It is December 31, 2023. You are an investor interested in purchasing individual stocks. You understand and accept the associated risks, and you’ve come to consult a financial advisor for guidance on which stocks may suit your needs.
This stage aims to explore and deepen the understanding of your investment preferences. Your financial advisor will ask several questions to better understand your investment goals and preferences. You don’t need to have a preference for every aspect of investing. If you’re asked about a topic where you have no preference, simply say, “I don’t have a preference on this topic.” Note that this stage focuses on your investment preferences. Specific details about individual stocks should be discussed during the financial decision stage.
Feel free to ask questions for clarification if there is anything you do not understand in what the advisor says. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the advice provided.
To interact with the financial advisor, first push the Start Conversation button. Then, type your message in the User Input textbox and press the Send This Message to Advisor button. If the response from the financial advisor is cut off due to word limitations, press the Show More of the Advisor’s Answer button to have the advisor continue the conversation. If you already have enough information to make a decision, you don’t need to press the Show More of the Advisor’s Answer button.