const manifest = [ { name: "App One", description: "This is the first app.", installUrl: "#", iconUrl: "" }, { name: "App Two", description: "This is the second app.", installUrl: "#", iconUrl: "" }, { name: "App Three", description: "This is the third app.", installUrl: "#", iconUrl: "" }, { name: "App Four", description: "This is the fourth app.", installUrl: "#", iconUrl: "" } ]; function renderAppList() { const listContainer = document.getElementById('app-list-container'); listContainer.innerHTML = ''; manifest.forEach((app, index) => { const item = document.createElement('div'); item.className = 'grid-item'; item.innerHTML = ` ${}


`; item.addEventListener('click', () => showAppDetail(index)); listContainer.appendChild(item); }); } function renderAppDetail(app) { const detail = document.createElement('div'); detail.className = 'detail-view active'; = 'app-detail'; const name = document.createElement('h2'); name.textContent =; const description = document.createElement('p'); description.textContent = app.description; const installButton = document.createElement('button'); installButton.textContent = 'Install'; installButton.addEventListener('click', () => { window.location.href = app.installUrl; }); detail.appendChild(name); detail.appendChild(description); detail.appendChild(installButton); return detail; } function showAppDetail(index) { const detailView = document.getElementById('app-detail'); if (detailView) { detailView.remove(); } const appDetail = renderAppDetail(manifest[index]); document.getElementById('app').appendChild(appDetail); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { renderAppList(); document.getElementById('browse-button').addEventListener('click', () => { const detailView = document.getElementById('app-detail'); if (detailView) { detailView.remove(); } }); });