import weaviate import langchain import apscheduler import tempfile import gradio as gr from langchain.embeddings import CohereEmbeddings from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredFileLoader from langchain.vectorstores import Weaviate from langchain.llms import OpenAI from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA import os import urllib.request import ssl import mimetypes from dotenv import load_dotenv import cohere from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler import time # Load environment variables load_dotenv() openai_api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI') cohere_api_key = os.getenv('COHERE') weaviate_api_key = os.getenv('WEAVIATE') weaviate_url = os.getenv('WEAVIATE_URL') weaviate_username = os.getenv('WEAVIATE_USERNAME') weaviate_password = os.getenv('WEAVIATE_PASSWORD') # Function to refresh authentication def refresh_authentication(): global my_credentials, client my_credentials = weaviate.auth.AuthClientPassword(username=weaviate_username, password=weaviate_password) client = weaviate.Client(weaviate_url, auth_client_secret=my_credentials) # Initialize the scheduler for authentication refresh scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(refresh_authentication, 'interval', minutes=30) scheduler.start() # Initial authentication refresh_authentication() Article = { "class": "Article", "description": "A class representing articles in the application", "properties": [ { "name": "title", "description": "The title of the article", "dataType": ["text"] }, { "name": "content", "description": "The content of the article", "dataType": ["text"] }, { "name": "author", "description": "The author of the article", "dataType": ["text"] }, { "name": "publishDate", "description": "The date the article was published", "dataType": ["date"] } ], # "vectorIndexType": "hnsw", # "vectorizer": "text2vec-contextionary" } # Function to check if a class exists in the schema def class_exists(class_name): try: existing_schema = client.schema.get() existing_classes = [cls["class"] for cls in existing_schema["classes"]] return class_name in existing_classes except Exception as e: print(f"Error checking if class exists: {e}") return False # Check if 'Article' class already exists if not class_exists("Article"): # Create the schema if 'Article' class does not exist try: client.schema.create(schema) except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating schema: {e}") else: print("Class 'Article' already exists in the schema.") # Initialize the schema schema = { "classes": [Article] } # Check if 'Article' class already exists if not class_exists("Article"): # Create the schema if 'Article' class does not exist try: client.schema.create(schema) except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating schema: {e}") else: # Retrieve the existing schema if 'Article' class exists try: existing_schema = client.schema.get() print("Existing schema retrieved:", existing_schema) except Exception as e: print(f"Error retrieving existing schema: {e}") # Initialize vectorstore vectorstore = Weaviate(client, index_name="HereChat", text_key="text") vectorstore._query_attrs = ["text", "title", "url", "views", "lang", "_additional {distance}"] vectorstore.embedding = CohereEmbeddings(model="embed-multilingual-v2.0", cohere_api_key=cohere_api_key) # Initialize Cohere client co = cohere.Client(api_key=cohere_api_key) def embed_pdf(file, filename, collection_name, file_type): # Check the file type and handle accordingly if file_type == "URL": # Download the file from the URL try: context = ssl._create_unverified_context() with urllib.request.urlopen(file, context=context) as response, open(filename, 'wb') as out_file: data = out_file.write(data) file_path = filename except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Error downloading file from URL: {e}"} elif file_type == "Binary": # Handle binary file if isinstance(file, str): # Convert string to bytes if necessary file = file.encode() file_content = file file_path = os.path.join('./', filename) with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(file_content) else: return {"error": "Invalid file type"} # Checking filetype for document parsing mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path)[0] loader = UnstructuredFileLoader(file_path) docs = loader.load() # Generate embeddings and store documents in Weaviate embeddings = CohereEmbeddings(model="embed-multilingual-v2.0", cohere_api_key=cohere_api_key) for doc in docs: embedding = embeddings.embed([doc['text']]) weaviate_document = { "text": doc['text'], "embedding": embedding } client.data_object.create(data_object=weaviate_document, class_name=collection_name) # Clean up if a temporary file was created if isinstance(file, bytes): os.remove(file_path) return {"message": f"Documents embedded in Weaviate collection '{collection_name}'"} def retrieve_info(query): llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=openai_api_key) qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm, retriever=vectorstore.as_retriever()) # Retrieve initial results initial_results = qa({"query": query}) # Assuming initial_results are in the desired format, extract the top documents top_docs = initial_results[:25] # Adjust this if your result format is different # Rerank the top results reranked_results = co.rerank(query=query, documents=top_docs, top_n=3, model='rerank-english-v2.0') # Format the reranked results according to the Article schema formatted_results = [] for idx, r in enumerate(reranked_results): formatted_result = { "Document Rank": idx + 1, "Title": r.document['title'], "Content": r.document['content'], "Author": r.document['author'], "Publish Date": r.document['publishDate'], "Relevance Score": f"{r.relevance_score:.2f}" } formatted_results.append(formatted_result) return {"results": formatted_results} # Format the reranked results and append to user prompt user_prompt = f"User: {query}\n" for idx, r in enumerate(reranked_results): user_prompt += f"Document {idx + 1}: {r.document['text']}\nRelevance Score: {r.relevance_score:.2f}\n\n" # Final API call to OpenAI final_response = model="gpt-4-1106-preview", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You are a redditor. Assess, rephrase, and explain the following. Provide long answers. Use the same words and language you receive." }, { "role": "user", "content": user_prompt } ], temperature=1.63, max_tokens=2240, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=1.73, presence_penalty=1.76 ) return final_response.choices[0].text def combined_interface(query, file, collection_name): if query: article_info = retrieve_info(query) return article_info elif file is not None and collection_name: filename = file[1] # Extract filename file_content = file[0] # Extract file content # Check if file_content is a URL or binary data if isinstance(file_content, str) and file_content.startswith("http"): file_type = "URL" # Handle URL case (if needed) else: file_type = "Binary" # Write binary data to a temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) as temp_file: temp_file.write(file_content) temp_filepath = # Pass the file path to embed_pdf result = embed_pdf(temp_filepath, collection_name) # Clean up the temporary file os.remove(temp_filepath) return result else: return "Please enter a query or upload a PDF file and specify a collection name." iface = gr.Interface( fn=combined_interface, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Query"), gr.File(label="PDF File"), gr.Textbox(label="Collection Name") ], outputs="text" ) iface.launch()