import torch from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset from transformers import BlipProcessor, BlipForConditionalGeneration from tqdm import tqdm # Assuming PRODUCTS_10k_DATASET and CAPTIONING_MODEL_NAME are defined in from config import PRODUCTS_10k_DATASET, CAPTIONING_MODEL_NAME device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class ImageCaptioner: """ A class for generating captions for images using a pre-trained model. Args: dataset (str): The path to the dataset. processor (str): The pre-trained processor model to use for image processing. model (str): The pre-trained model to use for caption generation. prompt (str): The conditioning prompt to use for caption generation. Attributes: dataset: The loaded dataset. processor: The pre-trained processor model. model: The pre-trained caption generation model. prompt: The conditioning prompt for generating captions. Methods: process_dataset: Preprocesses the dataset. generate_caption: Generates a caption for a single image. generate_captions: Generates captions for all images in the dataset. """ def __init__(self, dataset: str, processor: str, model: str, prompt: str = "Product photo of"): self.dataset = load_dataset(dataset, split="test") self.dataset = # For demonstration purposes self.processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained(processor) self.model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model).to(device) self.prompt = prompt def process_dataset(self): """ Preprocesses the dataset by renaming the image column and removing unwanted columns. Returns: The preprocessed dataset. """ # Check if 'image' column exists, otherwise use 'pixel_values' if it exists image_column = "image" if "image" in self.dataset.column_names else "pixel_values" self.dataset = self.dataset.rename_column(image_column, "image") if "label" in self.dataset.column_names: self.dataset = self.dataset.remove_columns(["label"]) # Add an empty 'text' column for captions if it doesn't exist if "text" not in self.dataset.column_names: new_column = [""] * len(self.dataset) self.dataset = self.dataset.add_column("text", new_column) return self.dataset def generate_caption(self, example): """ Generates a caption for a single image. Args: example (dict): A dictionary containing the image data. Returns: dict: The dictionary with the generated caption. """ image = example["image"].convert("RGB") inputs = self.processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt").to(device) prompt_inputs = self.processor(text=[self.prompt], return_tensors="pt").to(device) outputs = self.model.generate(**inputs, **prompt_inputs) blip_caption = self.processor.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) example["text"] = blip_caption return example def generate_captions(self): """ Generates captions for all images in the dataset. Returns: Dataset: The dataset with generated captions. """ self.dataset = self.process_dataset() self.dataset =, batched=False) return self.dataset # Initialize ImageCaptioner ic = ImageCaptioner( dataset=PRODUCTS_10k_DATASET, processor=CAPTIONING_MODEL_NAME, model=CAPTIONING_MODEL_NAME, prompt='Commercial photography of' ) # Generate captions for the dataset products10k_dataset = ic.generate_captions() # Save the dataset to the hub products10k_dataset.push_to_hub("VikramSingh178/Products-10k-BLIP-captions")