# BigData and Models .nlpia2-data *.joblib *.pickle *.faiss # FIXME: move these to .nlpia2-data and create index with URLs in data sources.yml src/nlpia2/data/big # DL models *.pt **/checkpoints/ **/checkpoint/ # src/nlpia2/data db.sqlite3 *.bz2 *.zip *.pkl *.npy *.pkl **/simple-transformers **/albert-large-* /char_rnn_from_scratch_refactored.meta.json # submodules src/wikipedia src/nessvec # Temporary and binary files condaenv.*.requirements.txt *~ *.py[cod] *.so *.cfg !.isort.cfg *.orig *.log disaster_tweets_cnn_pipeline*.json *.pot .pytest_cache/* __pycache__/* .DS_* .cache/* .*.swp .ipynb_checkpoints */.ipynb_checkpoints/* .coverage* cache_dir/ pyproject.toml.bak # repo2docker .ipython .jupyter .jupyter-server-log.txt # pypi package setup files # pyproject must not be in root dir for `pip install -e .` to work # pyproject.toml # !scripts/pyproject.toml # !setup.cfg # Internal working cache for poetry poetry.lock # Project files .ropeproject .project .pydevproject .settings .idea .vscode tags *.code-workspace *.sublime-workspace # Package files *.egg *.eggs/ .installed.cfg *.egg-info # Unittest and coverage htmlcov/* .coverage .tox junit.xml coverage.xml .pytest_cache/ pytest-results* # Build and docs folder/files build/* dist/* sdist/* docs/api/* docs/_rst/* docs/_build/* cover/* runs/* MANIFEST # Mac __MACOSX # KDE .directory # Per-project virtualenvs .venv*/ venv/ # docs html docs/**/*.html # secrets .env **/*secret* **/*private* # Big Data src/nlpia2/data/meuller/*.pdf # other git repos src/nlpia2/ch08/nlpia-rnn/ src/nlpia2/ch08/huggingface-spaces-nlpia-rnn/