import networkx as nx class grapher(): """ A wrapper class used for generating a graph for interactions between users """ graph = None def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ self.graph = nx.DiGraph() def add_edge_wrapper(self, node_1_name, node_2_name, weight, relationship): """ A wrapper function used to add an edge connection or node. :param node_1_name: from :param node_2_name: to :param weight: :param relationship: :return: """ self.graph.add_edge(node_1_name, node_2_name, weight=weight, relation=relationship) def add_node(self, node_name): """ A wrapper function that adds a node with no edges to the graph :param node_name: """ self.graph.add_node(node_name) def get_info(self): """ Retrieves information about the graph :return: """ return def show_graph(self): """ Displays the graph :return: """ nx.spring_layout(self.graph) def get_degree_centrality_for_user(self, user_name): """ Returns the Degree of Centrality for a given user present in the graph :param user_name: :return: the Degree of Centrality for a given user present in the graph """ centrality = nx.degree_centrality(self.graph) return centrality[user_name] # todo implement # def get_eigenvector_centrality_for_user(self, user_name): # centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(self.graph) # return centrality[user_name]