import streamlit as st # Create a list to hold messages messages = [] # Define a function to handle form submissions def handle_form_submit(form_data): message = form_data["message"] messages.append(message) # Define the layout of the app st.title("Scrollable Output and Submitable Form") st.write("Enter a message below and click 'Submit' to add it to the output:") # Add the input form form = st.form(key="message_form") message_input = form.text_input(label="Message:") submit_button = form.form_submit_button(label="Submit", on_click=handle_form_submit, args=(form_data,)) st.write("") # Add the output window if len(messages) > 0: st.write("Output:") with st.beta_container(): for message in messages: st.write("- " + message) else: st.write("No messages yet.") """import pexpect import time # Start the other program child = pexpect.spawn("python", encoding='utf-8', timeout=None) while True: child.expect(">>>>>") print(child.before) child.sendline(input(">>>>>"))"""