import gradio as gr import spacy # noqa from mathtext.nlutils import text2int, get_sentiment def build_html_block(): with gr.Blocks() as html_block: gr.Markdown("# Rori - Mathbot") with gr.Tab("Text to integer"): inputs_text2int = [gr.Text( placeholder="Type a number as text or a sentence", label="Text to process", value="forty two")] outputs_text2int = gr.Textbox(label="Output integer") button_text2int = gr.Button("text2int") fn=text2int, inputs=inputs_text2int, outputs=outputs_text2int, api_name="text2int", ) examples_text2int = [ "one thousand forty seven", "one hundred", ] gr.Examples(examples=examples_text2int, inputs=inputs_text2int) gr.Markdown(r""" ## API ```python import requests url="", json={"data": ["one hundred forty five"]} ).json() ``` Or using `curl`: ```bash curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data": ["one hundred forty five"]}' ``` """) with gr.Tab("Sentiment Analysis"): inputs_sentiment = [ gr.Text(placeholder="Type a number as text or a sentence", label="Text to process", value="I really like it!"), ] outputs_sentiment = gr.Textbox(label="Sentiment result") button_sentiment = gr.Button("sentiment analysis") get_sentiment, inputs=inputs_sentiment, outputs=outputs_sentiment, api_name="sentiment-analysis" ) examples_sentiment = [ ["Totally agree!"], ["Sorry, I can not accept this!"], ] gr.Examples(examples=examples_sentiment, inputs=inputs_sentiment) gr.Markdown(r""" ## API ```python import requests url="", json={"data": ["You are right!"]} ).json() ``` Or using `curl`: ```bash curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data": ["You are right!"]}' ``` """) return html_block # interface = gr.Interface(lambda x: x, inputs=["text"], outputs=["text"]) # html_block.input_components = interface.input_components # html_block.output_components = interface.output_components # html_block.examples = None # html_block.predict_durations = [] if __name__ == "__main__": html_block = build_html_block() html_block.launch()