uploaded Documents") if st.sidebar.button("Refresh Document List"): with st.spinner("Refreshing..."): st.session_state.documents = list_documents() # Initialize document list if not present if "documents" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.documents = list_documents() documents = st.session_state.documents if documents: for doc in documents: st.sidebar.text(f"{doc['filename']} (ID: {doc['id']}, Uploaded: {doc['upload_timestamp']})") # Delete Document selected_file_id = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a document to delete", options=[doc['id'] for doc in documents], format_func=lambda x: next(doc['filename'] for doc in documents if doc['id'] == x)) if st.sidebar.button("Delete Selected Document"): with st.spinner("Deleting..."): delete_response = delete_document(selected_file_id) if delete_response: st.sidebar.success(f"Document with ID {selected_file_id} deleted successfully.") st.session_state.documents = list_documents() # Refresh the list after deletion else: st.sidebar.error(f"Failed to delete document with ID {selected_file_id}.")