import os from collections import namedtuple import gradio as gr from gradio.utils import validate_url from gradio_client import utils as client_utils from src.presets import chuanhu_path, assets_path from src.utils import convert_bot_before_marked, convert_user_before_marked def postprocess( self, y, ): """ Parameters: y: List of lists representing the message and response pairs. Each message and response should be a string, which may be in Markdown format. It can also be a tuple whose first element is a string filepath or URL to an image/video/audio, and second (optional) element is the alt text, in which case the media file is displayed. It can also be None, in which case that message is not displayed. Returns: List of lists representing the message and response. Each message and response will be a string of HTML, or a dictionary with media information. Or None if the message is not to be displayed. """ if y is None: return [] processed_messages = [] for message_pair in y: assert isinstance( message_pair, (tuple, list) ), f"Expected a list of lists or list of tuples. Received: {message_pair}" assert ( len(message_pair) == 2 ), f"Expected a list of lists of length 2 or list of tuples of length 2. Received: {message_pair}" processed_messages.append( [ self._postprocess_chat_messages(message_pair[0], "user"), self._postprocess_chat_messages(message_pair[1], "bot"), ] ) return processed_messages def postprocess_chat_messages( self, chat_message, role: str ): if chat_message is None: return None elif isinstance(chat_message, (tuple, list)): file_uri = chat_message[0] if validate_url(file_uri): filepath = file_uri else: filepath = self.make_temp_copy_if_needed(file_uri) mime_type = client_utils.get_mimetype(filepath) return { "name": filepath, "mime_type": mime_type, "alt_text": chat_message[1] if len(chat_message) > 1 else None, "data": None, # These last two fields are filled in by the frontend "is_file": True, } elif isinstance(chat_message, str): # chat_message = inspect.cleandoc(chat_message) # escape html spaces # chat_message = chat_message.replace(" ", " ") if role == "bot": chat_message = convert_bot_before_marked(chat_message) elif role == "user": chat_message = convert_user_before_marked(chat_message) return chat_message else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid message for Chatbot component: {chat_message}") def add_classes_to_gradio_component(comp): """ this adds gradio-* to the component for css styling (ie gradio-button to gr.Button), as well as some others code from stable-diffusion-webui """ comp.elem_classes = [f"gradio-{comp.get_block_name()}", *(comp.elem_classes or [])] if getattr(comp, 'multiselect', False): comp.elem_classes.append('multiselect') def IOComponent_init(self, *args, **kwargs): res = original_IOComponent_init(self, *args, **kwargs) add_classes_to_gradio_component(self) return res original_IOComponent_init = gr.components.IOComponent.__init__ gr.components.IOComponent.__init__ = IOComponent_init def BlockContext_init(self, *args, **kwargs): res = original_BlockContext_init(self, *args, **kwargs) add_classes_to_gradio_component(self) return res original_BlockContext_init = gr.blocks.BlockContext.__init__ gr.blocks.BlockContext.__init__ = BlockContext_init def get_html(filename): path = os.path.join(chuanhu_path, "assets", "html", filename) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, encoding="utf8") as file: return return "" def webpath(fn): if fn.startswith(assets_path): web_path = os.path.relpath(fn, chuanhu_path).replace('\\', '/') else: web_path = os.path.abspath(fn) return f'file={web_path}?{os.path.getmtime(fn)}' ScriptFile = namedtuple("ScriptFile", ["basedir", "filename", "path"]) def list_scripts(scriptdirname, extension): scripts_list = [] scripts_dir = os.path.join(chuanhu_path, "assets", scriptdirname) if os.path.exists(scripts_dir): for filename in sorted(os.listdir(scripts_dir)): scripts_list.append(ScriptFile(assets_path, filename, os.path.join(scripts_dir, filename))) scripts_list = [x for x in scripts_list if os.path.splitext(x.path)[1].lower() == extension and os.path.isfile(x.path)] return scripts_list def javascript_html(): head = "" for script in list_scripts("javascript", ".js"): head += f'\n' for script in list_scripts("javascript", ".mjs"): head += f'\n' return head def css_html(): head = "" for cssfile in list_scripts("stylesheet", ".css"): head += f'' return head def reload_javascript(): js = javascript_html() js += '' js += '' js += '' meta = """ """ css = css_html() def template_response(*args, **kwargs): res = GradioTemplateResponseOriginal(*args, **kwargs) res.body = res.body.replace(b'', f'{meta}{js}'.encode("utf8")) res.body = res.body.replace(b'', f'{css}'.encode("utf8")) res.init_headers() return res gr.routes.templates.TemplateResponse = template_response GradioTemplateResponseOriginal = gr.routes.templates.TemplateResponse