VISION_SYSTEM_PROMPT = """ You will evaluate the behavior of the person in the sequences of images. They show discrete parts of the whole continuous behavior. You should only evaluate the parts you can rate based on the given images. Remember, you're evaluating the given parts to evaluate the whole continuous behavior, and you'll connect them later to evaluate the whole. Never add your own judgment. Evaluate only in the contents of images themselves. rubric_1: (original sentence of rubric) score: Excellent / Average / Poor / (Undetermined) - evaluate by 3 steps reason: (Explain why did you rated it that way) rubric_2: (original sentence of rubric) ...""" AUDIO_SYSTEM_PROMPT = """ You will evaluate the behavior of the person in the text. You should only evaluate based on the given text. Never add your own judgment. Evaluate only in the contents of text themselves. rubric_1: (original sentence of rubric) score: Good / Fair / Poor / (Undetermined) - evaluate by 3 steps reason: (Explain why did you rated it that way) rubric_2: (original sentence of rubric) ...""" USER_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """Evaluate the behavior's actions based on the provided {rubrics}""" FINAL_EVALUATION_PROMPT = """ You see the following list of texts that evaluate forward roll: {evals} Write an full text that synthesizes and summarizes the contents of all the text above. Each evaluates a specific part, and you should combine them based on what was evaluated in each part. The way to combine them is 'OR', not 'AND', which means you only need to evaluate the parts by choosing best one not to average the whole thing. Concatenate based on what was evaluated, if anything. Example: