import torch import gradio as gr from utils import * from torch import nn import lightning.pytorch as pl from torch.nn import functional as F device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' demo = gr.Interface( fn=generate_context, inputs=[ gr.Textbox("Once Upon a Time ...", label="Enter Prompt to continue generation"), gr.Slider(0.7, 1, value=0.8, label="Temperature", info="Parameter to controls the level of randomness in the sampling process . Higher values increases creativity",step=0.1), gr.Slider(100, 300, value=200, label="Top K", info="Limit the response to K next predictions",step=50), gr.Slider(10, 100, value=50, label="Max Tokens", info="Set value to get the output to max_values of tokens",step=10), ], outputs="text", examples = examples, ) demo.launch()