#By @TrueSaiyan #Simply create a new file add the code to the file fill in the enviromental details(bot token etc) save the #file as a whateveryoulike.py then using python run the code import asyncio import logging import os import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pyrogram from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.enums import ChatMemberStatus from pyrogram.types import ChatPermissions, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400 import UserAdminInvalid API_ID = os.environ["API_ID"] API_HASH = os.environ["API_HASH"] BOT_TOKEN = os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"] logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger("TruesAutoBlacklister") logger.info("Logging has been set up.") app = Client( "TruesBlacklister", api_id=int(API_ID), #Get API_ID from my.telegram.org api_hash=API_HASH, #As above bot_token=BOT_TOKEN, #Get bot_token from @botfather ) logger.info("Initialized Pyrogram client 1") # Define the list of blacklisted words blacklist = ["counterfeit", "meth", "shard", "heroin", "ghb"] @app.on_message(filters.text) async def check_blacklist(client, message): if any( re.search(rf"\b{re.escape(word)}\b", message.text, re.IGNORECASE) for word in blacklist ): logger.info("Message contains a blacklisted word.") chat_member = await client.get_chat_member( message.chat.id, message.from_user.id ) logger.info( f"User status: {chat_member.status}, user id: {chat_member.user.id}, username: @{chat_member.user.username}" ) if chat_member.status not in [ ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR, ChatMemberStatus.OWNER, ]: try: await message.delete() logger.info("User is not an admin. Deleted the message.") await client.restrict_chat_member( chat_id=message.chat.id, user_id=message.from_user.id, permissions=ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=False), ) except UserAdminInvalid as e: logger.error("Failed to mute the user. Skipping action.") buttons = [ [InlineKeyboardButton("Unmute", callback_data="unmute")], [InlineKeyboardButton("Ban", callback_data="ban")], ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) await client.send_message( chat_id=message.chat.id, text=f"@{message.from_user.username}, Your message has been deleted due to a blacklisted word. Please select an action:", reply_to_message_id=message.id, reply_markup=reply_markup, ) else: logger.info("User is an admin. Skipping action.") else: logger.info("Message does not contain a blacklisted word.") @app.on_callback_query() async def handle_button(client, callback_query): try: if callback_query.data == "unmute": await client.restrict_chat_member( chat_id=callback_query.message.chat.id, user_id=callback_query.from_user.id, permissions=ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=True), ) await callback_query.message.edit_text(f"@{callback_query.from_user.username} has been unmuted.") await asyncio.sleep(10) # Pause for 10 seconds await callback_query.message.delete() elif callback_query.data == "ban": await client.ban_chat_member( chat_id=callback_query.message.chat.id, user_id=callback_query.from_user.id ) logger.info(f"@{callback_query.from_user.username} has banned themselves.") await callback_query.message.edit_text(f"@{callback_query.from_user.username} has been banned.") await asyncio.sleep(10) # Pause for 10 seconds await callback_query.message.delete() except UserAdminInvalid as e: # logger.info(f"Caught UserAdminInvalid error: {e}") await callback_query.answer("This button is not for you!") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") app.run()