# Gradio Model Server Skeleton This repository contains a Gradio skeleton application which can be used to rapid prototype a demonstration app for your next machine learning/deep learning model. To experiment and get a feeling on how to use this skeleton, a sample YOLOv5 object detection model is included in this proejct. Follow the installation and setup instructions to run the deep learning application. ## Pre-requisite & Setup Ensure to have a Python environment before setting up, preferably Python 3.8+. ```sh apt-get update apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y ``` ```sh pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ```sh # for dev env, hot-reloading is enabled gradio app.py # for testing/UAT/prod env, ensure port number is cleared python app.py --host --port 7860 ``` ## Docker alternative Alternatively, you can use docker to containerize the Gradio application. ```sh # REQUIRED export docker_repo_name=gradio-ml-skeleton export docker_tag=dev_latest # build an image from Dockerfile sh build_docker.sh ``` ```sh # creates a container layer over the image sh launch_docker.sh ``` ## Application Preview Preview