import gradio as gr transformer_model = "huggingface/google/vit-base-patch16-224" Instructuction = "Browse the internet to download any unique image" title="Simple Image classification playground" description = "Drop an image to classify, then observe how the machine learning model\ is able to show the percentages for different class predictions made." article = """ - Select an image from the examples provided as demo image - Click submit button to make Image classification - Click clear button to try new Image for classification """ # Gradio app design interface = gr.Interface.load( transformer_model, title = title, description = description, article = article, allow_flagging = "never", theme = "peach", live = False, examples=["examples-jpg/example_image1.png", "examples-jpg/example_image2.jpg", "examples-jpg/example_image3.jpg"] ) interface.launch()