import argparse import hashlib import math import os import random from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.utils.checkpoint from accelerate import Accelerator from accelerate.logging import get_logger from accelerate.utils import ProjectConfiguration, set_seed from huggingface_hub import create_repo, upload_folder from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from import Dataset from torchvision import transforms from import tqdm from transformers import CLIPTextModel, CLIPTokenizer from diffusers import AutoencoderKL, DDPMScheduler, StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline, UNet2DConditionModel from diffusers.loaders import AttnProcsLayers from diffusers.models.attention_processor import LoRAAttnProcessor from diffusers.optimization import get_scheduler from diffusers.utils import check_min_version from diffusers.utils.import_utils import is_xformers_available # Will error if the minimal version of diffusers is not installed. Remove at your own risks. check_min_version("0.13.0.dev0") logger = get_logger(__name__) def prepare_mask_and_masked_image(image, mask): image = np.array(image.convert("RGB")) image = image[None].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) image = torch.from_numpy(image).to(dtype=torch.float32) / 127.5 - 1.0 mask = np.array(mask.convert("L")) mask = mask.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 mask = mask[None, None] mask[mask < 0.5] = 0 mask[mask >= 0.5] = 1 mask = torch.from_numpy(mask) masked_image = image * (mask < 0.5) return mask, masked_image # generate random masks def random_mask(im_shape, ratio=1, mask_full_image=False): mask ="L", im_shape, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) size = (random.randint(0, int(im_shape[0] * ratio)), random.randint(0, int(im_shape[1] * ratio))) # use this to always mask the whole image if mask_full_image: size = (int(im_shape[0] * ratio), int(im_shape[1] * ratio)) limits = (im_shape[0] - size[0] // 2, im_shape[1] - size[1] // 2) center = (random.randint(size[0] // 2, limits[0]), random.randint(size[1] // 2, limits[1])) draw_type = random.randint(0, 1) if draw_type == 0 or mask_full_image: draw.rectangle( (center[0] - size[0] // 2, center[1] - size[1] // 2, center[0] + size[0] // 2, center[1] + size[1] // 2), fill=255, ) else: draw.ellipse( (center[0] - size[0] // 2, center[1] - size[1] // 2, center[0] + size[0] // 2, center[1] + size[1] // 2), fill=255, ) return mask def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple example of a training script.") parser.add_argument( "--pretrained_model_name_or_path", type=str, default=None, required=True, help="Path to pretrained model or model identifier from", ) parser.add_argument( "--tokenizer_name", type=str, default=None, help="Pretrained tokenizer name or path if not the same as model_name", ) parser.add_argument( "--instance_data_dir", type=str, default=None, required=True, help="A folder containing the training data of instance images.", ) parser.add_argument( "--class_data_dir", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="A folder containing the training data of class images.", ) parser.add_argument( "--instance_prompt", type=str, default=None, help="The prompt with identifier specifying the instance", ) parser.add_argument( "--class_prompt", type=str, default=None, help="The prompt to specify images in the same class as provided instance images.", ) parser.add_argument( "--with_prior_preservation", default=False, action="store_true", help="Flag to add prior preservation loss.", ) parser.add_argument("--prior_loss_weight", type=float, default=1.0, help="The weight of prior preservation loss.") parser.add_argument( "--num_class_images", type=int, default=100, help=( "Minimal class images for prior preservation loss. If not have enough images, additional images will be" " sampled with class_prompt." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", type=str, default="dreambooth-inpaint-model", help="The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written.", ) parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=None, help="A seed for reproducible training.") parser.add_argument( "--resolution", type=int, default=512, help=( "The resolution for input images, all the images in the train/validation dataset will be resized to this" " resolution" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--center_crop", default=False, action="store_true", help=( "Whether to center crop the input images to the resolution. If not set, the images will be randomly" " cropped. The images will be resized to the resolution first before cropping." ), ) parser.add_argument("--train_text_encoder", action="store_true", help="Whether to train the text encoder") parser.add_argument( "--train_batch_size", type=int, default=4, help="Batch size (per device) for the training dataloader." ) parser.add_argument( "--sample_batch_size", type=int, default=4, help="Batch size (per device) for sampling images." ) parser.add_argument("--num_train_epochs", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument( "--max_train_steps", type=int, default=None, help="Total number of training steps to perform. If provided, overrides num_train_epochs.", ) parser.add_argument( "--gradient_accumulation_steps", type=int, default=1, help="Number of updates steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass.", ) parser.add_argument( "--gradient_checkpointing", action="store_true", help="Whether or not to use gradient checkpointing to save memory at the expense of slower backward pass.", ) parser.add_argument( "--learning_rate", type=float, default=5e-6, help="Initial learning rate (after the potential warmup period) to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--scale_lr", action="store_true", default=False, help="Scale the learning rate by the number of GPUs, gradient accumulation steps, and batch size.", ) parser.add_argument( "--lr_scheduler", type=str, default="constant", help=( 'The scheduler type to use. Choose between ["linear", "cosine", "cosine_with_restarts", "polynomial",' ' "constant", "constant_with_warmup"]' ), ) parser.add_argument( "--lr_warmup_steps", type=int, default=500, help="Number of steps for the warmup in the lr scheduler." ) parser.add_argument( "--use_8bit_adam", action="store_true", help="Whether or not to use 8-bit Adam from bitsandbytes." ) parser.add_argument("--adam_beta1", type=float, default=0.9, help="The beta1 parameter for the Adam optimizer.") parser.add_argument("--adam_beta2", type=float, default=0.999, help="The beta2 parameter for the Adam optimizer.") parser.add_argument("--adam_weight_decay", type=float, default=1e-2, help="Weight decay to use.") parser.add_argument("--adam_epsilon", type=float, default=1e-08, help="Epsilon value for the Adam optimizer") parser.add_argument("--max_grad_norm", default=1.0, type=float, help="Max gradient norm.") parser.add_argument("--push_to_hub", action="store_true", help="Whether or not to push the model to the Hub.") parser.add_argument("--hub_token", type=str, default=None, help="The token to use to push to the Model Hub.") parser.add_argument( "--hub_model_id", type=str, default=None, help="The name of the repository to keep in sync with the local `output_dir`.", ) parser.add_argument( "--logging_dir", type=str, default="logs", help=( "[TensorBoard]( log directory. Will default to" " *output_dir/runs/**CURRENT_DATETIME_HOSTNAME***." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--mixed_precision", type=str, default="no", choices=["no", "fp16", "bf16"], help=( "Whether to use mixed precision. Choose" "between fp16 and bf16 (bfloat16). Bf16 requires PyTorch >= 1.10." "and an Nvidia Ampere GPU." ), ) parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=-1, help="For distributed training: local_rank") parser.add_argument( "--checkpointing_steps", type=int, default=500, help=( "Save a checkpoint of the training state every X updates. These checkpoints can be used both as final" " checkpoints in case they are better than the last checkpoint and are suitable for resuming training" " using `--resume_from_checkpoint`." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--checkpoints_total_limit", type=int, default=None, help=( "Max number of checkpoints to store. Passed as `total_limit` to the `Accelerator` `ProjectConfiguration`." " See Accelerator::save_state" " for more docs" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--resume_from_checkpoint", type=str, default=None, help=( "Whether training should be resumed from a previous checkpoint. Use a path saved by" ' `--checkpointing_steps`, or `"latest"` to automatically select the last available checkpoint.' ), ) parser.add_argument( "--enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention", action="store_true", help="Whether or not to use xformers." ) args = parser.parse_args() env_local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", -1)) if env_local_rank != -1 and env_local_rank != args.local_rank: args.local_rank = env_local_rank if args.instance_data_dir is None: raise ValueError("You must specify a train data directory.") if args.with_prior_preservation: if args.class_data_dir is None: raise ValueError("You must specify a data directory for class images.") if args.class_prompt is None: raise ValueError("You must specify prompt for class images.") return args class DreamBoothDataset(Dataset): """ A dataset to prepare the instance and class images with the prompts for fine-tuning the model. It pre-processes the images and the tokenizes prompts. """ def __init__( self, instance_data_root, instance_prompt, tokenizer, class_data_root=None, class_prompt=None, size=512, center_crop=False, ): self.size = size self.center_crop = center_crop self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.instance_data_root = Path(instance_data_root) if not self.instance_data_root.exists(): raise ValueError("Instance images root doesn't exists.") self.instance_images_path = list(Path(instance_data_root).iterdir()) self.num_instance_images = len(self.instance_images_path) self.instance_prompt = instance_prompt self._length = self.num_instance_images if class_data_root is not None: self.class_data_root = Path(class_data_root) self.class_data_root.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.class_images_path = list(self.class_data_root.iterdir()) self.num_class_images = len(self.class_images_path) self._length = max(self.num_class_images, self.num_instance_images) self.class_prompt = class_prompt else: self.class_data_root = None self.image_transforms_resize_and_crop = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize(size, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR), transforms.CenterCrop(size) if center_crop else transforms.RandomCrop(size), ] ) self.image_transforms = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.5], [0.5]), ] ) def __len__(self): return self._length def __getitem__(self, index): example = {} instance_image =[index % self.num_instance_images]) if not instance_image.mode == "RGB": instance_image = instance_image.convert("RGB") instance_image = self.image_transforms_resize_and_crop(instance_image) example["PIL_images"] = instance_image example["instance_images"] = self.image_transforms(instance_image) example["instance_prompt_ids"] = self.tokenizer( self.instance_prompt, padding="do_not_pad", truncation=True, max_length=self.tokenizer.model_max_length, ).input_ids if self.class_data_root: class_image =[index % self.num_class_images]) if not class_image.mode == "RGB": class_image = class_image.convert("RGB") class_image = self.image_transforms_resize_and_crop(class_image) example["class_images"] = self.image_transforms(class_image) example["class_PIL_images"] = class_image example["class_prompt_ids"] = self.tokenizer( self.class_prompt, padding="do_not_pad", truncation=True, max_length=self.tokenizer.model_max_length, ).input_ids return example class PromptDataset(Dataset): "A simple dataset to prepare the prompts to generate class images on multiple GPUs." def __init__(self, prompt, num_samples): self.prompt = prompt self.num_samples = num_samples def __len__(self): return self.num_samples def __getitem__(self, index): example = {} example["prompt"] = self.prompt example["index"] = index return example def main(): args = parse_args() logging_dir = Path(args.output_dir, args.logging_dir) accelerator_project_config = ProjectConfiguration(total_limit=args.checkpoints_total_limit) accelerator = Accelerator( gradient_accumulation_steps=args.gradient_accumulation_steps, mixed_precision=args.mixed_precision, log_with="tensorboard", logging_dir=logging_dir, accelerator_project_config=accelerator_project_config, ) # Currently, it's not possible to do gradient accumulation when training two models with accelerate.accumulate # This will be enabled soon in accelerate. For now, we don't allow gradient accumulation when training two models. # TODO (patil-suraj): Remove this check when gradient accumulation with two models is enabled in accelerate. if args.train_text_encoder and args.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1 and accelerator.num_processes > 1: raise ValueError( "Gradient accumulation is not supported when training the text encoder in distributed training. " "Please set gradient_accumulation_steps to 1. This feature will be supported in the future." ) if args.seed is not None: set_seed(args.seed) if args.with_prior_preservation: class_images_dir = Path(args.class_data_dir) if not class_images_dir.exists(): class_images_dir.mkdir(parents=True) cur_class_images = len(list(class_images_dir.iterdir())) if cur_class_images < args.num_class_images: torch_dtype = torch.float16 if accelerator.device.type == "cuda" else torch.float32 pipeline = StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline.from_pretrained( args.pretrained_model_name_or_path, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, safety_checker=None ) pipeline.set_progress_bar_config(disable=True) num_new_images = args.num_class_images - cur_class_images"Number of class images to sample: {num_new_images}.") sample_dataset = PromptDataset(args.class_prompt, num_new_images) sample_dataloader = sample_dataset, batch_size=args.sample_batch_size, num_workers=1 ) sample_dataloader = accelerator.prepare(sample_dataloader) transform_to_pil = transforms.ToPILImage() for example in tqdm( sample_dataloader, desc="Generating class images", disable=not accelerator.is_local_main_process ): bsz = len(example["prompt"]) fake_images = torch.rand((3, args.resolution, args.resolution)) transform_to_pil = transforms.ToPILImage() fake_pil_images = transform_to_pil(fake_images) fake_mask = random_mask((args.resolution, args.resolution), ratio=1, mask_full_image=True) images = pipeline(prompt=example["prompt"], mask_image=fake_mask, image=fake_pil_images).images for i, image in enumerate(images): hash_image = hashlib.sha1(image.tobytes()).hexdigest() image_filename = class_images_dir / f"{example['index'][i] + cur_class_images}-{hash_image}.jpg" del pipeline if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Handle the repository creation if accelerator.is_main_process: if args.output_dir is not None: os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True) if args.push_to_hub: repo_id = create_repo( repo_id=args.hub_model_id or Path(args.output_dir).name, exist_ok=True, token=args.hub_token ).repo_id # Load the tokenizer if args.tokenizer_name: tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.tokenizer_name) elif args.pretrained_model_name_or_path: tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.pretrained_model_name_or_path, subfolder="tokenizer") # Load models and create wrapper for stable diffusion text_encoder = CLIPTextModel.from_pretrained(args.pretrained_model_name_or_path, subfolder="text_encoder") vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(args.pretrained_model_name_or_path, subfolder="vae") unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained(args.pretrained_model_name_or_path, subfolder="unet") # We only train the additional adapter LoRA layers vae.requires_grad_(False) text_encoder.requires_grad_(False) unet.requires_grad_(False) weight_dtype = torch.float32 if args.mixed_precision == "fp16": weight_dtype = torch.float16 elif args.mixed_precision == "bf16": weight_dtype = torch.bfloat16 # Move text_encode and vae to gpu. # For mixed precision training we cast the text_encoder and vae weights to half-precision # as these models are only used for inference, keeping weights in full precision is not required., dtype=weight_dtype), dtype=weight_dtype), dtype=weight_dtype) if args.enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention: if is_xformers_available(): unet.enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention() else: raise ValueError("xformers is not available. Make sure it is installed correctly") # now we will add new LoRA weights to the attention layers # It's important to realize here how many attention weights will be added and of which sizes # The sizes of the attention layers consist only of two different variables: # 1) - the "hidden_size", which is increased according to `unet.config.block_out_channels`. # 2) - the "cross attention size", which is set to `unet.config.cross_attention_dim`. # Let's first see how many attention processors we will have to set. # For Stable Diffusion, it should be equal to: # - down blocks (2x attention layers) * (2x transformer layers) * (3x down blocks) = 12 # - mid blocks (2x attention layers) * (1x transformer layers) * (1x mid blocks) = 2 # - up blocks (2x attention layers) * (3x transformer layers) * (3x down blocks) = 18 # => 32 layers # Set correct lora layers lora_attn_procs = {} for name in unet.attn_processors.keys(): cross_attention_dim = None if name.endswith("attn1.processor") else unet.config.cross_attention_dim if name.startswith("mid_block"): hidden_size = unet.config.block_out_channels[-1] elif name.startswith("up_blocks"): block_id = int(name[len("up_blocks.")]) hidden_size = list(reversed(unet.config.block_out_channels))[block_id] elif name.startswith("down_blocks"): block_id = int(name[len("down_blocks.")]) hidden_size = unet.config.block_out_channels[block_id] lora_attn_procs[name] = LoRAAttnProcessor(hidden_size=hidden_size, cross_attention_dim=cross_attention_dim) unet.set_attn_processor(lora_attn_procs) lora_layers = AttnProcsLayers(unet.attn_processors) accelerator.register_for_checkpointing(lora_layers) if args.scale_lr: args.learning_rate = ( args.learning_rate * args.gradient_accumulation_steps * args.train_batch_size * accelerator.num_processes ) # Use 8-bit Adam for lower memory usage or to fine-tune the model in 16GB GPUs if args.use_8bit_adam: try: import bitsandbytes as bnb except ImportError: raise ImportError( "To use 8-bit Adam, please install the bitsandbytes library: `pip install bitsandbytes`." ) optimizer_class = bnb.optim.AdamW8bit else: optimizer_class = torch.optim.AdamW optimizer = optimizer_class( lora_layers.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate, betas=(args.adam_beta1, args.adam_beta2), weight_decay=args.adam_weight_decay, eps=args.adam_epsilon, ) noise_scheduler = DDPMScheduler.from_pretrained(args.pretrained_model_name_or_path, subfolder="scheduler") train_dataset = DreamBoothDataset( instance_data_root=args.instance_data_dir, instance_prompt=args.instance_prompt, class_data_root=args.class_data_dir if args.with_prior_preservation else None, class_prompt=args.class_prompt, tokenizer=tokenizer, size=args.resolution, center_crop=args.center_crop, ) def collate_fn(examples): input_ids = [example["instance_prompt_ids"] for example in examples] pixel_values = [example["instance_images"] for example in examples] # Concat class and instance examples for prior preservation. # We do this to avoid doing two forward passes. if args.with_prior_preservation: input_ids += [example["class_prompt_ids"] for example in examples] pixel_values += [example["class_images"] for example in examples] pior_pil = [example["class_PIL_images"] for example in examples] masks = [] masked_images = [] for example in examples: pil_image = example["PIL_images"] # generate a random mask mask = random_mask(pil_image.size, 1, False) # prepare mask and masked image mask, masked_image = prepare_mask_and_masked_image(pil_image, mask) masks.append(mask) masked_images.append(masked_image) if args.with_prior_preservation: for pil_image in pior_pil: # generate a random mask mask = random_mask(pil_image.size, 1, False) # prepare mask and masked image mask, masked_image = prepare_mask_and_masked_image(pil_image, mask) masks.append(mask) masked_images.append(masked_image) pixel_values = torch.stack(pixel_values) pixel_values = input_ids = tokenizer.pad({"input_ids": input_ids}, padding=True, return_tensors="pt").input_ids masks = torch.stack(masks) masked_images = torch.stack(masked_images) batch = {"input_ids": input_ids, "pixel_values": pixel_values, "masks": masks, "masked_images": masked_images} return batch train_dataloader = train_dataset, batch_size=args.train_batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_fn ) # Scheduler and math around the number of training steps. overrode_max_train_steps = False num_update_steps_per_epoch = math.ceil(len(train_dataloader) / args.gradient_accumulation_steps) if args.max_train_steps is None: args.max_train_steps = args.num_train_epochs * num_update_steps_per_epoch overrode_max_train_steps = True lr_scheduler = get_scheduler( args.lr_scheduler, optimizer=optimizer, num_warmup_steps=args.lr_warmup_steps * args.gradient_accumulation_steps, num_training_steps=args.max_train_steps * args.gradient_accumulation_steps, ) # Prepare everything with our `accelerator`. lora_layers, optimizer, train_dataloader, lr_scheduler = accelerator.prepare( lora_layers, optimizer, train_dataloader, lr_scheduler ) # accelerator.register_for_checkpointing(lr_scheduler) # We need to recalculate our total training steps as the size of the training dataloader may have changed. num_update_steps_per_epoch = math.ceil(len(train_dataloader) / args.gradient_accumulation_steps) if overrode_max_train_steps: args.max_train_steps = args.num_train_epochs * num_update_steps_per_epoch # Afterwards we recalculate our number of training epochs args.num_train_epochs = math.ceil(args.max_train_steps / num_update_steps_per_epoch) # We need to initialize the trackers we use, and also store our configuration. # The trackers initializes automatically on the main process. if accelerator.is_main_process: accelerator.init_trackers("dreambooth-inpaint-lora", config=vars(args)) # Train! total_batch_size = args.train_batch_size * accelerator.num_processes * args.gradient_accumulation_steps"***** Running training *****")" Num examples = {len(train_dataset)}")" Num batches each epoch = {len(train_dataloader)}")" Num Epochs = {args.num_train_epochs}")" Instantaneous batch size per device = {args.train_batch_size}")" Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = {total_batch_size}")" Gradient Accumulation steps = {args.gradient_accumulation_steps}")" Total optimization steps = {args.max_train_steps}") global_step = 0 first_epoch = 0 if args.resume_from_checkpoint: if args.resume_from_checkpoint != "latest": path = os.path.basename(args.resume_from_checkpoint) else: # Get the most recent checkpoint dirs = os.listdir(args.output_dir) dirs = [d for d in dirs if d.startswith("checkpoint")] dirs = sorted(dirs, key=lambda x: int(x.split("-")[1])) path = dirs[-1] if len(dirs) > 0 else None if path is None: accelerator.print( f"Checkpoint '{args.resume_from_checkpoint}' does not exist. Starting a new training run." ) args.resume_from_checkpoint = None else: accelerator.print(f"Resuming from checkpoint {path}") accelerator.load_state(os.path.join(args.output_dir, path)) global_step = int(path.split("-")[1]) resume_global_step = global_step * args.gradient_accumulation_steps first_epoch = global_step // num_update_steps_per_epoch resume_step = resume_global_step % (num_update_steps_per_epoch * args.gradient_accumulation_steps) # Only show the progress bar once on each machine. progress_bar = tqdm(range(global_step, args.max_train_steps), disable=not accelerator.is_local_main_process) progress_bar.set_description("Steps") for epoch in range(first_epoch, args.num_train_epochs): unet.train() for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): # Skip steps until we reach the resumed step if args.resume_from_checkpoint and epoch == first_epoch and step < resume_step: if step % args.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: progress_bar.update(1) continue with accelerator.accumulate(unet): # Convert images to latent space latents = vae.encode(batch["pixel_values"].to(dtype=weight_dtype)).latent_dist.sample() latents = latents * vae.config.scaling_factor # Convert masked images to latent space masked_latents = vae.encode( batch["masked_images"].reshape(batch["pixel_values"].shape).to(dtype=weight_dtype) ).latent_dist.sample() masked_latents = masked_latents * vae.config.scaling_factor masks = batch["masks"] # resize the mask to latents shape as we concatenate the mask to the latents mask = torch.stack( [ torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask, size=(args.resolution // 8, args.resolution // 8)) for mask in masks ] ) mask = mask.reshape(-1, 1, args.resolution // 8, args.resolution // 8) # Sample noise that we'll add to the latents noise = torch.randn_like(latents) bsz = latents.shape[0] # Sample a random timestep for each image timesteps = torch.randint(0, noise_scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps, (bsz,), device=latents.device) timesteps = timesteps.long() # Add noise to the latents according to the noise magnitude at each timestep # (this is the forward diffusion process) noisy_latents = noise_scheduler.add_noise(latents, noise, timesteps) # concatenate the noised latents with the mask and the masked latents latent_model_input =[noisy_latents, mask, masked_latents], dim=1) # Get the text embedding for conditioning encoder_hidden_states = text_encoder(batch["input_ids"])[0] # Predict the noise residual noise_pred = unet(latent_model_input, timesteps, encoder_hidden_states).sample # Get the target for loss depending on the prediction type if noise_scheduler.config.prediction_type == "epsilon": target = noise elif noise_scheduler.config.prediction_type == "v_prediction": target = noise_scheduler.get_velocity(latents, noise, timesteps) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown prediction type {noise_scheduler.config.prediction_type}") if args.with_prior_preservation: # Chunk the noise and noise_pred into two parts and compute the loss on each part separately. noise_pred, noise_pred_prior = torch.chunk(noise_pred, 2, dim=0) target, target_prior = torch.chunk(target, 2, dim=0) # Compute instance loss loss = F.mse_loss(noise_pred.float(), target.float(), reduction="none").mean([1, 2, 3]).mean() # Compute prior loss prior_loss = F.mse_loss(noise_pred_prior.float(), target_prior.float(), reduction="mean") # Add the prior loss to the instance loss. loss = loss + args.prior_loss_weight * prior_loss else: loss = F.mse_loss(noise_pred.float(), target.float(), reduction="mean") accelerator.backward(loss) if accelerator.sync_gradients: params_to_clip = lora_layers.parameters() accelerator.clip_grad_norm_(params_to_clip, args.max_grad_norm) optimizer.step() lr_scheduler.step() optimizer.zero_grad() # Checks if the accelerator has performed an optimization step behind the scenes if accelerator.sync_gradients: progress_bar.update(1) global_step += 1 if global_step % args.checkpointing_steps == 0: if accelerator.is_main_process: save_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, f"checkpoint-{global_step}") accelerator.save_state(save_path)"Saved state to {save_path}") logs = {"loss": loss.detach().item(), "lr": lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0]} progress_bar.set_postfix(**logs) accelerator.log(logs, step=global_step) if global_step >= args.max_train_steps: break accelerator.wait_for_everyone() # Save the lora layers if accelerator.is_main_process: unet = unet.save_attn_procs(args.output_dir) if args.push_to_hub: upload_folder( repo_id=repo_id, folder_path=args.output_dir, commit_message="End of training", ignore_patterns=["step_*", "epoch_*"], ) accelerator.end_training() if __name__ == "__main__": main()