import logging import subprocess from math import ceil from pathlib import Path from typing import Annotated, Optional import typer from animatediff import get_dir from .ffmpeg import FfmpegEncoder, VideoCodec, codec_extn from .ncnn import RifeNCNNOptions rife_dir = get_dir("data/rife") rife_ncnn_vulkan = rife_dir.joinpath("rife-ncnn-vulkan") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) app: typer.Typer = typer.Typer( name="rife", context_settings=dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]), rich_markup_mode="rich", pretty_exceptions_show_locals=False, help="RIFE motion flow interpolation (MORE FPS!)", ) def rife_interpolate( input_frames_dir:str, output_frames_dir:str, frame_multiplier:int = 2, rife_model:str = "rife-v4.6", spatial_tta:bool = False, temporal_tta:bool = False, uhd:bool = False, ): rife_model_dir = rife_dir.joinpath(rife_model) if not rife_model_dir.joinpath("flownet.bin").exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"RIFE model dir {rife_model_dir} does not have a model in it!") rife_opts = RifeNCNNOptions( model_path=rife_model_dir, input_path=input_frames_dir, output_path=output_frames_dir, time_step=1 / frame_multiplier, spatial_tta=spatial_tta, temporal_tta=temporal_tta, uhd=uhd, ) rife_args = rife_opts.get_args(frame_multiplier=frame_multiplier) # actually run RIFE"Running RIFE, this may take a little while...") with subprocess.Popen( [rife_ncnn_vulkan, *rife_args], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) as proc: errs = [] for line in proc.stderr: line = line.decode("utf-8").strip() if line: logger.debug(line) stdout, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"RIFE failed with code {proc.returncode}:\n" + "\n".join(errs)) import glob import os org_images = sorted(glob.glob( os.path.join(output_frames_dir, "[0-9]*.png"), recursive=False)) for o in org_images: p = Path(o) new_no = int(p.stem) - 1 new_p = p.with_stem(f"{new_no:08d}") p.rename(new_p) @app.command(no_args_is_help=True) def interpolate( rife_model: Annotated[ str, typer.Option("--rife-model", "-m", help="RIFE model to use (subdirectory of data/rife/)"), ] = "rife-v4.6", in_fps: Annotated[ int, typer.Option("--in-fps", "-I", help="Input frame FPS (8 for AnimateDiff)", show_default=True), ] = 8, frame_multiplier: Annotated[ int, typer.Option( "--frame-multiplier", "-M", help="Multiply total frame count by this", show_default=True ), ] = 8, out_fps: Annotated[ int, typer.Option("--out-fps", "-F", help="Target FPS", show_default=True), ] = 50, codec: Annotated[ VideoCodec, typer.Option("--codec", "-c", help="Output video codec", show_default=True), ] = VideoCodec.webm, lossless: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option("--lossless", "-L", is_flag=True, help="Use lossless encoding (WebP only)"), ] = False, spatial_tta: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option("--spatial-tta", "-x", is_flag=True, help="Enable RIFE Spatial TTA mode"), ] = False, temporal_tta: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option("--temporal-tta", "-z", is_flag=True, help="Enable RIFE Temporal TTA mode"), ] = False, uhd: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option("--uhd", "-u", is_flag=True, help="Enable RIFE UHD mode"), ] = False, frames_dir: Annotated[ Path, typer.Argument(path_type=Path, file_okay=False, exists=True, help="Path to source frames directory"), ] = ..., out_file: Annotated[ Optional[Path], typer.Argument( dir_okay=False, help="Path to output file (default: frames_dir/rife-output.)", show_default=False, ), ] = None, ): rife_model_dir = rife_dir.joinpath(rife_model) if not rife_model_dir.joinpath("flownet.bin").exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"RIFE model dir {rife_model_dir} does not have a model in it!") if not frames_dir.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Frames directory {frames_dir} does not exist!") # where to put the RIFE interpolated frames (default: frames_dir/../-rife) # TODO: make this configurable? rife_frames_dir = frames_dir.parent.joinpath(f"{}-rife") rife_frames_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # build output file path file_extn = codec_extn(codec) if out_file is None: out_file = frames_dir.parent.joinpath(f"{}-rife.{file_extn}") elif out_file.suffix != file_extn: logger.warn("Output file extension does not match codec, changing extension") out_file = out_file.with_suffix(file_extn) # build RIFE command and get args # This doesn't need to be a Pydantic model tbh. It could just be a function/class. rife_opts = RifeNCNNOptions( model_path=rife_model_dir, input_path=frames_dir, output_path=rife_frames_dir, time_step=1 / in_fps, # TODO: make this configurable? spatial_tta=spatial_tta, temporal_tta=temporal_tta, uhd=uhd, ) rife_args = rife_opts.get_args(frame_multiplier=frame_multiplier) # actually run RIFE"Running RIFE, this may take a little while...") with subprocess.Popen( [rife_ncnn_vulkan, *rife_args], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) as proc: errs = [] for line in proc.stderr: line = line.decode("utf-8").strip() if line: logger.debug(line) stdout, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"RIFE failed with code {proc.returncode}:\n" + "\n".join(errs)) # now it is ffmpeg time"Creating ffmpeg encoder...") encoder = FfmpegEncoder( frames_dir=rife_frames_dir, out_file=out_file, codec=codec, in_fps=min(out_fps, in_fps * frame_multiplier), out_fps=out_fps, lossless=lossless, )"Encoding interpolated frames with ffmpeg...") result = encoder.encode() logger.debug(f"ffmpeg result: {result}")"Find the RIFE frames at: {rife_frames_dir.absolute().relative_to(Path.cwd())}")"Find the output file at: {out_file.absolute().relative_to(Path.cwd())}")"Done!")