from tabnanny import verbose import torch import math from audiocraft.models import MusicGen import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageColor import string import tempfile import os import textwrap import requests from io import BytesIO from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download INTERRUPTING = False def separate_audio_segments(audio, segment_duration=30, overlap=1): sr, audio_data = audio[0], audio[1] total_samples = min(len(audio_data), 25) segment_samples = sr * segment_duration overlap_samples = sr * overlap segments = [] start_sample = 0 while total_samples >= segment_samples: # Collect the segment # the end sample is the start sample plus the segment samples, # the start sample, after 0, is minus the overlap samples to account for the overlap end_sample = start_sample + segment_samples segment = audio_data[start_sample:end_sample] segments.append((sr, segment)) start_sample += segment_samples - overlap_samples total_samples -= segment_samples # Collect the final segment if total_samples > 0: segment = audio_data[-segment_samples:] segments.append((sr, segment)) print(f"separate_audio_segments: {len(segments)} segments") return segments def generate_music_segments(text, melody, seed, MODEL, duration:int=10, overlap:int=1, segment_duration:int=30): # generate audio segments melody_segments = separate_audio_segments(melody, segment_duration, 0) # Create a list to store the melody tensors for each segment melodys = [] output_segments = [] last_chunk = [] text += ", seed=" + str(seed) # Calculate the total number of segments total_segments = max(math.ceil(duration / segment_duration),1) #calculate duration loss from segment overlap duration_loss = max(total_segments - 1,0) * math.ceil(overlap / 2) #calc excess duration excess_duration = segment_duration - (total_segments * segment_duration - duration) print(f"total Segments to Generate: {total_segments} for {duration} seconds. Each segment is {segment_duration} seconds. Excess {excess_duration} Overlap Loss {duration_loss}") duration += duration_loss while excess_duration + duration_loss > segment_duration: total_segments += 1 #calculate duration loss from segment overlap duration_loss = max(total_segments - 1,0) * math.ceil(overlap / 2) #calc excess duration excess_duration = segment_duration - (total_segments * segment_duration - duration) print(f"total Segments to Generate: {total_segments} for {duration} seconds. Each segment is {segment_duration} seconds. Excess {excess_duration} Overlap Loss {duration_loss}") if excess_duration + duration_loss > segment_duration: duration += duration_loss # If melody_segments is shorter than total_segments, repeat the segments until the total_segments is reached if len(melody_segments) < total_segments: #fix melody_segments for i in range(total_segments - len(melody_segments)): segment = melody_segments[i] melody_segments.append(segment) print(f"melody_segments: {len(melody_segments)} fixed") # Iterate over the segments to create list of Meldoy tensors for segment_idx in range(total_segments): if INTERRUPTING: return [], duration print(f"segment {segment_idx + 1} of {total_segments} \r") sr, verse = melody_segments[segment_idx][0], torch.from_numpy(melody_segments[segment_idx][1]).to(MODEL.device).float().t().unsqueeze(0) print(f"shape:{verse.shape} dim:{verse.dim()}") if verse.dim() == 2: verse = verse[None] verse = verse[..., :int(sr * MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration)] # Append the segment to the melodys list melodys.append(verse) torch.manual_seed(seed) for idx, verse in enumerate(melodys): if INTERRUPTING: return output_segments, duration print(f'Segment duration: {segment_duration}, duration: {duration}, overlap: {overlap} Overlap Loss: {duration_loss}') # Compensate for the length of final segment if (idx + 1) == len(melodys): print(f'Modify Last verse length, duration: {duration}, overlap: {overlap} Overlap Loss: {duration_loss}') MODEL.set_generation_params( use_sampling=True, top_k=MODEL.generation_params["top_k"], top_p=MODEL.generation_params["top_p"], temperature=MODEL.generation_params["temp"], cfg_coef=MODEL.generation_params["cfg_coef"], duration=duration, two_step_cfg=False, rep_penalty=0.5 ) try: # get last chunk verse = verse[:, :, -duration*MODEL.sample_rate:] prompt_segment = prompt_segment[:, :, -duration*MODEL.sample_rate:] except: # get first chunk verse = verse[:, :, :duration*MODEL.sample_rate] prompt_segment = prompt_segment[:, :, :duration*MODEL.sample_rate] else: MODEL.set_generation_params( use_sampling=True, top_k=MODEL.generation_params["top_k"], top_p=MODEL.generation_params["top_p"], temperature=MODEL.generation_params["temp"], cfg_coef=MODEL.generation_params["cfg_coef"], duration=segment_duration, two_step_cfg=False, rep_penalty=0.5 ) # Generate a new prompt segment based on the first verse. This will be applied to all segments for consistency if idx == 0: print(f"Generating New Prompt Segment: {text}\r") prompt_segment = MODEL.generate_with_all( descriptions=[text], melody_wavs=verse, sample_rate=sr, progress=False, prompt=None, ) print(f"Generating New Melody Segment {idx + 1}: {text}\r") output = MODEL.generate_with_all( descriptions=[text], melody_wavs=verse, sample_rate=sr, progress=False, prompt=prompt_segment, ) # Append the generated output to the list of segments #output_segments.append(output[:, :segment_duration]) output_segments.append(output) print(f"output_segments: {len(output_segments)}: shape: {output.shape} dim {output.dim()}") #track duration if duration > segment_duration: duration -= segment_duration return output_segments, excess_duration def save_image(image): """ Saves a PIL image to a temporary file and returns the file path. Parameters: - image: PIL.Image The PIL image object to be saved. Returns: - str or None: The file path where the image was saved, or None if there was an error saving the image. """ temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", dir=temp_dir, delete=False) temp_file.close() file_path = try: except Exception as e: print("Unable to save image:", str(e)) return None finally: return file_path def hex_to_rgba(hex_color): try: # Convert hex color to RGBA tuple rgba = ImageColor.getcolor(hex_color, "RGBA") except ValueError: # If the hex color is invalid, default to yellow rgba = (255,255,0,255) return rgba def load_font(font_name, font_size=16): """ Load a font using the provided font name and font size. Parameters: font_name (str): The name of the font to load. Can be a font name recognized by the system, a URL to download the font file, a local file path, or a Hugging Face model hub identifier. font_size (int, optional): The size of the font. Default is 16. Returns: ImageFont.FreeTypeFont: The loaded font object. Notes: This function attempts to load the font using various methods until a suitable font is found. If the provided font_name cannot be loaded, it falls back to a default font. The font_name can be one of the following: - A font name recognized by the system, which can be loaded using ImageFont.truetype. - A URL pointing to the font file, which is downloaded using requests and then loaded using ImageFont.truetype. - A local file path to the font file, which is loaded using ImageFont.truetype. - A Hugging Face model hub identifier, which downloads the font file from the Hugging Face model hub using hf_hub_download and then loads it using ImageFont.truetype. Example: font = load_font("Arial.ttf", font_size=20) """ font = None if not "http" in font_name: try: font = ImageFont.truetype(font_name, font_size) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): print("Font not found. Using Hugging Face download..\n") if font is None: try: font_path = ImageFont.truetype(hf_hub_download(repo_id=os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', ''), filename="assets/" + font_name, repo_type="space"), encoding="UTF-8") font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): print("Font not found. Trying to download from local assets folder...\n") if font is None: try: font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/" + font_name, font_size) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): print("Font not found. Trying to download from URL...\n") if font is None: try: req = requests.get(font_name) font = ImageFont.truetype(BytesIO(req.content), font_size) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): print(f"Font not found: {font_name} Using default font\n") if font: print(f"Font loaded {font.getname()}") else: font = ImageFont.load_default() return font def add_settings_to_image(title: str = "title", description: str = "", width: int = 768, height: int = 512, background_path: str = "", font: str = "arial.ttf", font_color: str = "#ffffff"): # Create a new RGBA image with the specified dimensions image ="RGBA", (width, height), (255, 255, 255, 0)) # If a background image is specified, open it and paste it onto the image if background_path == "": background ="RGBA", (width, height), (255, 255, 255, 255)) else: background ="RGBA") #Convert font color to RGBA tuple font_color = hex_to_rgba(font_color) # Calculate the center coordinates for placing the text text_x = width // 2 text_y = height // 2 # Draw the title text at the center top title_font = load_font(font, 26) # Replace with your desired font and size title_text = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(title, width // 12)) title_x, title_y, title_text_width, title_text_height = title_font.getbbox(title_text) title_x = max(text_x - (title_text_width // 2), title_x, 0) title_y = text_y - (height // 2) + 10 # 10 pixels padding from the top title_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) title_draw.multiline_text((title_x, title_y), title, fill=font_color, font=title_font, align="center") # Draw the description text two lines below the title description_font = load_font(font, 16) # Replace with your desired font and size description_text = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(description, width // 12)) description_x, description_y, description_text_width, description_text_height = description_font.getbbox(description_text) description_x = max(text_x - (description_text_width // 2), description_x, 0) description_y = title_y + title_text_height + 20 # 20 pixels spacing between title and description description_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) description_draw.multiline_text((description_x, description_y), description_text, fill=font_color, font=description_font, align="center") # Calculate the offset to center the image on the background bg_w, bg_h = background.size offset = ((bg_w - width) // 2, (bg_h - height) // 2) # Paste the image onto the background background.paste(image, offset, mask=image) # Save the image and return the file path return save_image(background)