import os from datetime import datetime import ee import json import geemap import numpy as np import geemap.foliumap as gee_folium import leafmap.foliumap as leaf_folium import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely.ops import transform from functools import reduce import as px import branca.colormap as cm st.set_page_config(layout="wide") m = st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Logo cols = st.columns([1, 7, 1]) with cols[0]: st.image("Final_IITGN-Logo-symmetric-Color.png") with cols[-1]: st.image("IFS.jpg") # Title # make title in center with cols[1]: st.markdown( f"""

Vrinda (वृन्दा): Interactive Vegetation Index Analyzer

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) ############################################ # Hyperparameters ############################################ st.write("

User Inputs

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("Select the vegetation indices to calculate:") all_veg_indices = ["NDVI", "EVI", "EVI2"] formulas = { "NDVI": r"$\frac{NIR - Red}{NIR + Red}$", "EVI": r"$G \times \frac{NIR - Red}{NIR + C1 \times Red - C2 \times Blue + L}$", "EVI2": r"$G \times \frac{NIR - Red}{NIR + L + C \times Red}$", } defaults = [True, False, False] veg_indices = [] for veg_index, default in zip(all_veg_indices, defaults): if st.checkbox(f"{veg_index} = {formulas[veg_index]}", value=default): veg_indices.append(veg_index) with st.expander("EVI/EVI2 Parameters"): st.write("Select the parameters for the EVI/EVI2 calculation (default is as per EVI's Wikipedia page)") cols = st.columns(5) evi_vars = {} for col, name, default in zip(cols, ["G", "C1", "C2", "L", "C"], [2.5, 6, 7.5, 1, 2.4]): value = col.number_input(f"{name}", value=default) evi_vars[name] = value ############################################ # Functions ############################################ def daterange_str_to_dates(daterange_str): start_date, end_date = daterange_str.split("-") start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) end_date = pd.to_datetime(end_date) return start_date, end_date def daterange_dates_to_str(start_date, end_date): return f"{start_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')}-{end_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')}" def daterange_str_to_year(daterange_str): start_date, _ = daterange_str.split("-") year = pd.to_datetime(start_date).year return year def shape_3d_to_2d(shape): if shape.has_z: return transform(lambda x, y, z: (x, y), shape) else: return shape def preprocess_gdf(gdf): gdf = gdf.to_crs(epsg=7761) # epsg for Gujarat gdf["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"].apply(shape_3d_to_2d) return gdf def check_valid_geometry(geometry_gdf): geometry = geometry_gdf.geometry.item() if geometry.type != "Polygon": st.error(f"Selected geometry is of type '{geometry.type}'. Please provide a 'Polygon' geometry.") st.stop() def add_geometry_to_maps(map_list, opacity=0.0): for m in map_list: m.add_gdf( buffer_geometry_gdf, layer_name="Geometry Buffer", style_function=lambda x: {"color": "red", "fillOpacity": opacity, "fillColor": "red"}, ) m.add_gdf( geometry_gdf, layer_name="Geometry", style_function=lambda x: {"color": "blue", "fillOpacity": opacity, "fillColor": "blue"}, ) def get_dem_slope_maps(buffer_ee_geometry): # Create the map for DEM dem_map = gee_folium.Map() dem_map.add_tile_layer( wayback_mapping[latest_date], name=f"Esri Wayback - {latest_date.replace('-', '/')}", attribution="Esri" ) dem_layer = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003") # Set the target resolution to 10 meters target_resolution = 10 dem_layer = ( dem_layer.resample("bilinear").reproject(crs="EPSG:4326", scale=target_resolution).clip(buffer_ee_geometry) ) # Generate contour lines using elevation thresholds terrain = ee.Algorithms.Terrain(dem_layer) contour_interval = 1 contours = ("elevation").subtract("elevation").mod(contour_interval)).rename("contours") ) # Calculate the minimum and maximum values stats = contours.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.minMax(), scale=30, maxPixels=1e13) max_value = stats.get("contours_max").getInfo() min_value = stats.get("contours_min").getInfo() vis_params = {"min": min_value, "max": max_value, "palette": ["blue", "green", "yellow", "red"]} dem_map.addLayer(contours, vis_params, "Contours") # Create a colormap colormap = cm.LinearColormap(colors=vis_params["palette"], vmin=vis_params["min"], vmax=vis_params["max"]) dem_map.add_child(colormap) # Create the map for Slope slope_map = gee_folium.Map() slope_map.add_tile_layer( wayback_mapping[latest_date], name=f"Esri Wayback - {latest_date.replace('-', '/')}", attribution="Esri" ) # Calculate slope from the DEM slope_layer = ( ee.Terrain.slope( ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003").resample("bilinear").reproject(crs="EPSG:4326", scale=target_resolution) ) .clip(buffer_ee_geometry) .rename("slope") ) # Calculate the minimum and maximum values stats = slope_layer.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.minMax(), scale=30, maxPixels=1e13) max_value = stats.get("slope_max").getInfo() min_value = stats.get("slope_min").getInfo() vis_params = {"min": min_value, "max": max_value, "palette": ["blue", "green", "yellow", "red"]} slope_map.addLayer(slope_layer, vis_params, "Slope Layer") # Create a colormap colormap = cm.LinearColormap(colors=vis_params["palette"], vmin=vis_params["min"], vmax=vis_params["max"]) slope_map.add_child(colormap) return dem_map, slope_map def add_indices(image, nir_band, red_band, blue_band): # Add negative cloud neg_cloud ="MSK_CLDPRB").multiply(-1).rename("Neg_MSK_CLDPRB") nir = red = blue = numerator = nir.subtract(red) ndvi = (numerator).divide(nir.add(red)).rename("NDVI").clamp(-1, 1) # EVI formula taken from: denominator = nir.add(red.multiply(evi_vars["C1"])).subtract(blue.multiply(evi_vars["C2"])).add(evi_vars["L"]) evi = numerator.divide(denominator).multiply(evi_vars["G"]).rename("EVI").clamp(-1, 1) evi2 = ( numerator.divide(nir.add(evi_vars["L"]).add(red.multiply(evi_vars["C"]))) .multiply(evi_vars["G"]) .rename("EVI2") .clamp(-1, 1) ) return image.addBands([neg_cloud, ndvi, evi, evi2]) def process_date(daterange, satellite, veg_indices): start_date, end_date = daterange daterange_str = daterange_dates_to_str(start_date, end_date) prefix = f"Processing {satellite} - {daterange_str}" try: attrs = satellites[satellite] collection = attrs["collection"] collection = collection.filterBounds(buffer_ee_geometry) collection = collection.filterDate(start_date, end_date) bucket = {} for veg_index in veg_indices: mosaic_veg_index = collection.qualityMosaic(veg_index) fc = geemap.zonal_stats( mosaic_veg_index, ee_feature_collection, scale=attrs["scale"], return_fc=True ).getInfo() mean_veg_index = fc["features"][0]["properties"][veg_index] bucket[veg_index] = mean_veg_index fc = geemap.zonal_stats( mosaic_veg_index, buffer_ee_feature_collection, scale=attrs["scale"], return_fc=True ).getInfo() buffer_mean_veg_index = fc["features"][0]["properties"][veg_index] bucket[f"{veg_index}_buffer"] = buffer_mean_veg_index bucket[f"{veg_index}_ratio"] = mean_veg_index / buffer_mean_veg_index bucket[f"mosaic_{veg_index}"] = mosaic_veg_index # Get median mosaic bucket["mosaic_visual_max_ndvi"] = collection.qualityMosaic("NDVI") bucket["mosaic_visual_median"] = collection.median() bucket["image_visual_least_cloud"] = collection.sort("CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE").first() if satellite == "COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED": cloud_mask_probability = fc["features"][0]["properties"]["MSK_CLDPRB"] / 100 else: cloud_mask_probability = None bucket["Cloud (0 to 1)"] = cloud_mask_probability result_df.loc[daterange_str, list(bucket.keys())] = list(bucket.values()) count = collection.size().getInfo() suffix = f" - Processed {count} images" write_info(f"{prefix}{suffix}") except Exception as e: print(e) suffix = f" - Imagery not available" write_info(f"{prefix}{suffix}") def write_info(info): st.write(f"{info}", unsafe_allow_html=True) ############################################ # One time setup ############################################ def one_time_setup(): credentials_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/earthengine/credentials") if os.path.exists(credentials_path): pass # Earth Engine credentials already exist elif "EE" in os.environ: # write the credentials to the file ee_credentials = os.environ.get("EE") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(credentials_path), exist_ok=True) with open(credentials_path, "w") as f: f.write(ee_credentials) else: raise ValueError( f"Earth Engine credentials not found at {credentials_path} or in the environment variable 'EE'" ) ee.Initialize() satellites = { "COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED": { "scale": 10, "collection": ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED") .select( ["B2", "B4", "B8", "MSK_CLDPRB", "TCI_R", "TCI_G", "TCI_B"], ["Blue", "Red", "NIR", "MSK_CLDPRB", "R", "G", "B"], ) .map(lambda image: add_indices(image, nir_band="NIR", red_band="Red", blue_band="Blue")), }, } st.session_state.satellites = satellites with open("wayback_imagery.json") as f: st.session_state.wayback_mapping = json.load(f) if "one_time_setup_done" not in st.session_state: one_time_setup() st.session_state.one_time_setup_done = True satellites = st.session_state.satellites wayback_mapping = st.session_state.wayback_mapping ############################################ # App ############################################ # Input: Satellite Sources st.write("Select the satellite sources:") satellite_selected = {} for satellite in satellites: satellite_selected[satellite] = st.checkbox(satellite, value=True, disabled=True) # Date range input max_year = jan_1 = pd.to_datetime(f"{max_year}/01/01", format="%Y/%m/%d") dec_31 = pd.to_datetime(f"{max_year}/12/31", format="%Y/%m/%d") nov_15 = pd.to_datetime(f"{max_year}/11/15", format="%Y/%m/%d") dec_15 = pd.to_datetime(f"{max_year}/12/15", format="%Y/%m/%d") input_daterange = st.date_input( "Date Range (Ignore year. App will compute indices for all possible years)", (nov_15, dec_15), jan_1, dec_31 ) min_year = int(st.number_input("Minimum Year", value=2019, min_value=2015, step=1)) max_year = int(st.number_input("Maximum Year", value=max_year, min_value=2015, step=1)) # Input: GeoJSON/KML file file_url = st.query_params.get("file_url", None) if file_url is None: file_url = st.file_uploader("Upload KML/GeoJSON file", type=["geojson", "kml", "shp"]) if file_url is None: st.stop() if isinstance(file_url, str): if file_url.startswith(""): ID = file_url.replace("", "").split("/")[0] file_url = f"{ID}" elif file_url.startswith(""): ID = file_url.replace("", "") file_url = f"{ID}" buffer = st.number_input("Buffer (m)", value=50, min_value=0, step=1) input_gdf = preprocess_gdf(gpd.read_file(file_url)) # Input: Geometry def format_fn(x): return input_gdf.drop(columns=["geometry"]).loc[x].to_dict() input_geometry_idx = st.selectbox("Select the geometry", input_gdf.index, format_func=format_fn) geometry_gdf = input_gdf[input_gdf.index == input_geometry_idx] check_valid_geometry(geometry_gdf) outer_geometry_gdf = geometry_gdf.copy() outer_geometry_gdf["geometry"] = outer_geometry_gdf["geometry"].buffer(buffer) buffer_geometry_gdf = ( outer_geometry_gdf.difference(geometry_gdf).reset_index().drop(columns="index") ) # reset index forces GeoSeries to GeoDataFrame buffer_geometry_gdf["Name"] = "Buffer" # Derived Inputs ee_geometry = ee.Geometry(geometry_gdf.to_crs(4326).geometry.item().__geo_interface__) ee_feature_collection = ee.FeatureCollection(ee_geometry) buffer_ee_geometry = ee.Geometry(buffer_geometry_gdf.to_crs(4326).geometry.item().__geo_interface__) buffer_ee_feature_collection = ee.FeatureCollection(buffer_ee_geometry) # visualize the geometry m = leaf_folium.Map() keys = list(wayback_mapping.keys()) latest_date = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x))[-1] m.add_tile_layer( wayback_mapping[latest_date], name=f"Esri Wayback - {latest_date.replace('-', '/')}", attribution="Esri" ) # m.add_layer(buffer_ee_feature_collection) add_geometry_to_maps([m], opacity=0.3) write_info( f"""
Latest Esri Imagery - {latest_date.replace('-', '/')}
""" ) m.to_streamlit() # Generate stats stats_df = pd.DataFrame( { "Area (m^2)": geometry_gdf.area.item(), "Perimeter (m)": geometry_gdf.length.item(), "Points": json.loads(geometry_gdf.to_crs(4326).to_json())["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"], } ) st.write("

Geometry Metrics

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown( f"""| Metric | Value | | --- | --- | | Area (m^2) | {stats_df['Area (m^2)'].item():.2f} m^2 = {stats_df['Area (m^2)'].item()/10000:.2f} ha | | Perimeter (m) | {stats_df['Perimeter (m)'].item():.2f} m | | Points | {stats_df['Points'][0]} | """ ) stats_csv = stats_df.to_csv(index=False) st.download_button("Download Geometry Metrics", stats_csv, "geometry_metrics.csv", "text/csv", use_container_width=True) # Submit submit = st.button("Calculate Vegetation Indices", use_container_width=True) st.write("


", unsafe_allow_html=True) if submit: if not any(satellite_selected.values()): st.error("Please select at least one satellite source") st.stop() # Create range start_day = input_daterange[0].day start_month = input_daterange[0].month end_day = input_daterange[1].day end_month = input_daterange[1].month dates = [] for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1): start_date = pd.to_datetime(f"{year}-{start_month:02d}-{start_day:02d}") end_date = pd.to_datetime(f"{year}-{end_month:02d}-{end_day:02d}") dates.append((start_date, end_date)) result_df = pd.DataFrame() for satellite, attrs in satellites.items(): if not satellite_selected[satellite]: continue with st.spinner(f"Processing {satellite} ..."): progress_bar = st.progress(0) for i, daterange in enumerate(dates): process_date(daterange, satellite, veg_indices) progress_bar.progress((i + 1) / len(dates)) st.session_state.result = result_df print("Printing result...") if "result" in st.session_state: result_df = st.session_state.result print(result_df.columns) # drop rows with all NaN values result_df = result_df.dropna(how="all") # drop columns with all NaN values result_df = result_df.dropna(axis=1, how="all") print(result_df.columns) print(result_df.head(2)) # df.reset_index(inplace=True) # df.index = pd.to_datetime(df["index"], format="%Y-%m") for column in result_df.columns: result_df[column] = pd.to_numeric(result_df[column], errors="ignore") df_numeric = result_df.select_dtypes(include=["float64"]) st.write(df_numeric) df_numeric_csv = df_numeric.to_csv(index=True) st.download_button( "Download Time Series Data", df_numeric_csv, "vegetation_indices.csv", "text/csv", use_container_width=True ) df_numeric.index = [daterange_str_to_year(daterange) for daterange in df_numeric.index] for veg_index in veg_indices: fig = px.line(df_numeric, y=[veg_index, f"{veg_index}_buffer"], markers=True) fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(tickvals=df_numeric.index, ticktext=df_numeric.index)) st.plotly_chart(fig) st.write( "

Visual Comparison between Two Years

", unsafe_allow_html=True ) cols = st.columns(2) with cols[0]: year_1 = st.selectbox("Year 1", result_df.index, index=0, format_func=lambda x: daterange_str_to_year(x)) with cols[1]: year_2 = st.selectbox( "Year 2", result_df.index, index=len(result_df.index) - 1, format_func=lambda x: daterange_str_to_year(x) ) vis_params = {"min": 0, "max": 1, "palette": ["white", "green"]} # Example visualisation for Sentinel-2 # Create a colormap and name it as NDVI colormap = cm.LinearColormap(colors=vis_params["palette"], vmin=vis_params["min"], vmax=vis_params["max"]) for veg_index in veg_indices: st.write(f"


", unsafe_allow_html=True) cols = st.columns(2) for col, daterange_str in zip(cols, [year_1, year_2]): mosaic = result_df.loc[daterange_str, f"mosaic_{veg_index}"] with col: m = gee_folium.Map() veg_index_layer = gee_folium.ee_tile_layer(mosaic, {"bands": [veg_index], "min": 0, "max": 1}) if satellite == "COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED": min_all = 0 max_all = 255 else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown satellite: {satellite}") m.add_layer(, vis_params) # add colorbar # m.add_colorbar(colors=["#000000", "#00FF00"], vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) add_geometry_to_maps([m]) m.add_child(colormap) m.to_streamlit() for name, key in zip( ["RGB (Least Cloud Tile Crop)", "RGB (Max NDVI Mosaic)", "RGB (Median Mosaic)"], ["image_visual_least_cloud", "mosaic_visual_max_ndvi", "mosaic_visual_median"], ): st.write(f"


", unsafe_allow_html=True) cols = st.columns(2) for col, daterange_str in zip(cols, [year_1, year_2]): start_date, end_date = daterange_str_to_dates(daterange_str) mid_date = start_date + (end_date - start_date) / 2 esri_date = min(wayback_mapping.keys(), key=lambda x: abs(pd.to_datetime(x) - mid_date)) with col: m = gee_folium.Map() visual_mosaic = result_df.loc[daterange_str, key] # visual_layer = gee_folium.ee_tile_layer(mosaic, {"bands": ["R", "G", "B"], "min": min_all, "max": max_all}) m.add_layer(["R", "G", "B"])) add_geometry_to_maps([m]) m.to_streamlit() st.write("

Esri RGB Imagery

", unsafe_allow_html=True) cols = st.columns(2) for col, daterange_str in zip(cols, [year_1, year_2]): start_date, end_date = daterange_str_to_dates(daterange_str) mid_date = start_date + (end_date - start_date) / 2 esri_date = min(wayback_mapping.keys(), key=lambda x: abs(pd.to_datetime(x) - mid_date)) with col: m = leaf_folium.Map() m.add_tile_layer(wayback_mapping[esri_date], name=f"Esri Wayback Imagery - {esri_date}", attribution="Esri") add_geometry_to_maps([m]) write_info( f"""
Esri Imagery - {esri_date.replace('-', '/')}
""" ) m.to_streamlit() st.write( "

DEM and Slope from SRTM at 30m resolution

", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) cols = st.columns(2) dem_map, slope_map = get_dem_slope_maps( ee.Geometry(buffer_geometry_gdf.to_crs(4326).geometry.item().__geo_interface__) ) for col, param_map, title in zip(cols, [dem_map, slope_map], ["DEM Map", "Slope Map"]): with col: add_geometry_to_maps([param_map]) write_info( f"""
""" ) param_map.to_streamlit()