# importing python modules. import streamlit as st import joblib import numpy as np import time # loading pickle files gotten from model lightgbm_pickle = open(r"./lightgbm.pickle", "rb") lgbm_model = joblib.load(lightgbm_pickle) # column name for each column in the diabetes dataset. column_names = ['cholesterol', 'glucose', 'hdl_chol', 'chol_hdl_ratio', 'age', 'gender', 'weight', 'height', 'bmi', 'systolic_bp', 'diastolic_bp', 'waist', 'hip', 'waist_hip_ratio', 'diabetes'] # function to receive user information. def inputs(): # creating form for data inputs. with st.form(key="diabetes_data"): name = st.text_input("Patient's Name: ") gender_obj = st.selectbox(label="Patient's Gender: ", options=["Male", "Female"]) if gender_obj == "Male": gender = 1 else: gender = 0 age = st.slider(label="Patient's Age: ", min_value=0, max_value=100) chol = st.slider(label="Patient's Cholesterol Level(mg/dL): ", min_value=40, max_value=400) glucose = st.slider(label="Patient's Sugar Level(mg/dL): ", min_value=40, max_value=250) height_cm = st.number_input(label="Patient's Height(cm): ") height = height_cm * 0.393701 weight_kg = st.number_input("Patient's Weight in(kg): ") weight = weight_kg * 2.205 hdl_chol = st.slider(label="Patient's HDL Cholesterol(mg/dL): ", min_value=0, max_value=100) waist = st.number_input("Patient's Waist Size(inches): ", step=1) hip = st.number_input("Patient's Hip Size(inches): ", step=1) systolic_bp = st.number_input(label="Patient's Systolic Blood Pressure(mmHg): ", step=1) diastolic_bp = st.number_input(label="Patient's Diastolic Blood Pressure(mmHg): ", step=1) submit = st.form_submit_button("Submit Test") if submit: bmi = weight_kg / ((height_cm / 100)**2) chol_hdl_ratio = chol / hdl_chol waist_hip_ratio = waist / hip patient_data = [chol, glucose, hdl_chol, chol_hdl_ratio, age, gender, weight, height, bmi, systolic_bp, diastolic_bp, waist, hip, waist_hip_ratio] else: patient_data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] return patient_data # function to create a dataframe and carry out prediction. def predict(var_name): pred = [var_name] np_pred = np.array(pred) score = lgbm_model.predict(np_pred) return score # function to run streamlit app def run(): st.title("Diabetes Test App") st.write("Diabetes is known as a very deadly disease if not diagnosed early. To make it easier for health " "practitioners to diagnose this disease early, previous data have been accumulated to predict an accurate " "result for new patients. " "The Doctor is to retrieve necessary information from the patients to carry out this test." " A diabetic patient should be notified early and should commence treatment immediately.") info = inputs() dia_score = predict(info) with st.spinner(text="Diagnosing....."): time.sleep(5) if dia_score == 0: st.error("Positive. Diabetes Diagnosed.") else: st.success("Negative. Diabetes not diagnosed.") if __name__ == "__main__": run()