import gradio as gr import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from diffusers.utils import load_image from io import BytesIO import json import numpy as np sdxl_inference_endpoint = '' sdxl_batch_inference_endpoint = '' kandinsky_inpainting_inference = '' class InputRequest(BaseModel): prompt: str num_inference_steps: int guidance_scale: float negative_prompt: str num_images: int mode: str class InpaintingRequest(BaseModel): prompt: str = Field(..., description="Prompt text for inference") negative_prompt: str = Field(..., description="Negative prompt text for inference") num_inference_steps: int = Field(..., description="Number of inference steps") strength: float = Field(..., description="Strength of the inference") guidance_scale: float = Field(..., description="Guidance scale for inference") mode: str = Field(..., description="Mode for output ('b64_json' or 's3_json')") num_images: int = Field(..., description="Number of images to generate") async def generate_sdxl_lora_image(prompt, negative_prompt, num_inference_steps, guidance_scale, num_images, mode): payload = InputRequest( prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, guidance_scale=guidance_scale, num_images=num_images, mode=mode ).dict() response =, json=payload) response = response.json() url = response['url'] image = load_image(url) return image def process_masked_image(img): base_image = img["image"] mask = img["mask"] # Convert mask to binary (0 or 255) mask = np.where(mask > 0, 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) return base_image, mask def generate_outpainting(prompt, negative_prompt, num_inference_steps, strength, guidance_scale, mode, num_images, masked_image): base_image, mask = process_masked_image(masked_image) # Convert the images to bytes img_byte_arr = BytesIO(), format='PNG') img_byte_arr = img_byte_arr.getvalue() mask_byte_arr = BytesIO() mask_image = gr.processing_utils.encode_pil_to_base64(mask) mask_byte_arr = mask_image.getvalue() # Prepare the payload for multipart/form-data files = { 'image': ('image.png', img_byte_arr, 'image/png'), 'mask_image': ('mask.png', mask_byte_arr, 'image/png'), } # Prepare the request data request_data = InpaintingRequest( prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, strength=strength, guidance_scale=guidance_scale, mode=mode, num_images=num_images ).dict() # Add the JSON-encoded request data to the files dictionary files['request_data'] = ('request_data.json', json.dumps(request_data), 'application/json') response =, files=files) response.raise_for_status() response = response.json() url = response['url'] image = load_image(url) return image with gr.Blocks(theme='VikramSingh178/Webui-Theme') as demo: with gr.Tab("SdxL-Lora"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", placeholder="Enter your prompt here") negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Negative Prompt", placeholder="Enter negative prompt here") num_inference_steps = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=1000, step=1, value=20, label="Inference Steps") guidance_scale = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=10.0, step=0.1, value=7.5, label="Guidance Scale") num_images = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=1, label="Number of Images") mode = gr.Dropdown(choices=["s3_json", "b64_json"], value="s3_json", label="Mode") generate_button = gr.Button("Generate Image", variant='primary') with gr.Column(scale=1): image_preview = gr.Image(label="Generated Image", show_download_button=True, show_share_button=True, container=True), inputs=[prompt, negative_prompt, num_inference_steps, guidance_scale, num_images, mode], outputs=[image_preview]) with gr.Tab("Inpainting"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): masked_image = gr.ImageMask(label="Upload Image and Draw Mask") prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", placeholder="Enter your prompt here") negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Negative Prompt", placeholder="Enter negative prompt here") num_inference_steps = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, value=20, label="Inference Steps") strength = gr.Slider(minimum=0.1, maximum=1, step=0.1, value=0.8, label="Strength") guidance_scale = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=10.0, step=0.1, value=7.5, label="Guidance Scale") num_images = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=1, label="Number of Images") mode = gr.Dropdown(choices=["s3_json", "b64_json"], value="s3_json", label="Mode") generate_button = gr.Button("Generate Inpainting", variant='primary') with gr.Column(scale=1): image_preview = gr.Image(label="Inpainted Image", show_download_button=True, show_share_button=True, container=True), inputs=[prompt, negative_prompt, num_inference_steps, strength, guidance_scale, mode, num_images, masked_image], outputs=[image_preview]) demo.launch()