# Copyright 2024 the LlamaFactory team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from demo.utils import csv_to_size_list from demo.config import load_configuration import os base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) size_list_dict_CN = csv_to_size_list(os.path.join(base_dir, "assets/size_list_CN.csv")) size_list_dict_EN = csv_to_size_list(os.path.join(base_dir, "assets/size_list_EN.csv")) ( size_list_config_CN, size_list_config_EN, color_list_dict_CN, color_list_dict_EN, ) = load_configuration(base_dir) LOCALES = { "face_model": { "en": { "label": "Face detection model", }, "zh": { "label": "人脸检测模型", }, }, "matting_model": { "en": { "label": "Matting model", }, "zh": { "label": "抠图模型", }, }, "key_param": { "en": { "label": "Key Parameters", }, "zh": { "label": "核心参数", }, }, "advance_param": { "en": { "label": "Advance Parameters", }, "zh": { "label": "高级参数", }, }, "size_mode": { "en": { "label": "ID photo size options", "choices": ["Size List", "Only Change Background", "Custom Size"], "custom_size_eror": "The width should not be greater than the length; the length and width should not be less than 100, and no more than 1800.", }, "zh": { "label": "证件照尺寸选项", "choices": ["尺寸列表", "只换底", "自定义尺寸"], "custom_size_eror": "宽度不应大于长度;长度和宽度不应小于100,不大于1800。", }, }, "size_list": { "en": { "label": "Size list", "choices": list(size_list_dict_EN.keys()), "develop": size_list_config_EN, }, "zh": { "label": "预设尺寸", "choices": list(size_list_dict_CN.keys()), "develop": size_list_config_CN, }, }, "bg_color": { "en": { "label": "Background color", "choices": list(color_list_dict_EN.keys()) + ["Custom"], "develop": color_list_dict_EN, }, "zh": { "label": "背景颜色", "choices": list(color_list_dict_CN.keys()) + ["自定义底色"], "develop": color_list_dict_CN, }, }, "button": { "en": { "label": "Start", }, "zh": { "label": "开始制作", }, }, "head_measure_ratio": { "en": { "label": "Head ratio", }, "zh": { "label": "面部比例", }, }, "top_distance": { "en": { "label": "Top distance", }, "zh": { "label": "头距顶距离", }, }, "image_kb": { "en": { "label": "Set KB size", "choices": ["Not Set", "Custom"], }, "zh": { "label": "设置 KB 大小", "choices": ["不设置", "自定义"], }, }, "image_kb_size": { "en": { "label": "KB size", }, "zh": { "label": "KB 大小", }, }, "render_mode": { "en": { "label": "Render mode", "choices": [ "Solid Color", "Up-Down Gradient (White)", "Center Gradient (White)", ], }, "zh": { "label": "渲染方式", "choices": ["纯色", "上下渐变(白色)", "中心渐变(白色)"], }, }, # Tab3 - 水印工作台 "watermark_tab": { "en": { "label": "Watermark", }, "zh": { "label": "水印", }, }, "watermark_text": { "en": { "label": "Text", "value": "Hello", "placeholder": "up to 20 characters", }, "zh": { "label": "水印文字", "value": "Hello", "placeholder": "最多20个字符", }, }, "watermark_color": { "en": { "label": "Color", }, "zh": { "label": "水印颜色", }, }, "watermark_size": { "en": { "label": "Size", }, "zh": { "label": "文字大小", }, }, "watermark_opacity": { "en": { "label": "Opacity", }, "zh": { "label": "水印透明度", }, }, "watermark_angle": { "en": { "label": "Angle", }, "zh": { "label": "水印角度", }, }, "watermark_space": { "en": { "label": "Space", }, "zh": { "label": "水印间距", }, }, "watermark_switch": { "en": { "label": "Watermark", "value": "Not Add", "choices": ["Not Add", "Add"], }, "zh": { "label": "水印", "value": "不添加", "choices": ["不添加", "添加"], }, }, # 输出结果 "notification": { "en": { "label": "notification", "face_error": "The number of faces is not equal to 1, please upload an image with a single face. If the actual number of faces is 1, it may be an issue with the accuracy of the detection model. Please switch to a different face detection model on the left or raise a Github Issue to notify the author.", }, "zh": { "label": "通知", "face_error": "人脸数不等于1,请上传单人照片。如果实际人脸数为1,可能是检测模型的准确度问题,请切换左侧不同的人脸检测模型或提出Github Issue通知作者。", }, }, "standard_photo": { "en": { "label": "Standard photo", }, "zh": { "label": "标准照", }, }, "hd_photo": { "en": { "label": "HD photo", }, "zh": { "label": "高清照", }, }, "layout_photo": { "en": { "label": "Layout photo", }, "zh": { "label": "六寸排版照", }, }, "download": { "en": { "label": "Download the photo after adjusting the KB size", }, "zh": { "label": "下载调整 KB 大小后的照片", }, }, }