from detecto import core, utils, visualize from detecto.visualize import show_labeled_image, plot_prediction_grid from torchvision import transforms import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tensorflow.keras.utils import img_to_array import numpy as np import warnings from PIL import Image import streamlit as st warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import cv2 import matplotlib.patches as patches import torch import matplotlib.image as mpimg import os from detecto.utils import reverse_normalize, normalize_transform, _is_iterable from torchvision import transforms MODEL_PATH = "SD_model_weights.pth" IMAGE_PATH = "img1.jpeg" model = core.Model.load(MODEL_PATH, ['cross_arm','pole','tag']) #warnings.warn(msg) st.title("Object Detection") image = utils.read_image(IMAGE_PATH) predictions = model.predict(image) labels, boxes, scores = predictions images = ["img1.jpeg","img4.jpeg","img5.jpeg","img6.jpeg"] with st.sidebar: st.write("choose an image") st.image(images) def detect_object(IMAGE_PATH): image = utils.read_image(IMAGE_PATH) # predictions = model.predict(image) # labels, boxes, scores = predictions thresh=0.2 filtered_indices=np.where(scores>thresh) filtered_scores=scores[filtered_indices] filtered_boxes=boxes[filtered_indices] num_list = filtered_indices[0].tolist() filtered_labels = [labels[i] for i in num_list] show_labeled_image(image, filtered_boxes, filtered_labels) fig1 = show_image(image,filtered_boxes,filtered_labels) st.write("Object Detected Image is") st.image(fig1) #img_array = img_to_array(img) def show_image(image, boxes, labels=None): """Show the image along with the specified boxes around detected objects. Also displays each box's label if a list of labels is provided. :param image: The image to plot. If the image is a normalized torch.Tensor object, it will automatically be reverse-normalized and converted to a PIL image for plotting. :type image: numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor :param boxes: A torch tensor of size (N, 4) where N is the number of boxes to plot, or simply size 4 if N is 1. :type boxes: torch.Tensor :param labels: (Optional) A list of size N giving the labels of each box (labels[i] corresponds to boxes[i]). Defaults to None. :type labels: torch.Tensor or None **Example**:: >>> from detecto.core import Model >>> from detecto.utils import read_image >>> from detecto.visualize import show_labeled_image >>> model = Model.load('model_weights.pth', ['tick', 'gate']) >>> image = read_image('image.jpg') >>> labels, boxes, scores = model.predict(image) >>> show_labeled_image(image, boxes, labels) """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) # If the image is already a tensor, convert it back to a PILImage # and reverse normalize it if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor): image = reverse_normalize(image) image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image) ax.imshow(image) # Show a single box or multiple if provided if boxes.ndim == 1: boxes = boxes.view(1, 4) if labels is not None and not _is_iterable(labels): labels = [labels] # Plot each box for i in range(2): box = boxes[i] width, height = (box[2] - box[0]).item(), (box[3] - box[1]).item() initial_pos = (box[0].item(), box[1].item()) rect = patches.Rectangle(initial_pos, width, height, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') if labels: ax.text(box[0] + 5, box[1] - 5, '{}'.format(labels[i]), color='red') ax.add_patch(rect) cp = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + '/foo.png' plt.savefig(cp) plt.close(fig) return cp #print(type(plt file = st.file_uploader('Upload an Image',type=(["jpeg","jpg","png"])) if file is None: st.write("Please upload an image file") else: image= st.write("Input Image") st.image(image,use_column_width = True) with NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', suffix='.jpeg') as f: f.write(file.getbuffer()) #your_function_which_takes_a_path( detect_object(