MODEL: MASK_ON: True META_ARCHITECTURE: "GeneralizedRCNN" PIXEL_MEAN: [127.5, 127.5, 127.5] PIXEL_STD: [127.5, 127.5, 127.5] BACKBONE: NAME: "build_vit_fpn_backbone" VIT: OUT_FEATURES: ["layer3", "layer5", "layer7", "layer11"] DROP_PATH: 0.1 IMG_SIZE: [224,224] POS_TYPE: "abs" FPN: IN_FEATURES: ["layer3", "layer5", "layer7", "layer11"] ANCHOR_GENERATOR: SIZES: [[32], [64], [128], [256], [512]] # One size for each in feature map ASPECT_RATIOS: [[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]] # Three aspect ratios (same for all in feature maps) RPN: IN_FEATURES: ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6"] PRE_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN: 2000 # Per FPN level PRE_NMS_TOPK_TEST: 1000 # Per FPN level # Detectron1 uses 2000 proposals per-batch, # (See "modeling/rpn/" for details of this legacy issue) # which is approximately 1000 proposals per-image since the default batch size for FPN is 2. POST_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN: 1000 POST_NMS_TOPK_TEST: 1000 ROI_HEADS: NAME: "StandardROIHeads" IN_FEATURES: ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"] NUM_CLASSES: 1 ROI_BOX_HEAD: NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead" NUM_FC: 2 POOLER_RESOLUTION: 7 ROI_MASK_HEAD: NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleHead" NUM_CONV: 4 POOLER_RESOLUTION: 14 DATASETS: TRAIN: ("funsd_train",) TEST: ("funsd_test",) SOLVER: LR_SCHEDULER_NAME: "WarmupCosineLR" AMP: ENABLED: True OPTIMIZER: "ADAMW" BACKBONE_MULTIPLIER: 1.0 CLIP_GRADIENTS: ENABLED: True CLIP_TYPE: "full_model" CLIP_VALUE: 1.0 NORM_TYPE: 2.0 WARMUP_FACTOR: 0.01 BASE_LR: 0.0002 WEIGHT_DECAY: 0.05 IMS_PER_BATCH: 32 INPUT: CROP: ENABLED: True TYPE: "absolute_range" SIZE: (384, 600) MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800) FORMAT: "RGB" DATALOADER: FILTER_EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS: False VERSION: 2 AUG: DETR: True SEED: 42