import json import os import gradio as gr import requests APIKEY = os.environ.get("APIKEY") APISECRET = os.environ.get("APISECRET") def predict(prompt, lang, seed, out_seq_length, temperature, top_k, top_p): global APIKEY global APISECRET if prompt == '': return 'Input should not be empty!' url = '' payload = json.dumps({ "apikey" : APIKEY, "apisecret" : APISECRET, "prompt" : prompt, "lang" : lang, "out_seq_lengt": out_seq_length, "seed" : seed, "temperature" : temperature, "top_k" : top_k, "top_p" : top_p }) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } try: response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=(20, 100)).json() except Exception as e: return 'Timeout! Please wait a few minutes and retry' if response['status'] == 1: return response['message'] answer = response['result']['output']['code'][0] return prompt + answer def main(): gr.close_all() examples = [] with open("./example_inputs.jsonl", "r") as f: for line in f: examples.append(list(json.loads(line).values())) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown( """# CodeGeeX: A Multilingual Code Generation Model We introduce CodeGeeX, a large-scale multilingual code generation model with 13 billion parameters, pre-trained on a large code corpus of more than 20 programming languages. CodeGeeX was trained on more than 850 billion tokens on a cluster of 1,536 [Ascend 910 AI Processors]( CodeGeeX supports 15+ programming languages for both code generation and code translation. CodeGeeX is open source, please refer to our [GitHub]( for more details. This is a minimal-functional DEMO, for other DEMOs like code translation, please visit our [Homepage]( We also offer a free [VS Code extension]( for full functionality. """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): prompt = gr.Textbox(lines=13, placeholder='Input', label='Input') with gr.Row(): gen = gr.Button("Generate") clr = gr.Button("Clear") outputs = gr.Textbox(lines=15, label='Output') gr.Markdown( """ Generation Parameter """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): lang = gr.Radio( choices=["C++", "C", "C#", "Python", "Java", "HTML", "PHP", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Go", "Rust", "SQL", "Kotlin", "R", "Fortran"], value='lang', label='Programming Language', default="Python") with gr.Column(): seed = gr.Slider(maximum=10000, value=43, step=1, label='Seed') out_seq_length = gr.Slider(maximum=1024, value=256, minimum=1, step=1, label='Output Sequence Length') temperature = gr.Slider(maximum=1, value=0.9, minimum=0, label='Temperature') top_k = gr.Slider(maximum=40, value=0, minimum=0, step=1, label='Top K') top_p = gr.Slider(maximum=1, value=1.0, minimum=0, label='Top P') inputs = [prompt, lang, seed, out_seq_length, temperature, top_k, top_p], inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) value: gr.update(value=""), inputs=clr, outputs=prompt) gr_examples = gr.Examples(examples=examples, inputs=[prompt, lang], label="Example Inputs (Click to insert an examplet it into the input box)", examples_per_page=20) gr.Markdown("![visitors](") demo.launch() if __name__ == '__main__': main()