from pathlib import Path import os import uuid from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Dict from fastapi import APIRouter, File, UploadFile, HTTPException, Form, Depends, Body from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from PIL import Image import lightning.pytorch as pl from scripts.api_utils import pil_to_s3_json, pil_to_b64_json, ImageAugmentation, accelerator from inpainting_pipeline import AutoPaintingPipeline, load_pipeline from hydra import compose, initialize from async_batcher.batcher import AsyncBatcher import json from functools import lru_cache pl.seed_everything(42) router = APIRouter() # Initialize Hydra configuration with initialize(version_base=None, config_path=Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent / "configs"): cfg = compose(config_name="inpainting") # Load the inpainting pipeline @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def load_pipeline_wrapper(): """ Load the inpainting pipeline with the specified configuration. Returns: pipeline: The loaded inpainting pipeline. """ pipeline = load_pipeline(cfg.model, accelerator(), enable_compile=True) return pipeline inpainting_pipeline = load_pipeline_wrapper() class InpaintingRequest(BaseModel): """ Model representing a request for inpainting inference. """ prompt: str = Field(..., description="Prompt text for inference") negative_prompt: str = Field(..., description="Negative prompt text for inference") num_inference_steps: int = Field(..., description="Number of inference steps") strength: float = Field(..., description="Strength of the inference") guidance_scale: float = Field(..., description="Guidance scale for inference") mode: str = Field(..., description="Mode for output ('b64_json' or 's3_json')") num_images: int = Field(..., description="Number of images to generate") use_augmentation: bool = Field(True, description="Whether to use image augmentation") class InpaintingBatchRequestModel(BaseModel): """ Model representing a batch request for inpainting inference. """ requests: List[InpaintingRequest] async def save_image(image: UploadFile) -> str: """ Save an uploaded image to a temporary file and return the file path. Args: image (UploadFile): The uploaded image file. Returns: str: File path where the image is saved. """ file_name = f"{uuid.uuid4()}.png" file_path = os.path.join("/tmp", file_name) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(await return file_path def augment_image(image_path, target_width, target_height, roi_scale, segmentation_model_name, detection_model_name): """ Augment an image by extending its dimensions and generating masks. Args: image_path (str): Path to the image file. target_width (int): Target width for augmentation. target_height (int): Target height for augmentation. roi_scale (float): Scale factor for region of interest. segmentation_model_name (str): Name of the segmentation model. detection_model_name (str): Name of the detection model. Returns: Tuple[Image.Image, Image.Image]: Augmented image and inverted mask. """ image = image_augmentation = ImageAugmentation(target_width, target_height, roi_scale) image = image_augmentation.extend_image(image) mask = image_augmentation.generate_mask_from_bbox(image, segmentation_model_name, detection_model_name) inverted_mask = image_augmentation.invert_mask(mask) return image, inverted_mask def run_inference(cfg, image_path: str, request: InpaintingRequest): """ Run inference using an inpainting pipeline on an image. Args: cfg (dict): Configuration dictionary. image_path (str): Path to the image file. request (InpaintingRequest): Pydantic model containing inference parameters. Returns: dict: Resulting image in the specified mode ('b64_json' or 's3_json'). Raises: ValueError: If an invalid mode is provided. """ if request.use_augmentation: image, mask_image = augment_image(image_path, cfg['target_width'], cfg['target_height'], cfg['roi_scale'], cfg['segmentation_model'], cfg['detection_model']) else: image = mask_image = None painting_pipeline = AutoPaintingPipeline( pipeline=inpainting_pipeline, image=image, mask_image=mask_image, target_height=cfg['target_height'], target_width=cfg['target_width'] ) output = painting_pipeline.run_inference(prompt=request.prompt, negative_prompt=request.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=request.num_inference_steps, strength=request.strength, guidance_scale=request.guidance_scale, num_images=request.num_images) if request.mode == "s3_json": return pil_to_s3_json(output, file_name="output.png") elif request.mode == "b64_json": return pil_to_b64_json(output) else: raise ValueError("Invalid mode. Supported modes are 'b64_json' and 's3_json'.") class InpaintingBatcher(AsyncBatcher): async def process_batch(self, batch: Tuple[List[str], List[InpaintingRequest]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Process a batch of images and requests for inpainting inference. Args: batch (Tuple[List[str], List[InpaintingRequest]]): Tuple of image paths and corresponding requests. Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: List of resulting images in the specified mode ('b64_json' or 's3_json'). """ image_paths, requests = batch results = [] for image_path, request in zip(image_paths, requests): result = run_inference(cfg, image_path, request) results.append(result) return results"/inpainting") async def inpainting_inference( image: UploadFile = File(...), request_data: str = Form(...), ): """ Handle POST request for inpainting inference. Args: image (UploadFile): Uploaded image file. request_data (str): JSON string of the request parameters. Returns: dict: Resulting image in the specified mode ('b64_json' or 's3_json'). Raises: HTTPException: If there is an error during image processing. """ try: image_path = await save_image(image) request_dict = json.loads(request_data) request = InpaintingRequest(**request_dict) result = run_inference(cfg, image_path, request) return result except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))"/inpainting/batch") async def inpainting_batch_inference( images: List[UploadFile] = File(...), request_data: str = Form(...), ): """ Handle POST request for batch inpainting inference. Args: images (List[UploadFile]): List of uploaded image files. request_data (str): JSON string of the request parameters. Returns: List[dict]: List of resulting images in the specified mode ('b64_json' or 's3_json'). Raises: HTTPException: If there is an error during image processing. """ try: request_dict = json.loads(request_data) batch_request = InpaintingBatchRequestModel(**request_dict) requests = batch_request.requests if len(images) != len(requests): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="The number of images and requests must match.") batcher = InpaintingBatcher(max_batch_size=64) image_paths = [await save_image(image) for image in images] results = batcher.process_batch((image_paths, requests)) return results except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))