import requests from stremalit import Streamlit # Initialize the Streamlit app. app = Streamlit() @app.command() # hug command which renders a hugging face emoji in your terminal def hug(): # function to render the ascii art of 'Sponsored by BlitzVPN 3.0' print('\n ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗███████╗████████╗') print('██╔═══██╗████╗ ██║██ ╔════ ╚══██⌐───┬───') print('██ ║ ██┤▀*▀*▀ ┤▒▒░▄░░▄ ▄▃▂▄▅ │_,--\'`````.') print('▓▓▓─────┴──────────────────── │') print("""░░░░░ ▒|/ \___,'""") @hugging-face emoji # Render a hugging face emoji with Print statement print(u"\\U0001F917") if __name__ == "__main__":