import os import streamlit as st from chatbot import Chatbot from embedding import Embedder class Sidebar: MODEL_OPTIONS = ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"] TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE = 0.0 TEMPERATURE_MAX_VALUE = 1.0 TEMPERATURE_DEFAULT_VALUE = 0.0 TEMPERATURE_STEP = 0.01 @staticmethod def about(): about = st.sidebar.expander("About 🤖") sections = [ "This is for Demo of the 506 CompanyGPT Functions only. Please visit for more Details" "⚡", ] for section in sections: about.write(section) def model_selector(self): model = st.selectbox(label="Model", options=self.MODEL_OPTIONS) st.session_state["model"] = model @staticmethod def reset_chat_button(): if st.button("Reset chat"): st.session_state["reset_chat"] = True st.session_state.setdefault("reset_chat", False) def temperature_slider(self): temperature = st.slider( label="Temperature", min_value=self.TEMPERATURE_MIN_VALUE, max_value=self.TEMPERATURE_MAX_VALUE, value=self.TEMPERATURE_DEFAULT_VALUE, step=self.TEMPERATURE_STEP, ) st.session_state["temperature"] = temperature def show_options(self): with st.sidebar.expander("🛠️ Tools", expanded=True): self.reset_chat_button() self.model_selector() self.temperature_slider() st.session_state.setdefault("model", self.MODEL_OPTIONS[0]) st.session_state.setdefault("temperature", self.TEMPERATURE_DEFAULT_VALUE) class Utilities: @staticmethod def load_api_key(): """ Loads the OpenAI API key from the .env file or from the user's input and returns it """ if os.path.exists(".env") and os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") is not None: user_api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] st.sidebar.success("API key loaded from .env", icon="🚀") else: user_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input( label="#### Your OpenAI API key 👇", placeholder="Paste your openAI API key, sk-", type="password" ) if user_api_key: st.sidebar.success("API key loaded", icon="🚀") return user_api_key @staticmethod def handle_upload(): """ Handles the file upload and displays the uploaded file """ uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("upload", type="pdf", label_visibility="collapsed") if uploaded_file is not None: pass else: "Upload your PDF file to get started", icon="👆" ) st.session_state["reset_chat"] = True return uploaded_file @staticmethod def setup_chatbot(uploaded_file, model, temperature): """ Sets up the chatbot with the uploaded file, model, and temperature """ embeds = Embedder() with st.spinner("Processing..."): file = vectors = embeds.getDocEmbeds(file, chatbot = Chatbot(model, temperature, vectors) st.session_state["ready"] = True return chatbot