import torch from torch import nn from torchvision import transforms import gradio as gr title = "PyTorch Cat vs Dog" description = "Classifying cats and dogs with Pytorch" article = "

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" # The model architecture class ImageClassifier(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv_layer_1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(3, 64, 3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.conv_layer_2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(64, 512, 3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(512), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.conv_layer_3 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(512), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(in_features=512*3*3, out_features=2) ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): x = self.conv_layer_1(x) x = self.conv_layer_2(x) x = self.conv_layer_3(x) x = self.conv_layer_3(x) x = self.conv_layer_3(x) x = self.conv_layer_3(x) x = self.classifier(x) return x model = ImageClassifier() model.load_state_dict(torch.load('image_classifier.pth')) def predict(inp): image_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(size=(224,224)), transforms.ToTensor()]) labels = ['cat', 'dog'] inp = image_transform(inp).unsqueeze(dim=0) with torch.no_grad(): prediction = torch.nn.functional.softmax(model(inp)) confidences = {labels[i]: float(prediction.squeeze()[i]) for i in range(len(labels))} return confidences gr.Interface(fn=predict, inputs=gr.Image(type="pil"), outputs=gr.Label(num_top_classes=2), title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=['cat.jpg', 'dog.jpg']).launch()