import os import cv2 import gradio as gr import requests from PIL import Image from PIL import UnidentifiedImageError import io from io import BytesIO import AnimeGANv3_src # Import the actual AnimeGANv3_src module class AnimeGANv3: def __init__(self): # Ensure the output directory exists os.makedirs('output', exist_ok=True) def inference(self, img_path, style, face_detection): print(img_path, style, face_detection) try: # Read an image from the specified path img = cv2.imread(img_path) if img is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to read image at {img_path}") # Convert the image to RGB img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Determine the style code based on the style parameter style_code = { "AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0": "D", } f = style_code.get(style, "U") # Default to "U" if style is not found try: det_face = face_detection == "Yes" # Ust the convert method from the AnimeGANv3_src module output = AnimeGANv3_src.Convert(img, f, det_face) # Save the output image to a file save_path = f"output/out.{img_path.rsplit('.')[-1]}" cv2.imwrite(save_path, cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) return output, save_path except RuntimeError as error: print('global exception', error) return None, None except Exception as error: print('global exception', error) return None, None # Define the DESCRIPTION markdown with an embedded image DESCRIPTION = f""" # [AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0 Implementation]( """ # Create an instance of the AnimeGANv3 class anime_gan_disney = AnimeGANv3() # Define the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=anime_gan_disney.inference, inputs=[ gr.components.Image(type="filepath", label="Input"), gr.components.Dropdown(choices=[ 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', # ... (other choices) ], label='AnimeGANv3 Style'), gr.components.Radio(choices=["Yes", "No"], label='Extract face'), ], outputs=[ gr.components.Image(type="numpy", label="Output (The whole image)"), gr.components.File(label="Download the output image") ], description=DESCRIPTION, allow_flagging="never", examples=[ ['samples/Angela_Aguilar_0.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "Yes"], # ['samples/Angela_Aguilar_.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], ['samples/Avantika_Vandanapu.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "Yes"], #['samples/Avantika_Vandanapu_.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], #['samples/Ester_Exposito.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], ['samples/Ester_Exposito_.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "Yes"], ['samples/Giorgia_Whigham.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "Yes"], #['samples/Giorgia_Whigham_.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "Yes"], #['samples/Laura_Osma.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "Yes"], ['samples/Laura_Osma_.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], # ['samples/Michelle_Pellicer.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], ['samples/Michelle_Pellicer_.jpeg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], #['samples/Olivia_Rodrigo.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], ['samples/Olivia_Rodrigo_.jpg', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], #['output/output_Gemelas.png', 'AnimeGANv3_Disney v1.0', "No"], ] ) # Launch the Gradio interface iface.launch()