import base64 import http import io import time from json import JSONDecodeError from typing import Optional import requests from PIL import Image from fastapi import Header, Depends, Form, File, Request, APIRouter, UploadFile from fastapi.openapi.models import Response from pydantic import ValidationError from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from carvekit.web.deps import config, ml_processor from carvekit.web.handlers.response import handle_response, Authenticate from carvekit.web.responses.api import error_dict from carvekit.web.schemas.request import Parameters from carvekit.web.utils.net_utils import is_loopback api_router = APIRouter(prefix="", tags=["api"]) # noinspection PyBroadException"/removebg") async def removebg( request: Request, image_file: Optional[bytes] = File(None), auth: bool = Depends(Authenticate), content_type: str = Header(""), image_file_b64: Optional[str] = Form(None), image_url: Optional[str] = Form(None), bg_image_file: Optional[bytes] = File(None), size: Optional[str] = Form("full"), type: Optional[str] = Form("auto"), format: Optional[str] = Form("auto"), roi: str = Form("0% 0% 100% 100%"), crop: bool = Form(False), crop_margin: Optional[str] = Form("0px"), scale: Optional[str] = Form("original"), position: Optional[str] = Form("original"), channels: Optional[str] = Form("rgba"), add_shadow: bool = Form(False), # Not supported at the moment semitransparency: bool = Form(False), # Not supported at the moment bg_color: Optional[str] = Form(""), ): if auth is False: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("Missing API Key"), status_code=403) if ( content_type not in ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "application/json"] and "multipart/form-data" not in content_type ): return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Invalid request content type"), status_code=400 ) if image_url: if not ( image_url.startswith("http://") or image_url.startswith("https://") ) or is_loopback(image_url): print( f"Possible ssrf attempt to /api/removebg endpoint with image url: {image_url}" ) return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Invalid image url."), status_code=400 ) # possible ssrf attempt image = None bg = None parameters = None if ( content_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" in content_type ): if image_file_b64 is None and image_url is None and image_file is None: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("File not found"), status_code=400) if image_file_b64: if len(image_file_b64) == 0: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("Empty image"), status_code=400) try: image = except BaseException: return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Error decode image!"), status_code=400 ) elif image_url: try: image = except BaseException: return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Error download image!"), status_code=400 ) elif image_file: if len(image_file) == 0: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("Empty image"), status_code=400) image = if bg_image_file: if len(bg_image_file) == 0: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("Empty image"), status_code=400) bg = try: parameters = Parameters( image_file_b64=image_file_b64, image_url=image_url, size=size, type=type, format=format, roi=roi, crop=crop, crop_margin=crop_margin, scale=scale, position=position, channels=channels, add_shadow=add_shadow, semitransparency=semitransparency, bg_color=bg_color, ) except ValidationError as e: return JSONResponse( content=e.json(), status_code=400, media_type="application/json" ) else: payload = None try: payload = await request.json() except JSONDecodeError: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("Empty json"), status_code=400) try: parameters = Parameters(**payload) except ValidationError as e: return Response( content=e.json(), status_code=400, media_type="application/json" ) if parameters.image_file_b64 is None and parameters.image_url is None: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("File not found"), status_code=400) if parameters.image_file_b64: if len(parameters.image_file_b64) == 0: return JSONResponse(content=error_dict("Empty image"), status_code=400) try: image = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(parameters.image_file_b64)) ) except BaseException: return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Error decode image!"), status_code=400 ) elif parameters.image_url: if not ( parameters.image_url.startswith("http://") or parameters.image_url.startswith("https://") ) or is_loopback(parameters.image_url): print( f"Possible ssrf attempt to /api/removebg endpoint with image url: {parameters.image_url}" ) return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Invalid image url."), status_code=400 ) # possible ssrf attempt try: image = io.BytesIO(requests.get(parameters.image_url).content) ) except BaseException: return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Error download image!"), status_code=400 ) if image is None: return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Error download image!"), status_code=400 ) job_id = ml_processor.job_create([parameters.dict(), image, bg, False]) while ml_processor.job_status(job_id) != "finished": if ml_processor.job_status(job_id) == "not_found": return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Job ID not found!"), status_code=500 ) time.sleep(5) result = ml_processor.job_result(job_id) return handle_response(result, image) @api_router.get("/account") def account(): """ Stub for compatibility with api libraries """ return JSONResponse( content={ "data": { "attributes": { "credits": { "total": 99999, "subscription": 99999, "payg": 99999, "enterprise": 99999, }, "api": {"free_calls": 99999, "sizes": "all"}, } } }, status_code=200, ) @api_router.get("/admin/config") def status(auth: str = Depends(Authenticate)): """ Returns the current server config. """ if not auth or auth != "admin": return JSONResponse( content=error_dict("Authentication failed"), status_code=403 ) resp = JSONResponse(content=config.json(), status_code=200) resp.headers["X-Credits-Charged"] = "0" return resp