import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline # Load the text generation pipeline generator = pipeline("text-generation") def generate_bedtime_story(name, interests, friends, age): story_prompt = f"I want to tell a bed time story to a child named {name}. I want the story to revolve around some of {name}'s main interests, which are {interests}. I also want the story to include some of {name}'s friends, who are called: {friends}. Make sure the story is suitable for a child of the age {age}." story = generator(story_prompt, max_length=1000)[0]['generated_text'] return story def main(): st.title("Bedtime Story Generator") name = st.text_input("Enter the name of the person you're reading to:") age = st.text_input("Enter the age of the person you're reading to:") interests = st.text_input("Enter some of things the person is interested in:") friends = st.text_input("Enter the names of some of their friends:") if st.button("Generate Story"): if name and interests and friends and age: story = generate_bedtime_story(name, interests, age, friends.split(",")) st.write(story) else: st.warning("Please fill in all the inputs.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()