import spacy from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim import geonamescache import pycountry from geotext import GeoText import re from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel import torch # initial loads # load the spacy model"en_core_web_lg") nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg") # load the pre-trained BERT tokenizer and model tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased') model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased') # Load valid city names from geonamescache gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache() city_names = set([city['name'] for city in gc.get_cities().values()]) def flatten(lst): """ Define a helper function to flatten the list recursively """ for item in lst: if isinstance(item, list): yield from flatten(item) else: yield item def is_country(reference): """ Check if a given reference is a valid country name """ try: # use the pycountry library to verify if an input is a country country = pycountry.countries.search_fuzzy(reference)[0] return True except LookupError: return False def is_city(reference): """ Check if a given reference is a valid city name """ # Check if the reference is a valid city name if reference in city_names: return True # Load the Nomatim (open street maps) api geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="certh_serco_validate_city_app") location = geolocator.geocode(reference, language="en") # If a reference is identified as a 'city', 'town', or 'village', then it is indeed a city if location.raw['type'] in ['city', 'town', 'village']: return True # If a reference is identified as 'administrative' (e.g. administrative area), # then we further examine if the retrieved info is a single token (meaning a country) or a series of tokens (meaning a city) # that condition takes place to separate some cases where small cities were identified as administrative areas elif location.raw['type'] == 'administrative': if len(location.raw['display_name'].split(",")) > 1: return True return False def validate_locations(locations): """ Validate that the identified references are indeed a Country and a City """ validated_loc = [] for location in locations: # validate whether it is a city if is_city(location): validated_loc.append((location, 'city')) # validate whether it is a country elif is_country(location): validated_loc.append((location, 'country')) else: # Check if the location is a multi-word name words = location.split() if len(words) > 1: # Try to find the country or city name among the words for i in range(len(words)): name = ' '.join(words[i:]) if is_country(name): validated_loc.append((name, 'country')) break elif is_city(name): validated_loc.append((name, 'city')) break return validated_loc def identify_loc_ner(sentence): """ Identify all the geopolitical and location entities with the spacy tool """ doc = nlp(sentence) ner_locations = [] # GPE and LOC are the labels for location entities in spaCy for ent in doc.ents: if ent.label_ in ['GPE', 'LOC']: if len(ent.text.split()) > 1: ner_locations.append(ent.text) else: for token in ent: if token.ent_type_ == 'GPE': ner_locations.append(ent.text) break return ner_locations def identify_loc_geoparselibs(sentence): """ Identify cities and countries with 3 different geoparsing libraries """ geoparse_locations = [] # Geoparsing library 1 # Load geonames cache to check if a city name is valid gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache() # Get a list of many countries/cities countries = gc.get_countries() cities = gc.get_cities() city_names = [city['name'] for city in cities.values()] country_names = [country['name'] for country in countries.values()] # if any word sequence in our sentence is one of those countries/cities identify it words = sentence.split() for i in range(len(words)): for j in range(i+1, len(words)+1): word_seq = ' '.join(words[i:j]) if word_seq in city_names or word_seq in country_names: geoparse_locations.append(word_seq) # Geoparsing library 2 # similarly with the pycountry library for country in pycountry.countries: if in sentence: geoparse_locations.append( # Geoparsing library 3 # similarly with the geotext library places = GeoText(sentence) cities = list(places.cities) countries = list(places.countries) if cities: geoparse_locations += cities if countries: geoparse_locations += countries return (geoparse_locations, countries, cities) def identify_loc_regex(sentence): """ Identify cities and countries with regular expression matching """ regex_locations = [] # Country and cities references can be preceded by 'in', 'from' or 'of' pattern = r"\b(in|from|of)\b\s([\w\s]+)" additional_refs = re.findall(pattern, sentence) for match in additional_refs: regex_locations.append(match[1]) return regex_locations def identify_loc_embeddings(sentence, countries, cities): """ Identify cities and countries with the BERT pre-trained embeddings matching """ embd_locations = [] # Define a list of country and city names (those are given by the geonamescache library before) countries_cities = countries + cities # Concatenate multi-word countries and cities into a single string multiword_countries = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in countries if ' ' in c] multiword_cities = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in cities if ' ' in c] countries_cities += multiword_countries + multiword_cities # Preprocess the input sentence tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence) input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens)]) # Get the BERT embeddings for the input sentence with torch.no_grad(): embeddings = model(input_ids)[0][0] # Find the country and city names in the input sentence for i in range(len(tokens)): token = tokens[i] if token in countries_cities: embd_locations.append(token) else: word_vector = embeddings[i] similarity_scores = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(word_vector.unsqueeze(0), embeddings) similar_tokens = [tokens[j] for j in similarity_scores.argsort(descending=True)[1:6]] for word in similar_tokens: if word in countries_cities and similarity_scores[tokens.index(word)] > 0.5: embd_locations.append(word) # Convert back multi-word country and city names to original form embd_locations = [loc.replace('_', ' ') if '_' in loc else loc for loc in embd_locations] return embd_locations def multiple_country_city_identifications_solve(country_city_dict): """ This is a function to solve the appearance of multiple identification of countries and cities. It checks all the elements of the input dictionary and if any smaller length element exists as a substring inside a bigger length element of it, it deletes the smaller size one. In that sense, a dictionary of the sort {'city': ['Port moresby', 'Port'], 'country': ['Guinea', 'Papua new guinea']} will be converted into {'city': ['Port moresby'], 'country': ['Papua new guinea']}. The reason for that function, is because such type of incosistencies were identified during country/city identification, propably relevant to the geoparsing libraries in use """ try: country_flag = False city_flag = False # to avoid examining any element in any case, we validate that both a country and a city exist # on the input dictionary and that they are of length more than one (which is the target case for us) if 'country' in country_city_dict: if len(country_city_dict['country']) > 1: country_flag = True if 'city' in country_city_dict: if len(country_city_dict['city']) > 1: city_flag = True # at first cope with country multiple iterative references if country_flag: # Sort the countries by length, longest first country_city_dict['country'].sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) # Create a new list of countries that don't contain any substrings cleaned_countries = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['country'])): is_substring = False for j in range(len(cleaned_countries)): if country_city_dict['country'][i].lower().find(cleaned_countries[j].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th country is a substring of an already-cleaned country, skip it is_substring = True break if not is_substring: cleaned_countries.append(country_city_dict['country'][i]) # Replace the original list of countries with the cleaned one country_city_dict['country'] = cleaned_countries # Create a new list of countries that are not substrings of other countries final_countries = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['country'])): is_superstring = False for j in range(len(country_city_dict['country'])): if i == j: continue if country_city_dict['country'][j].lower().find(country_city_dict['country'][i].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th country is a substring of a different country, skip it is_superstring = True break if not is_superstring: final_countries.append(country_city_dict['country'][i]) # Replace the original list of countries with the final one country_city_dict['country'] = final_countries # then cope with city multiple iterative references if city_flag: # Sort the cities by length, longest first country_city_dict['city'].sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) # Create a new list of cities that don't contain any substrings cleaned_cities = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['city'])): is_substring = False for j in range(len(cleaned_cities)): if country_city_dict['city'][i].lower().find(cleaned_cities[j].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th city is a substring of an already-cleaned city, skip it is_substring = True break if not is_substring: cleaned_cities.append(country_city_dict['city'][i]) # Replace the original list of cities with the cleaned one country_city_dict['city'] = cleaned_cities # Create a new list of cities that are not substrings of other cities final_cities = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['city'])): is_superstring = False for j in range(len(country_city_dict['city'])): if i == j: continue if country_city_dict['city'][j].lower().find(country_city_dict['city'][i].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th city is a substring of a different city, skip it is_superstring = True break if not is_superstring: final_cities.append(country_city_dict['city'][i]) # Replace the original list of cities with the final one country_city_dict['city'] = final_cities # return the final dictionary if country_city_dict: return country_city_dict except: return (0, "LOCATION", "unknown_error") def identify_locations(sentence): """ Identify all the possible Country and City references in the given sentence, using different approaches in a hybrid manner """ locations = [] try: # # # this is because there were cases were a city followed by comma was not understood by the system sentence = sentence.replace(",", " x$x ") # ner locations.append(identify_loc_ner(sentence)) # geoparse libs geoparse_list, countries, cities = identify_loc_geoparselibs(sentence) locations.append(geoparse_list) # flatten the geoparse list locations_flat_1 = list(flatten(locations)) # regex locations_flat_1.append(identify_loc_regex(sentence)) # flatten the regex list locations_flat_2 = list(flatten(locations)) # embeddings locations_flat_2.append(identify_loc_embeddings(sentence, countries, cities)) # flatten the embeddings list locations_flat_3 = list(flatten(locations)) # remove duplicates while also taking under consideration capitalization (e.g. a reference of italy should be valid, while also a reference of Italy and italy) # Lowercase the words and get their unique references using set() loc_unique = set([loc.lower() for loc in locations_flat_3]) # Create a new list of locations with initial capitalization, removing duplicates loc_capitalization = list(set([loc.capitalize() if loc.lower() in loc_unique else loc.lower() for loc in locations_flat_3])) # validate that indeed each one of the countries/cities are indeed countries/cities validated_locations = validate_locations(loc_capitalization) # create a proper dictionary with country/city tags and the relevant entries as a result loc_dict = {} for location, loc_type in validated_locations: if loc_type not in loc_dict: loc_dict[loc_type] = [] loc_dict[loc_type].append(location) # bring sentence on previous form sentence = sentence.replace(" x$x ",",") # cope with cases of iterative country or city reference due to geoparse lib issues locations_dict = multiple_country_city_identifications_solve(loc_dict) # conditions for multiple references # it is mandatory that a country will exist if 'country' in locations_dict: # if a city exists if 'city' in locations_dict: # we accept one country and one city if len(locations_dict['country']) == 1 and len(locations_dict['city']) == 1: # capitalize because there may be cases that it will return 'italy' locations_dict['country'][0] = locations_dict['country'][0].capitalize() return locations_dict # we can accept an absence of city but a country is always mandatory elif len(locations_dict['country']) == 1 and len(locations_dict['city']) == 0: locations_dict['country'][0] = locations_dict['country'][0].capitalize() return locations_dict # error if more than one country or city else: return (0, "LOCATION", "more_city_or_country") # if a city does not exist else: # we only accept for one country if len(locations_dict['country']) == 1: locations_dict['country'][0] = locations_dict['country'][0].capitalize() return locations_dict # error if more than one country else: return (0, "LOCATION", "more_country") # error if no country is referred else: return (0, "LOCATION", "no_country") except: # handle the exception if any errors occur while identifying a country/city return (0, "LOCATION", "unknown_error")