from typing import Any, Union, Tuple, List, Dict import os import gc from functools import partial import jax import jax.numpy as jnp import numpy as np from flax.core.frozen_dict import FrozenDict from flax import jax_utils from import shard from PIL import Image import einops from diffusers import FlaxAutoencoderKL, FlaxUNet2DConditionModel from diffusers import ( FlaxDDIMScheduler, FlaxDDPMScheduler, FlaxPNDMScheduler, FlaxLMSDiscreteScheduler, FlaxDPMSolverMultistepScheduler, FlaxKarrasVeScheduler, FlaxScoreSdeVeScheduler ) from transformers import FlaxCLIPTextModel, CLIPTokenizer from .flax_impl.flax_unet_pseudo3d_condition import UNetPseudo3DConditionModel SchedulerType = Union[ FlaxDDIMScheduler, FlaxDDPMScheduler, FlaxPNDMScheduler, FlaxLMSDiscreteScheduler, FlaxDPMSolverMultistepScheduler, FlaxKarrasVeScheduler, FlaxScoreSdeVeScheduler ] def dtypestr(x: jnp.dtype): if x == jnp.float32: return 'float32' elif x == jnp.float16: return 'float16' elif x == jnp.bfloat16: return 'bfloat16' else: raise def castto(dtype, m, x): if dtype == jnp.float32: return m.to_fp32(x) elif dtype == jnp.float16: return m.to_fp16(x) elif dtype == jnp.bfloat16: return m.to_bf16(x) else: raise class InferenceUNetPseudo3D: def __init__(self, model_path: str, scheduler_cls: SchedulerType = FlaxDDIMScheduler, dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float16, hf_auth_token: Union[str, None] = None ) -> None: self.dtype = dtype self.model_path = model_path self.hf_auth_token = hf_auth_token self.params: Dict[str, FrozenDict[str, Any]] = {} try: import traceback print('initializing unet') unet, unet_params = UNetPseudo3DConditionModel.from_pretrained( self.model_path, subfolder = 'unet', from_pt = False, sample_size = (64, 64), dtype = self.dtype, param_dtype = dtypestr(self.dtype), use_memory_efficient_attention = True, use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) self.unet: UNetPseudo3DConditionModel = unet print('casting unet params') unet_params = castto(self.dtype, self.unet, unet_params) print('storing unet params') self.params['unet'] = FrozenDict(unet_params) print('deleting unet params') del unet_params except Exception as e: print(e) self.failed = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)) traceback.print_exc() return self.failed = False vae, vae_params = FlaxAutoencoderKL.from_pretrained( self.model_path, subfolder = 'vae', from_pt = True, dtype = self.dtype, use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) self.vae: FlaxAutoencoderKL = vae vae_params = castto(self.dtype, self.vae, vae_params) self.params['vae'] = FrozenDict(vae_params) del vae_params text_encoder = FlaxCLIPTextModel.from_pretrained( self.model_path, subfolder = 'text_encoder', from_pt = True, dtype = self.dtype, use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) text_encoder_params = text_encoder.params del text_encoder._params text_encoder_params = castto(self.dtype, text_encoder, text_encoder_params) self.text_encoder: FlaxCLIPTextModel = text_encoder self.params['text_encoder'] = FrozenDict(text_encoder_params) del text_encoder_params imunet, imunet_params = FlaxUNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained( 'runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5', subfolder = 'unet', from_pt = True, dtype = self.dtype, use_memory_efficient_attention = True, use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) imunet_params = castto(self.dtype, imunet, imunet_params) self.imunet: FlaxUNet2DConditionModel = imunet self.params['imunet'] = FrozenDict(imunet_params) del imunet_params self.tokenizer: CLIPTokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained( self.model_path, subfolder = 'tokenizer', use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) scheduler, scheduler_state = scheduler_cls.from_pretrained( self.model_path, subfolder = 'scheduler', dtype = jnp.float32, use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) self.scheduler: scheduler_cls = scheduler self.params['scheduler'] = scheduler_state self.vae_scale_factor: int = int(2 ** (len(self.vae.config.block_out_channels) - 1)) self.device_count = jax.device_count() gc.collect() def set_scheduler(self, scheduler_cls: SchedulerType) -> None: scheduler, scheduler_state = scheduler_cls.from_pretrained( self.model_path, subfolder = 'scheduler', dtype = jnp.float32, use_auth_token = self.hf_auth_token ) self.scheduler: scheduler_cls = scheduler self.params['scheduler'] = scheduler_state def prepare_inputs(self, prompt: List[str], neg_prompt: List[str], hint_image: List[Image.Image], mask_image: List[Image.Image], width: int, height: int ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: # prompt, neg_prompt, hint_image, mask_image tokens = self.tokenizer( prompt, truncation = True, return_overflowing_tokens = False, max_length = 77, #self.text_encoder.config.max_length defaults to 20 if its not in the config smh padding = 'max_length', return_tensors = 'np' ).input_ids tokens = jnp.array(tokens, dtype = jnp.int32) neg_tokens = self.tokenizer( neg_prompt, truncation = True, return_overflowing_tokens = False, max_length = 77, padding = 'max_length', return_tensors = 'np' ).input_ids neg_tokens = jnp.array(neg_tokens, dtype = jnp.int32) for i,im in enumerate(hint_image): if im.size != (width, height): hint_image[i] = hint_image[i].resize((width, height), resample = Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) for i,im in enumerate(mask_image): if im.size != (width, height): mask_image[i] = mask_image[i].resize((width, height), resample = Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) # b,h,w,c | c == 3 hint = jnp.concatenate( [ jnp.expand_dims(np.asarray(x.convert('RGB')), axis = 0) for x in hint_image ], axis = 0 ).astype(jnp.float32) # scale -1,1 hint = (hint / 255) * 2 - 1 # b,h,w,c | c == 1 mask = jnp.concatenate( [ jnp.expand_dims(np.asarray(x.convert('L')), axis = (0, -1)) for x in mask_image ], axis = 0 ).astype(jnp.float32) # scale -1,1 mask = (mask / 255) * 2 - 1 # binarize mask mask =[mask < 0.5].set(0) mask =[mask >= 0.5].set(1) # mask hint = hint * (mask < 0.5) # b,h,w,c -> b,c,h,w hint = hint.transpose((0,3,1,2)) mask = mask.transpose((0,3,1,2)) return tokens, neg_tokens, hint, mask def generate(self, prompt: Union[str, List[str]], inference_steps: int, hint_image: Union[Image.Image, List[Image.Image], None] = None, mask_image: Union[Image.Image, List[Image.Image], None] = None, neg_prompt: Union[str, List[str]] = '', cfg: float = 10.0, num_frames: int = 24, width: int = 512, height: int = 512, seed: int = 0 ) -> List[List[Image.Image]]: assert inference_steps > 0, f'number of inference steps must be > 0 but is {inference_steps}' assert num_frames > 0, f'number of frames must be > 0 but is {num_frames}' assert width % 32 == 0, f'width must be divisible by 32 but is {width}' assert height % 32 == 0, f'height must be divisible by 32 but is {height}' if isinstance(prompt, str): prompt = [ prompt ] batch_size = len(prompt) assert batch_size % self.device_count == 0, f'batch size must be multiple of {self.device_count}' if hint_image is None: hint_image ='RGB', (width, height), color = (0,0,0)) use_imagegen = True else: use_imagegen = False if isinstance(hint_image, Image.Image): hint_image = [ hint_image ] * batch_size assert len(hint_image) == batch_size, f'number of hint images must be equal to batch size {batch_size} but is {len(hint_image)}' if mask_image is None: mask_image ='L', hint_image[0].size, color = 0) if isinstance(mask_image, Image.Image): mask_image = [ mask_image ] * batch_size assert len(mask_image) == batch_size, f'number of mask images must be equal to batch size {batch_size} but is {len(mask_image)}' if isinstance(neg_prompt, str): neg_prompt = [ neg_prompt ] * batch_size assert len(neg_prompt) == batch_size, f'number of negative prompts must be equal to batch size {batch_size} but is {len(neg_prompt)}' tokens, neg_tokens, hint, mask = self.prepare_inputs( prompt = prompt, neg_prompt = neg_prompt, hint_image = hint_image, mask_image = mask_image, width = width, height = height ) # NOTE splitting rngs is not deterministic, # running on different device counts gives different seeds #rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) #rngs = jax.random.split(rng, self.device_count) # manually assign seeded RNGs to devices for reproducability rngs = jnp.array([ jax.random.PRNGKey(seed + i) for i in range(self.device_count) ]) params = jax_utils.replicate(self.params) tokens = shard(tokens) neg_tokens = shard(neg_tokens) hint = shard(hint) mask = shard(mask) images = _p_generate(self, tokens, neg_tokens, hint, mask, inference_steps, num_frames, height, width, cfg, rngs, params, use_imagegen ) if images.ndim == 5: images = einops.rearrange(images, 'd f c h w -> (d f) h w c') else: images = einops.rearrange(images, 'f c h w -> f h w c') # to cpu images = np.array(images) images = [ Image.fromarray(x) for x in images ] return images def _generate(self, tokens: jnp.ndarray, neg_tokens: jnp.ndarray, hint: jnp.ndarray, mask: jnp.ndarray, inference_steps: int, num_frames, height, width, cfg: float, rng: jax.random.KeyArray, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], FrozenDict[str, Any]], use_imagegen: bool ) -> List[Image.Image]: batch_size = tokens.shape[0] latent_h = height // self.vae_scale_factor latent_w = width // self.vae_scale_factor latent_shape = ( batch_size, self.vae.config.latent_channels, num_frames, latent_h, latent_w ) encoded_prompt = self.text_encoder(tokens, params = params['text_encoder'])[0] encoded_neg_prompt = self.text_encoder(neg_tokens, params = params['text_encoder'])[0] if use_imagegen: image_latent_shape = (batch_size, self.vae.config.latent_channels, latent_h, latent_w) image_latents = jax.random.normal( rng, shape = image_latent_shape, dtype = jnp.float32 ) * params['scheduler'].init_noise_sigma image_scheduler_state = self.scheduler.set_timesteps( params['scheduler'], num_inference_steps = inference_steps, shape = image_latents.shape ) def image_sample_loop(step, args): image_latents, image_scheduler_state = args t = image_scheduler_state.timesteps[step] tt = jnp.broadcast_to(t, image_latents.shape[0]) latents_input = self.scheduler.scale_model_input(image_scheduler_state, image_latents, t) noise_pred = self.imunet.apply( {'params': params['imunet']}, latents_input, tt, encoder_hidden_states = encoded_prompt ).sample noise_pred_uncond = self.imunet.apply( {'params': params['imunet']}, latents_input, tt, encoder_hidden_states = encoded_neg_prompt ).sample noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + cfg * (noise_pred - noise_pred_uncond) image_latents, image_scheduler_state = self.scheduler.step( image_scheduler_state, noise_pred.astype(jnp.float32), t, image_latents ).to_tuple() return image_latents, image_scheduler_state image_latents, _ = jax.lax.fori_loop( 0, inference_steps, image_sample_loop, (image_latents, image_scheduler_state) ) hint = image_latents else: hint = self.vae.apply( {'params': params['vae']}, hint, method = self.vae.encode ).latent_dist.mean * self.vae.config.scaling_factor # NOTE vae keeps channels last for encode, but rearranges to channels first for decode # b0 h1 w2 c3 -> b0 c3 h1 w2 hint = hint.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) hint = jnp.expand_dims(hint, axis = 2).repeat(num_frames, axis = 2) mask = jax.image.resize(mask, (*mask.shape[:-2], *hint.shape[-2:]), method = 'nearest') mask = jnp.expand_dims(mask, axis = 2).repeat(num_frames, axis = 2) # NOTE jax normal distribution is shit with float16 + bfloat16 # SEE # generate random at float32 latents = jax.random.normal( rng, shape = latent_shape, dtype = jnp.float32 ) * params['scheduler'].init_noise_sigma scheduler_state = self.scheduler.set_timesteps( params['scheduler'], num_inference_steps = inference_steps, shape = latents.shape ) def sample_loop(step, args): latents, scheduler_state = args t = scheduler_state.timesteps[step]#jnp.array(scheduler_state.timesteps, dtype = jnp.int32)[step] tt = jnp.broadcast_to(t, latents.shape[0]) latents_input = self.scheduler.scale_model_input(scheduler_state, latents, t) latents_input = jnp.concatenate([latents_input, mask, hint], axis = 1) noise_pred = self.unet.apply( { 'params': params['unet'] }, latents_input, tt, encoded_prompt ).sample noise_pred_uncond = self.unet.apply( { 'params': params['unet'] }, latents_input, tt, encoded_neg_prompt ).sample noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + cfg * (noise_pred - noise_pred_uncond) latents, scheduler_state = self.scheduler.step( scheduler_state, noise_pred.astype(jnp.float32), t, latents ).to_tuple() return latents, scheduler_state latents, _ = jax.lax.fori_loop( 0, inference_steps, sample_loop, (latents, scheduler_state) ) latents = 1 / self.vae.config.scaling_factor * latents latents = einops.rearrange(latents, 'b c f h w -> (b f) c h w') num_images = len(latents) images_out = jnp.zeros( ( num_images, self.vae.config.out_channels, height, width ), dtype = self.dtype ) def decode_loop(step, images_out): # NOTE vae keeps channels last for encode, but rearranges to channels first for decode im = self.vae.apply( { 'params': params['vae'] }, jnp.expand_dims(latents[step], axis = 0), method = self.vae.decode ).sample images_out =[step].set(im[0]) return images_out images_out = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, num_images, decode_loop, images_out) images_out = ((images_out / 2 + 0.5) * 255).round().clip(0, 255).astype(jnp.uint8) return images_out @partial( jax.pmap, in_axes = ( # 0 -> split across batch dim, None -> duplicate None, # 0 inference_class 0, # 1 tokens 0, # 2 neg_tokens 0, # 3 hint 0, # 4 mask None, # 5 inference_steps None, # 6 num_frames None, # 7 height None, # 8 width None, # 9 cfg 0, # 10 rng 0, # 11 params None, # 12 use_imagegen ), static_broadcasted_argnums = ( # trigger recompilation on change 0, # inference_class 5, # inference_steps 6, # num_frames 7, # height 8, # width 12, # use_imagegen ) ) def _p_generate( inference_class: InferenceUNetPseudo3D, tokens, neg_tokens, hint, mask, inference_steps, num_frames, height, width, cfg, rng, params, use_imagegen ): return inference_class._generate( tokens, neg_tokens, hint, mask, inference_steps, num_frames, height, width, cfg, rng, params, use_imagegen )