import streamlit as st import requests import json import aiohttp import asyncio st.set_page_config(page_title = "VetmedGPT", page_icon = ":tada", layout = 'wide') # Function to send user input to the API endpoint and get a response async def chat(text): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with '', json={"text": text} ) as response: if response.status == 200: data = await response.json() bot_response = data.get("prediction", "").replace("", "") return bot_response else: return "Error: Unable to fetch output from the API endpoint URL" css= """ """ # Inject the custom CSS st.markdown(css, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Define custom CSS styles # Define navigation bar with buttons st.sidebar.title('Navigation') st.sidebar.button("Home") left_column, right_column = st.columns(2) with left_column: st.title("VetMedGPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Veterinary Medicine Healthcare") st.write("Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Veterinary Medicine Healthcare - Specialized AI tool for initial diagnosis and first aid in animal health, enhancing accessibility and care quality") with right_column: st.image("Updated.jpeg") if st.sidebar.button("About"): st.header("About VetMedGPT") st.write("VetMedGPT is an innovative AI model tailored specifically for veterinary medicine healthcare. Developed to address the limitations in existing AI support for animal health, VetMedGPT utilizes a vast dataset of veterinary knowledge for training. With its focus on initial diagnosis and first aid for animals, VetMedGPT aims to enhance accessibility and quality of care in veterinary science. This specialized tool promises to bridge the gap in AI applications for animal health, offering valuable support to both pet owners and veterinary professionals") if st.sidebar.button("View on GitHub"): # Redirect to GitHub link st.markdown("[GitHub Link](") # Chat interface st.subheader('chat with VetMedGPT') user_input = st.text_input("You:", "") if st.button("Send"): # Trigger chat function asynchronously bot_response = # Display bot response st.text_area("VetMedGPT:", value=bot_response, height=200, max_chars=None, key=None) if st.sidebar.button("Contact Us"): st.markdown(""" Name: Pinxue Lin Email: Name: Sayed Raheel Email: Name: Tirupathi Kadari Email: Name: Varun Biyyala Email: Name: Jainam Bhansal Email: Name: Sakshi Bennur Email: """)