/* eslint-disable max-lines */ const MagicGen = require('./snippets/magic.gen.js'); const ClassTableGen = require('./snippets/classtable.gen.js'); const MonsterBlockGen = require('./snippets/monsterblock.gen.js'); const ClassFeatureGen = require('./snippets/classfeature.gen.js'); const CoverPageGen = require('./snippets/coverpage.gen.js'); const TableOfContentsGen = require('./snippets/tableOfContents.gen.js'); const dedent = require('dedent-tabs').default; module.exports = [ { groupName : 'Text Editor', icon : 'fas fa-pencil-alt', view : 'text', snippets : [ { name : 'Column Break', icon : 'fas fa-columns', gen : '```\n```\n\n' }, { name : 'New Page', icon : 'fas fa-file-alt', gen : '\\page\n\n' }, { name : 'Vertical Spacing', icon : 'fas fa-arrows-alt-v', gen : '
\n\n' }, { name : 'Wide Block', icon : 'fas fa-arrows-alt-h', gen : '
\nEverything in here will be extra wide. Tables, text, everything! Beware though, CSS columns can behave a bit weird sometimes.\n
\n' }, { name : 'Image', icon : 'fas fa-image', gen : [ '', 'Credit: Kyounghwan Kim' ].join('\n') }, { name : 'Background Image', icon : 'fas fa-tree', gen : [ '' ].join('\n') }, { name : 'Page Number', icon : 'fas fa-bookmark', gen : '
\n\n' }, { name : 'Auto-incrementing Page Number', icon : 'fas fa-sort-numeric-down', gen : '
\n' }, { name : 'Link to page', icon : 'fas fa-link', gen : '[Click here](#p3) to go to page 3\n' }, { name : 'Table of Contents', icon : 'fas fa-book', gen : TableOfContentsGen }, { name : 'Add Comment', icon : 'fas fa-code', gen : '' } ] }, { groupName : 'Style Editor', icon : 'fas fa-pencil-alt', view : 'style', snippets : [ { name : 'Remove Drop Cap', icon : 'fas fa-remove-format', gen : dedent`/* Removes Drop Caps */ .phb h1+p:first-letter { all: unset; }\n\n` }, { name : 'Tweak Drop Cap', icon : 'fas fa-sliders-h', gen : dedent`/* Drop Cap Settings */ .phb h1 + p::first-letter { float: left; font-family: Solberry; font-size: 10em; color: #222; line-height: .8em; }\n\n` }, { name : 'Add Comment', icon : 'fas fa-code', gen : '/* This is a comment that will not be rendered into your brew. */' } ] }, /************************* PHB ********************/ { groupName : 'PHB', icon : 'fas fa-book', view : 'text', snippets : [ { name : 'Spell', icon : 'fas fa-magic', gen : MagicGen.spell, }, { name : 'Spell List', icon : 'fas fa-list', gen : MagicGen.spellList, }, { name : 'Class Feature', icon : 'fas fa-trophy', gen : ClassFeatureGen, }, { name : 'Note', icon : 'fas fa-sticky-note', gen : function(){ return [ '> ##### Time to Drop Knowledge', '> Use notes to point out some interesting information. ', '> ', '> **Tables and lists** both work within a note.' ].join('\n'); }, }, { name : 'Descriptive Text Box', icon : 'far fa-sticky-note', gen : function(){ return [ '
', '##### Time to Drop Knowledge', 'Use notes to point out some interesting information. ', '', '**Tables and lists** both work within a note.', '
' ].join('\n'); }, }, { name : 'Monster Stat Block', icon : 'fas fa-bug', gen : MonsterBlockGen.half, }, { name : 'Wide Monster Stat Block', icon : 'fas fa-paw', gen : MonsterBlockGen.full, }, { name : 'Cover Page', icon : 'far fa-file-word', gen : CoverPageGen, }, { name : 'Artist Credit', icon : 'fas fa-signature', gen : '
\n' + '##### Starry Night\n' + '[Van Gogh](https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en)\n' + '
\n' }, ] }, /********************* TABLES *********************/ { groupName : 'Tables', icon : 'fas fa-table', view : 'text', snippets : [ { name : 'Class Table', icon : 'fas fa-table', gen : ClassTableGen.full, }, { name : 'Half Class Table', icon : 'fas fa-list-alt', gen : ClassTableGen.half, }, { name : 'Table', icon : 'fas fa-th-list', gen : function(){ return [ '##### Cookie Tastiness', '| Tastiness | Cookie Type |', '|:----:|:-------------|', '| -5 | Raisin |', '| 8th | Chocolate Chip |', '| 11th | 2 or lower |', '| 14th | 3 or lower |', '| 17th | 4 or lower |\n\n', ].join('\n'); }, }, { name : 'Wide Table', icon : 'fas fa-list', gen : function(){ return [ '
', '##### Cookie Tastiness', '| Tastiness | Cookie Type |', '|:----:|:-------------|', '| -5 | Raisin |', '| 8th | Chocolate Chip |', '| 11th | 2 or lower |', '| 14th | 3 or lower |', '| 17th | 4 or lower |', '
\n\n' ].join('\n'); }, }, { name : 'Split Table', icon : 'fas fa-th-large', gen : dedent`\n
| d10 | Damage Type | |:---:|:------------| | 1 | Acid | | 2 | Cold | | 3 | Fire | | 4 | Force | | 5 | Lightning | | d10 | Damage Type | |:---:|:------------| | 6 | Necrotic | | 7 | Poison | | 8 | Psychic | | 9 | Radiant | | 10 | Thunder |
\n` } ] }, /**************** PRINT *************/ { groupName : 'Print', icon : 'fas fa-print', view : 'style', snippets : [ { name : 'A4 Page Size', icon : 'far fa-file', gen : ['/* A4 Page Size */', '.phb {', ' width : 210mm;', ' height : 296.8mm;', '}' ].join('\n') }, { name : 'Square Page Size', icon : 'far fa-file', gen : ['/* Square Page Size */', '.phb {', ' width : 125mm;', ' height : 125mm;', ' padding : 12.5mm;', ' columns : unset;', '}', '' ].join('\n') }, { name : 'Ink Friendly', icon : 'fas fa-tint', gen : dedent` /* Ink Friendly */ .phb, .phb blockquote, .phb hr+blockquote { background : white; box-shadow : 0px 0px 3px; } .phb img { visibility : hidden; }` }, ] }, ];