--- title: Logic Translator emoji: 🏢 colorFrom: yellow colorTo: gray sdk: gradio sdk_version: 3.0.17 app_file: app.py pinned: true --- ## :hand: Intro This is a simple string replacement program dedicated for typing logic symbols. Since those symbols are not on our keyboard, typing them is a little bit cumbersome. This tool allows you to type English to get them. Have fun! > Permalink: https://huggingface.co/spaces/TIMAX/Logic-Translator ## :information_source: Usage Input your FOL sentence in the box of **string**. If you want to type a specific logic symbol at some point of your FOL sentence, just type its corresponding tag (uppercase English words) instead, and keep everything else the same. | Logic Symbol | Tag | | :----------: | :---: | | ∧ | AND | | ∨ | OR | | ¬ | NOT | | ⊕ | XR | | → | IMPLY | | ↔ | EQUIV | | ∀ | ALL | | ∃ | EXIST | The translation is **real-time**. After your input is finished, you can directly copy the result in the box of **output**. Note that you can input **multi-line** sentences! You will find five examples of using them below the boxes. ## :scroll: Source Code Very simple. The core of it is just like: ```python def logic(string: str): for word, symbol in logic_dict.items(): string = string.replace(word, symbol) return string ``` where `logic_dict` stores all the translation between tags and logic symbols. The user interface is built with [Gradio](https://gradio.app/). ## :warning:Notice Please don’t include the ==exact same uppercase spelling== of any of the tags in your FOL sentence if you don’t mean it, or the program will replace them without thinking. For example, it your input sentence is: **WALL(berlin wall)** meaning “berlin wall is a wall”, the program output would be **W∀(berlin wall)** with the **ALL** after **W** replaced by **∀**, which is not what you want. ## :email: Contact If you notice any problem or have any suggestion, please contact me through [E-mail](mailto:qi11@illinois.edu) or Slack. Thanks!