from typing import Optional, Any, Mapping, Iterator, AsyncIterator, Union, Dict, TypedDict try: from enum import StrEnum except ImportError: from strenum import StrEnum try: from http import HTTPMethod except ImportError: class HTTPMethod(StrEnum): GET = "GET" POST = "POST" PUT = "PUT" DELETE = "DELETE" import httpx # noinspection PyProtectedMember import httpx._types as types from pydantic import BaseModel from dify_client_python.dify_client import errors, models _httpx_client = httpx.Client() _async_httpx_client = httpx.AsyncClient() IGNORED_STREAM_EVENTS = (models.StreamEvent.PING.value,) # feedback ENDPOINT_FEEDBACKS = "/messages/{message_id}/feedbacks" # suggest ENDPOINT_SUGGESTED = "/messages/{message_id}/suggested" # files upload ENDPOINT_FILES_UPLOAD = "/files/upload" # completion ENDPOINT_COMPLETION_MESSAGES = "/completion-messages" ENDPOINT_STOP_COMPLETION_MESSAGES = "/completion-messages/{task_id}/stop" # chat ENDPOINT_CHAT_MESSAGES = "/chat-messages" ENDPOINT_STOP_CHAT_MESSAGES = "/chat-messages/{task_id}/stop" # workflow ENDPOINT_RUN_WORKFLOWS = "/workflows/run" ENDPOINT_STOP_WORKFLOWS = "/workflows/{task_id}/stop" # audio <-> text ENDPOINT_TEXT_TO_AUDIO = "/text-to-audio" ENDPOINT_AUDIO_TO_TEXT = "/audio-to-text" class ServerSentEvent(TypedDict): event: Optional[str] data: str id: Optional[str] retry: Optional[int] class Client(BaseModel): api_key: str api_base: Optional[str] = "" def request(self, endpoint: str, method: str, content: Optional[types.RequestContent] = None, data: Optional[types.RequestData] = None, files: Optional[types.RequestFiles] = None, json: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[types.QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, **kwargs: object, ) -> httpx.Response: """ Sends a synchronous HTTP request to the specified endpoint. Args: endpoint: The API endpoint to send the request to. method: The HTTP method to use (e.g., 'GET', 'POST'). content: Raw content to include in the request body. data: Form data to include in the request body. files: Files to include in the request body. json: JSON data to include in the request body. params: Query parameters to include in the request URL. headers: Additional headers to include in the request. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: A `httpx.Response` object containing the HTTP response. Raises: Various DifyAPIError exceptions if the response contains an error. """ merged_headers = {} if headers: merged_headers.update(headers) self._prepare_auth_headers(merged_headers) response = _httpx_client.request(method, endpoint, content=content, data=data, files=files, json=json, params=params, headers=merged_headers, **kwargs) errors.raise_for_status(response) return response def request_stream(self, endpoint: str, method: str, content: Optional[types.RequestContent] = None, data: Optional[types.RequestData] = None, files: Optional[types.RequestFiles] = None, json: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[types.QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Iterator[ServerSentEvent]: """ Opens a server-sent events (SSE) stream to the specified endpoint. Args: endpoint: The API endpoint to send the request to. method: The HTTP method to use (e.g., 'GET', 'POST'). content: Raw content to include in the request body. data: Form data to include in the request body. files: Files to include in the request body. json: JSON data to include in the request body. params: Query parameters to include in the request URL. headers: Additional headers to include in the request. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: An iterator of `ServerSentEvent` objects representing the stream of events. Raises: Various DifyAPIError exceptions if an error event is received in the stream. """ merged_headers = { 'Accept': 'text/event-stream', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Connection': 'keep-alive' } if headers: merged_headers.update(headers) self._prepare_auth_headers(merged_headers) response = method, endpoint, headers=merged_headers, content=content, data=data, files=files, json=json, params=params, **kwargs ) with response as event_source: if not _check_stream_content_type(event_source): errors.raise_for_status(event_source) for line in event_source.iter_lines(): if not line: continue if line.startswith(b'data: '): data = line[6:].decode('utf-8') try: json_data = json.loads(data) event = { 'event': json_data.get('event'), 'data': data, 'id': None, 'retry': None } if event['event'] in IGNORED_STREAM_EVENTS: continue yield event except json.JSONDecodeError: continue def feedback_messages(self, message_id: str, req: models.FeedbackRequest, **kwargs) -> models.FeedbackResponse: """ Submits feedback for a specific message. Args: message_id: The identifier of the message to submit feedback for. req: A `FeedbackRequest` object containing the feedback details, such as the rating. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: A `FeedbackResponse` object containing the result of the feedback submission. """ response = self.request( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_FEEDBACKS, message_id=message_id), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.FeedbackResponse(**response.json()) def suggest_messages(self, message_id: str, req: models.ChatSuggestRequest, **kwargs) -> models.ChatSuggestResponse: """ Retrieves suggested messages based on a specific message. Args: message_id: The identifier of the message to get suggestions for. req: A `ChatSuggestRequest` object containing the request details. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: A `ChatSuggestResponse` object containing suggested messages. """ response = self.request( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_SUGGESTED, message_id=message_id), HTTPMethod.GET, params=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.ChatSuggestResponse(**response.json()) def upload_files(self, file: types.FileTypes, req: models.UploadFileRequest, **kwargs) -> models.UploadFileResponse: """ Uploads a file to be used in subsequent requests. Args: file: The file to upload. This can be a file-like object, or a tuple of (`filename`, file-like object, mime_type). req: An `UploadFileRequest` object containing the upload details, such as the user who is uploading. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: An `UploadFileResponse` object containing details about the uploaded file, such as its identifier and URL. """ response = self.request( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_FILES_UPLOAD), HTTPMethod.POST, data=req.model_dump(), files=[("file", file)], **kwargs, ) return models.UploadFileResponse(**response.json()) def completion_messages(self, req: models.CompletionRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Union[models.CompletionResponse, Iterator[models.CompletionStreamResponse]]: """ Sends a request to generate a completion or a series of completions based on the provided input. Returns: If the response mode is blocking, it returns a `CompletionResponse` object containing the generated message. If the response mode is streaming, it returns an iterator of `CompletionStreamResponse` objects containing the stream of generated events. """ if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.BLOCKING: return self._completion_messages(req, **kwargs) if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.STREAMING: return self._completion_messages_stream(req, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Invalid request_mode: {req.response_mode}") def _completion_messages(self, req: models.CompletionRequest, **kwargs) -> models.CompletionResponse: response = self.request( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_COMPLETION_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.CompletionResponse(**response.json()) def _completion_messages_stream(self, req: models.CompletionRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Iterator[models.CompletionStreamResponse]: event_source = self.request_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_COMPLETION_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) for sse in event_source: yield models.build_completion_stream_response(sse.json()) def stop_completion_messages(self, task_id: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: """ Sends a request to stop a streaming completion task. Returns: A `StopResponse` object indicating the success of the operation. """ return self._stop_stream(self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_STOP_COMPLETION_MESSAGES, task_id=task_id), req, **kwargs) def chat_messages(self, req: models.ChatRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Union[models.ChatResponse, Iterator[models.ChatStreamResponse]]: """ Sends a request to generate a chat message or a series of chat messages based on the provided input. Returns: If the response mode is blocking, it returns a `ChatResponse` object containing the generated chat message. If the response mode is streaming, it returns an iterator of `ChatStreamResponse` objects containing the stream of chat events. """ if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.BLOCKING: return self._chat_messages(req, **kwargs) if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.STREAMING: return self._chat_messages_stream(req, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Invalid request_mode: {req.response_mode}") def _chat_messages(self, req: models.ChatRequest, **kwargs) -> models.ChatResponse: response = self.request( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_CHAT_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.ChatResponse(**response.json()) def _chat_messages_stream(self, req: models.ChatRequest, **kwargs) -> Iterator[models.ChatStreamResponse]: event_source = self.request_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_CHAT_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) for sse in event_source: yield models.build_chat_stream_response(sse.json()) def stop_chat_messages(self, task_id: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: """ Sends a request to stop a streaming chat task. Returns: A `StopResponse` object indicating the success of the operation. """ return self._stop_stream(self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_STOP_CHAT_MESSAGES, task_id=task_id), req, **kwargs) def run_workflows(self, req: models.WorkflowsRunRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Union[models.WorkflowsRunResponse, Iterator[models.WorkflowsRunStreamResponse]]: """ Initiates the execution of a workflow, which can consist of multiple steps and actions. Returns: If the response mode is blocking, it returns a `WorkflowsRunResponse` object containing the results of the completed workflow. If the response mode is streaming, it returns an iterator of `WorkflowsRunStreamResponse` objects containing the stream of workflow events. """ if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.BLOCKING: return self._run_workflows(req, **kwargs) if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.STREAMING: return self._run_workflows_stream(req, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Invalid request_mode: {req.response_mode}") def _run_workflows(self, req: models.WorkflowsRunRequest, **kwargs) -> models.WorkflowsRunResponse: response = self.request( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_RUN_WORKFLOWS), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.WorkflowsRunResponse(**response.json()) def _run_workflows_stream(self, req: models.WorkflowsRunRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Iterator[models.WorkflowsRunStreamResponse]: event_source = self.request_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_RUN_WORKFLOWS), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) for sse in event_source: yield models.build_workflows_stream_response(sse.json()) def stop_workflows(self, task_id: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: """ Sends a request to stop a streaming workflow task. Returns: A `StopResponse` object indicating the success of the operation. """ return self._stop_stream(self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_STOP_WORKFLOWS, task_id=task_id), req, **kwargs) def _stop_stream(self, endpoint: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: response = self.request( endpoint, HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.StopResponse(**response.json()) def _prepare_url(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> str: return self.api_base + endpoint.format(**kwargs) def _prepare_auth_headers(self, headers: Dict[str, str]): if "authorization" not in (key.lower() for key in headers.keys()): headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.api_key}" class AsyncClient(BaseModel): api_key: str api_base: Optional[str] = "" async def arequest(self, endpoint: str, method: str, content: Optional[types.RequestContent] = None, data: Optional[types.RequestData] = None, files: Optional[types.RequestFiles] = None, json: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[types.QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> httpx.Response: """ Asynchronously sends a request to the specified Dify API endpoint. Args: endpoint: The endpoint URL to which the request is sent. method: The HTTP method to be used for the request (e.g., 'GET', 'POST'). content: Raw content to include in the request body, if any. data: Form data to be sent in the request body. files: Files to be uploaded with the request. json: JSON data to be sent in the request body. params: Query parameters to be included in the request URL. headers: Additional headers to be sent with the request. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying HTTPX request function. Returns: A httpx.Response object containing the server's response to the HTTP request. Raises: Various DifyAPIError exceptions if the response contains an error. """ merged_headers = {} if headers: merged_headers.update(headers) self._prepare_auth_headers(merged_headers) response = await _async_httpx_client.request(method, endpoint, content=content, data=data, files=files, json=json, params=params, headers=merged_headers, **kwargs) errors.raise_for_status(response) return response async def arequest_stream(self, endpoint: str, method: str, content: Optional[types.RequestContent] = None, data: Optional[types.RequestData] = None, files: Optional[types.RequestFiles] = None, json: Optional[Any] = None, params: Optional[types.QueryParamTypes] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncIterator[ServerSentEvent]: """ Asynchronously establishes a streaming connection to the specified Dify API endpoint. Args: endpoint: The endpoint URL to which the request is sent. method: The HTTP method to be used for the request (e.g., 'GET', 'POST'). content: Raw content to include in the request body, if any. data: Form data to be sent in the request body. files: Files to be uploaded with the request. json: JSON data to be sent in the request body. params: Query parameters to be included in the request URL. headers: Additional headers to be sent with the request. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying HTTPX request function. Yields: ServerSentEvent objects representing the events received from the server. Raises: Various DifyAPIError exceptions if an error event is received in the stream. """ merged_headers = {} if headers: merged_headers.update(headers) self._prepare_auth_headers(merged_headers) async with aconnect_sse(_async_httpx_client, method, endpoint, headers=merged_headers, content=content, data=data, files=files, json=json, params=params, **kwargs) as event_source: if not _check_stream_content_type(event_source.response): await event_source.response.aread() errors.raise_for_status(event_source.response) async for sse in event_source.aiter_sse(): errors.raise_for_status(sse) if sse.event in IGNORED_STREAM_EVENTS or in IGNORED_STREAM_EVENTS: continue yield sse async def afeedback_messages(self, message_id: str, req: models.FeedbackRequest, **kwargs) \ -> models.FeedbackResponse: """ Submits feedback for a specific message. Args: message_id: The identifier of the message to submit feedback for. req: A `FeedbackRequest` object containing the feedback details, such as the rating. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: A `FeedbackResponse` object containing the result of the feedback submission. """ response = await self.arequest( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_FEEDBACKS, message_id=message_id), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.FeedbackResponse(**response.json()) async def asuggest_messages(self, message_id: str, req: models.ChatSuggestRequest, **kwargs) \ -> models.ChatSuggestResponse: """ Retrieves suggested messages based on a specific message. Args: message_id: The identifier of the message to get suggestions for. req: A `ChatSuggestRequest` object containing the request details. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: A `ChatSuggestResponse` object containing suggested messages. """ response = await self.arequest( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_SUGGESTED, message_id=message_id), HTTPMethod.GET, params=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.ChatSuggestResponse(**response.json()) async def aupload_files(self, file: types.FileTypes, req: models.UploadFileRequest, **kwargs) \ -> models.UploadFileResponse: """ Uploads a file to be used in subsequent requests. Args: file: The file to upload. This can be a file-like object, or a tuple of (`filename`, file-like object, mime_type). req: An `UploadFileRequest` object containing the upload details, such as the user who is uploading. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the request function. Returns: An `UploadFileResponse` object containing details about the uploaded file, such as its identifier and URL. """ response = await self.arequest( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_FILES_UPLOAD), HTTPMethod.POST, data=req.model_dump(), files=[("file", file)], **kwargs, ) return models.UploadFileResponse(**response.json()) async def acompletion_messages(self, req: models.CompletionRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Union[models.CompletionResponse, AsyncIterator[models.CompletionStreamResponse]]: """ Sends a request to generate a completion or a series of completions based on the provided input. Returns: If the response mode is blocking, it returns a `CompletionResponse` object containing the generated message. If the response mode is streaming, it returns an iterator of `CompletionStreamResponse` objects containing the stream of generated events. """ if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.BLOCKING: return await self._acompletion_messages(req, **kwargs) if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.STREAMING: return self._acompletion_messages_stream(req, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Invalid request_mode: {req.response_mode}") async def _acompletion_messages(self, req: models.CompletionRequest, **kwargs) -> models.CompletionResponse: response = await self.arequest( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_COMPLETION_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.CompletionResponse(**response.json()) async def _acompletion_messages_stream(self, req: models.CompletionRequest, **kwargs) \ -> AsyncIterator[models.CompletionStreamResponse]: async for sse in self.arequest_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_COMPLETION_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs): yield models.build_completion_stream_response(sse.json()) async def astop_completion_messages(self, task_id: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: """ Sends a request to stop a streaming completion task. Returns: A `StopResponse` object indicating the success of the operation. """ return await self._astop_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_STOP_COMPLETION_MESSAGES, task_id=task_id), req, **kwargs) async def achat_messages(self, req: models.ChatRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Union[models.ChatResponse, AsyncIterator[models.ChatStreamResponse]]: """ Sends a request to generate a chat message or a series of chat messages based on the provided input. Returns: If the response mode is blocking, it returns a `ChatResponse` object containing the generated chat message. If the response mode is streaming, it returns an iterator of `ChatStreamResponse` objects containing the stream of chat events. """ if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.BLOCKING: return await self._achat_messages(req, **kwargs) if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.STREAMING: return self._achat_messages_stream(req, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Invalid request_mode: {req.response_mode}") async def _achat_messages(self, req: models.ChatRequest, **kwargs) -> models.ChatResponse: response = await self.arequest( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_CHAT_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.ChatResponse(**response.json()) async def _achat_messages_stream(self, req: models.ChatRequest, **kwargs) \ -> AsyncIterator[models.ChatStreamResponse]: async for sse in self.arequest_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_CHAT_MESSAGES), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs): yield models.build_chat_stream_response(sse.json()) async def astop_chat_messages(self, task_id: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: """ Sends a request to stop a streaming chat task. Returns: A `StopResponse` object indicating the success of the operation. """ return await self._astop_stream(self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_STOP_CHAT_MESSAGES, task_id=task_id), req, **kwargs) async def arun_workflows(self, req: models.WorkflowsRunRequest, **kwargs) \ -> Union[models.WorkflowsRunResponse, AsyncIterator[models.WorkflowsStreamResponse]]: """ Initiates the execution of a workflow, which can consist of multiple steps and actions. Returns: If the response mode is blocking, it returns a `WorkflowsRunResponse` object containing the results of the completed workflow. If the response mode is streaming, it returns an iterator of `WorkflowsRunStreamResponse` objects containing the stream of workflow events. """ if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.BLOCKING: return await self._arun_workflows(req, **kwargs) if req.response_mode == models.ResponseMode.STREAMING: return self._arun_workflows_stream(req, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Invalid request_mode: {req.response_mode}") async def _arun_workflows(self, req: models.WorkflowsRunRequest, **kwargs) -> models.WorkflowsRunResponse: response = await self.arequest( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_RUN_WORKFLOWS), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.WorkflowsRunResponse(**response.json()) async def _arun_workflows_stream(self, req: models.WorkflowsRunRequest, **kwargs) \ -> AsyncIterator[models.WorkflowsRunStreamResponse]: async for sse in self.arequest_stream( self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_RUN_WORKFLOWS), HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs): yield models.build_workflows_stream_response(sse.json()) async def astop_workflows(self, task_id: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: """ Sends a request to stop a streaming workflow task. Returns: A `StopResponse` object indicating the success of the operation. """ return await self._astop_stream(self._prepare_url(ENDPOINT_STOP_WORKFLOWS, task_id=task_id), req, **kwargs) async def _astop_stream(self, endpoint: str, req: models.StopRequest, **kwargs) -> models.StopResponse: response = await self.arequest( endpoint, HTTPMethod.POST, json=req.model_dump(), **kwargs, ) return models.StopResponse(**response.json()) def _prepare_url(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> str: return self.api_base + endpoint.format(**kwargs) def _prepare_auth_headers(self, headers: Dict[str, str]): if "authorization" not in (key.lower() for key in headers.keys()): headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.api_key}" def _get_content_type(headers: httpx.Headers) -> str: return headers.get("content-type", "").partition(";")[0] def _check_stream_content_type(response: httpx.Response) -> bool: content_type = _get_content_type(response.headers) return response.is_success and "text/event-stream" in content_type