import streamlit as st import wizmap from streamlit import components st.set_option('deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse', False) data_url = '' grid_url = '' # import streamlit as st # import base64 # import random # import numpy as np # import random # import html # import base64 # import pkgutil # import ndjson # from glob import glob # from os.path import exists, join, basename # from tqdm import tqdm # from collections import Counter # from IPython.display import display_html # from json import dump, load, dumps # from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer # from quadtreed3 import Quadtree, Node # from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix # from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity # from scipy.stats import norm # from typing import Tuple # def _make_html(data_url, grid_url): # # HTML template for WizMap widget # html_top = """WizMap""" # html_bottom = """
""" # # Simulating JS and CSS content with base64 encoding for Streamlit # js_string = "console.log('Hello from WizMap');" # js_b = js_string.encode() # js_base64 = base64.b64encode(js_b).decode("utf-8") # # Simulating passing data into JS by using another script # messenger_js = f""" # (function() {{ # const event = new Event('wizmapData'); # event.dataURL = '{data_url}'; # event.gridURL = '{grid_url}'; # document.dispatchEvent(event); # }}()) # """ # messenger_js = messenger_js.encode() # messenger_js_base64 = base64.b64encode(messenger_js).decode("utf-8") # # Injecting JS into the HTML template # html_str = ( # html_top # + """""".format( # js_base64 # ) # + """""".format( # messenger_js_base64 # ) # + html_bottom # ) # return html_str # def visualize(data_url, grid_url, height=700): # html_str = _make_html(data_url, grid_url) # # Randomly generate an ID for the iframe to avoid collision # iframe_id = "wizmap-iframe-" + str(int(random.random() * 1e8)) # iframe = f""" # # """ # st.markdown(display_html(iframe, raw=True), unsafe_allow_html=True) # # # Example usage in Streamlit # # data_url = "" # # grid_url = "" visualize(data_url, grid_url) st.write("# Display wizmap") components.v1.html(wizmap.visualize(data_url, grid_url, height=700))