import sqlite3 import pandas as pd from datasets import load_dataset def create_connection(): """ Create a database connection to the SQLite database """ try: conn = sqlite3.connect('bike_store.db') print("Connection established: Database is connected") return conn except Exception as e: print("Error connecting to database:", e) return None def create_table(conn, create_table_sql): """ Create a table from the create_table_sql statement """ try: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(create_table_sql) conn.commit() print("Table created successfully or already exists.") except Exception as e: print("Error creating table:", e) def import_data_to_table(csv_file, table_name, conn): """ Load data from a CSV file and insert it into the specified table """ try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) print(df) df.to_sql(table_name, conn, if_exists='replace', index=False) print(f"Data imported successfully into {table_name}.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error importing data into {table_name}: {e}") def main(): # Create a database connection conn = create_connection() print(conn) if conn is not None: # SQL table creation statements tables_sql = { "customers": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers ( customer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, first_name TEXT NOT NULL, last_name TEXT NOT NULL, phone TEXT, email TEXT, street TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip_code INTEGER ); """, "staffs": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staffs ( staff_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, first_name TEXT NOT NULL, last_name TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT, phone TEXT, active INTEGER, store_id INTEGER, manager_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (store_id) REFERENCES stores(store_id), FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES staffs(staff_id) ); """, "stores": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stores ( store_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, store_name TEXT NOT NULL, phone TEXT, email TEXT, street TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip_code TEXT ); """, "categories": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS categories ( category_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, category_name TEXT NOT NULL ); """, "products": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products ( product_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, product_name TEXT NOT NULL, category_id INTEGER, brand_id INTEGER, model_year INTEGER, list_price REAL, FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES categories(category_id), FOREIGN KEY (brand_id) REFERENCES brands(brand_id) ); """, "brands": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brands ( brand_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, brand_name TEXT NOT NULL ); """, "stocks": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stocks ( store_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (store_id, product_id), FOREIGN KEY (store_id) REFERENCES stores(store_id), FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products(product_id) ); """, "orders": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders ( order_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, customer_id INTEGER, order_status TEXT, order_date TEXT, required_date TEXT, shipped_date TEXT, store_id INTEGER, staff_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id), FOREIGN KEY (store_id) REFERENCES stores(store_id), FOREIGN KEY (staff_id) REFERENCES staffs(staff_id) ); """, "order_items": """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS order_items ( order_id INTEGER, item_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, product_id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER, list_price REAL, discount REAL, FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES orders(order_id), FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products(product_id) ); """ } # Create tables for table_name, sql_command in tables_sql.items(): create_table(conn, sql_command) # Data import paths data_paths = { "customers": "CSV/customers.csv", "staffs": "CSV/staffs.csv", "products": "CSV/products.csv", "categories": "CSV/categories.csv", "stores": "CSV/stores.csv", "brands": "CSV/brands.csv", "stocks": "CSV/stocks.csv", "orders": "CSV/orders.csv", "order_items": "CSV/order_items.csv", } dataset = load_dataset('VicGerardoPR/InteractiveDatabseApp', data_files=data_paths) # Import data to tables for table_name, csv_path in data_paths.items(): import_data_to_table(csv_path, table_name, conn) # Close the connection conn.close() else: print("Failed to create database connection.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()