# path config: ckpt: "pretrained/ShowMaker.pt" pretrained_model_path: "pretrained/stable-diffusion-v1-4/" image_encoder_path: "pretrained/OpenCLIP-ViT-H-14" input_path: 'input/i2v/Planet_hits_earth.png' ref_path: 'input/i2v/Planet_hits_earth.png' save_path: "results/mask_ref/" # model config: model: UNet num_frames: 16 # image_size: [320, 512] image_size: [240, 560] # model speedup use_fp16: True enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention: True # sample config: seed: 3407 cfg_scale: 8.0 ref_cfg_scale: 0.5 sample_method: 'ddim' num_sampling_steps: 100 text_prompt: [ # "Cinematic photograph. View of piloting aaero.", # "A fish swims past an oriental woman.", # "A big drop of water falls on a rose petal.", # "Underwater environment cosmetic bottles.". "Planet hits earth.", ] additional_prompt: "" negative_prompt: "" do_classifier_free_guidance: True mask_type: "first1" use_mask: True