""" Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. All rights reserved. This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. """ from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import argparse import torch import gradio as gr import os import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path import time import typing as tp import warnings from audiocraft.models import MusicGen from audiocraft.data.audio import audio_write from audiocraft.data.audio_utils import apply_fade, apply_tafade, apply_splice_effect from audiocraft.utils.extend import generate_music_segments, add_settings_to_image, INTERRUPTING import numpy as np import random #from pathlib import Path #from typing import List, Union import librosa MODEL = None MODELS = None IS_SHARED_SPACE = "Surn/UnlimitedMusicGen" in os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', '') INTERRUPTED = False UNLOAD_MODEL = False MOVE_TO_CPU = False MAX_PROMPT_INDEX = 0 git = os.environ.get('GIT', "git") os.environ["PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF"] = "max_split_size_mb:128" def interrupt_callback(): return INTERRUPTED def interrupt(): global INTERRUPTING INTERRUPTING = True class FileCleaner: def __init__(self, file_lifetime: float = 3600): self.file_lifetime = file_lifetime self.files = [] def add(self, path: tp.Union[str, Path]): self._cleanup() self.files.append((time.time(), Path(path))) def _cleanup(self): now = time.time() for time_added, path in list(self.files): if now - time_added > self.file_lifetime: if path.exists(): path.unlink() self.files.pop(0) else: break #file_cleaner = FileCleaner() def toggle_audio_src(choice): if choice == "mic": return gr.update(source="microphone", value=None, label="Microphone") else: return gr.update(source="upload", value=None, label="File") def make_waveform(*args, **kwargs): # Further remove some warnings. be = time.time() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') out = gr.make_waveform(*args, **kwargs) print("Make a video took", time.time() - be) return out def load_model(version): global MODEL, MODELS, UNLOAD_MODEL print("Loading model", version) if MODELS is None: return MusicGen.get_pretrained(version) else: t1 = time.monotonic() if MODEL is not None: MODEL.to('cpu') # move to cache print("Previous model moved to CPU in %.2fs" % (time.monotonic() - t1)) t1 = time.monotonic() if MODELS.get(version) is None: print("Loading model %s from disk" % version) result = MusicGen.get_pretrained(version) MODELS[version] = result print("Model loaded in %.2fs" % (time.monotonic() - t1)) return result result = MODELS[version].to('cuda') print("Cached model loaded in %.2fs" % (time.monotonic() - t1)) return result def get_filename(file): # extract filename from file object filename = None if file is not None: filename = file.name return filename def get_filename_from_filepath(filepath): file_name = os.path.basename(filepath) file_base, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) return file_base, file_extension def get_melody(melody_filepath): audio_data= list(librosa.load(melody_filepath, sr=None)) audio_data[0], audio_data[1] = audio_data[1], audio_data[0] melody = tuple(audio_data) return melody def commit_hash(): try: return subprocess.check_output([git, "rev-parse", "HEAD"], shell=False, encoding='utf8').strip() except Exception: return "" def git_tag(): try: return subprocess.check_output([git, "describe", "--tags"], shell=False, encoding='utf8').strip() except Exception: try: from pathlib import Path changelog_md = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "CHANGELOG.md" with changelog_md.open(encoding="utf-8") as file: return next((line.strip() for line in file if line.strip()), "") except Exception: return "" def versions_html(): import torch python_version = ".".join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:3]]) commit = commit_hash() #tag = git_tag() import xformers xformers_version = xformers.__version__ return f""" version: " else commit}" target="_blank">{"huggingface" if commit == "" else commit}  •  python: {python_version}  •  torch: {getattr(torch, '__long_version__',torch.__version__)}  •  xformers: {xformers_version}  •  gradio: {gr.__version__} """ def load_melody_filepath(melody_filepath, title): # get melody filename #$Union[str, os.PathLike] symbols = ['_', '.', '-'] if (melody_filepath is None) or (melody_filepath == ""): return title, gr.update(maximum=0, value=0) , gr.update(value="melody-large", interactive=True) if (title is None) or ("MusicGen" in title) or (title == ""): melody_name, melody_extension = get_filename_from_filepath(melody_filepath) # fix melody name for symbols for symbol in symbols: melody_name = melody_name.replace(symbol, ' ').title() else: melody_name = title print(f"Melody name: {melody_name}, Melody Filepath: {melody_filepath}\n") # get melody length in number of segments and modify the UI melody = get_melody(melody_filepath) sr, melody_data = melody[0], melody[1] segment_samples = sr * 30 total_melodys = max(min((len(melody_data) // segment_samples), 25), 0) print(f"Melody length: {len(melody_data)}, Melody segments: {total_melodys}\n") MAX_PROMPT_INDEX = total_melodys return gr.Textbox.update(value=melody_name), gr.update(maximum=MAX_PROMPT_INDEX, value=0), gr.update(value="melody-large", interactive=True) def predict(model, text, melody_filepath, duration, dimension, topk, topp, temperature, cfg_coef, background, title, settings_font, settings_font_color, seed, overlap=1, prompt_index = 0, include_title = True, include_settings = True, harmony_only = False): global MODEL, INTERRUPTED, INTERRUPTING, MOVE_TO_CPU output_segments = None melody_name = "Not Used" melody = None if melody_filepath: melody_name, melody_extension = get_filename_from_filepath(melody_filepath) melody = get_melody(melody_filepath) INTERRUPTED = False INTERRUPTING = False if temperature < 0: raise gr.Error("Temperature must be >= 0.") if topk < 0: raise gr.Error("Topk must be non-negative.") if topp < 0: raise gr.Error("Topp must be non-negative.") if MODEL is None or MODEL.name != model: MODEL = load_model(model) else: if MOVE_TO_CPU: MODEL.to('cuda') # prevent hacking duration = min(duration, 720) overlap = min(overlap, 15) # output = None segment_duration = duration initial_duration = duration output_segments = [] while duration > 0: if not output_segments: # first pass of long or short song if segment_duration > MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration: segment_duration = MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration else: segment_duration = duration else: # next pass of long song if duration + overlap < MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration: segment_duration = duration + overlap else: segment_duration = MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration # implement seed if seed < 0: seed = random.randint(0, 0xffff_ffff_ffff) torch.manual_seed(seed) print(f'Segment duration: {segment_duration}, duration: {duration}, overlap: {overlap}') MODEL.set_generation_params( use_sampling=True, top_k=topk, top_p=topp, temperature=temperature, cfg_coef=cfg_coef, duration=segment_duration, two_step_cfg=False, rep_penalty=0.5 ) if melody: # todo return excess duration, load next model and continue in loop structure building up output_segments if duration > MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration: output_segments, duration = generate_music_segments(text, melody, seed, MODEL, duration, overlap, MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration, prompt_index, harmony_only=False) else: # pure original code sr, melody = melody[0], torch.from_numpy(melody[1]).to(MODEL.device).float().t().unsqueeze(0) print(melody.shape) if melody.dim() == 2: melody = melody[None] melody = melody[..., :int(sr * MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration)] output = MODEL.generate_with_chroma( descriptions=[text], melody_wavs=melody, melody_sample_rate=sr, progress=False ) # All output_segments are populated, so we can break the loop or set duration to 0 break else: #output = MODEL.generate(descriptions=[text], progress=False) if not output_segments: next_segment = MODEL.generate(descriptions=[text], progress=False) duration -= segment_duration else: last_chunk = output_segments[-1][:, :, -overlap*MODEL.sample_rate:] next_segment = MODEL.generate_continuation(last_chunk, MODEL.sample_rate, descriptions=[text], progress=False) duration -= segment_duration - overlap output_segments.append(next_segment) if INTERRUPTING: INTERRUPTED = True INTERRUPTING = False print("Function execution interrupted!") raise gr.Error("Interrupted.") if output_segments: try: # Combine the output segments into one long audio file or stack tracks #output_segments = [segment.detach().cpu().float()[0] for segment in output_segments] #output = torch.cat(output_segments, dim=dimension) output = output_segments[0] for i in range(1, len(output_segments)): if overlap > 0: overlap_samples = overlap * MODEL.sample_rate #stack tracks and fade out/in overlapping_output_fadeout = output[:, :, -overlap_samples:] #overlapping_output_fadeout = apply_fade(overlapping_output_fadeout,sample_rate=MODEL.sample_rate,duration=overlap,out=True,start=True, curve_end=0.0, current_device=MODEL.device) overlapping_output_fadeout = apply_tafade(overlapping_output_fadeout,sample_rate=MODEL.sample_rate,duration=overlap,out=True,start=True,shape="linear") overlapping_output_fadein = output_segments[i][:, :, :overlap_samples] #overlapping_output_fadein = apply_fade(overlapping_output_fadein,sample_rate=MODEL.sample_rate,duration=overlap,out=False,start=False, curve_start=0.0, current_device=MODEL.device) overlapping_output_fadein = apply_tafade(overlapping_output_fadein,sample_rate=MODEL.sample_rate,duration=overlap,out=False,start=False, shape="linear") overlapping_output = torch.cat([overlapping_output_fadeout[:, :, :-(overlap_samples // 2)], overlapping_output_fadein],dim=2) ###overlapping_output, overlap_sample_rate = apply_splice_effect(overlapping_output_fadeout, MODEL.sample_rate, overlapping_output_fadein, MODEL.sample_rate, overlap) print(f" overlap size Fade:{overlapping_output.size()}\n output: {output.size()}\n segment: {output_segments[i].size()}") ##overlapping_output = torch.cat([output[:, :, -overlap_samples:], output_segments[i][:, :, :overlap_samples]], dim=1) #stack tracks ##print(f" overlap size stack:{overlapping_output.size()}\n output: {output.size()}\n segment: {output_segments[i].size()}") #overlapping_output = torch.cat([output[:, :, -overlap_samples:], output_segments[i][:, :, :overlap_samples]], dim=2) #stack tracks #print(f" overlap size cat:{overlapping_output.size()}\n output: {output.size()}\n segment: {output_segments[i].size()}") output = torch.cat([output[:, :, :-overlap_samples], overlapping_output, output_segments[i][:, :, overlap_samples:]], dim=dimension) else: output = torch.cat([output, output_segments[i]], dim=dimension) output = output.detach().cpu().float()[0] except Exception as e: print(f"Error combining segments: {e}. Using the first segment only.") output = output_segments[0].detach().cpu().float()[0] else: output = output.detach().cpu().float()[0] with NamedTemporaryFile("wb", suffix=".wav", delete=False) as file: video_description = f"{text}\n Duration: {str(initial_duration)} Dimension: {dimension}\n Top-k:{topk} Top-p:{topp}\n Randomness:{temperature}\n cfg:{cfg_coef} overlap: {overlap}\n Seed: {seed}\n Model: {model}\n Melody Condition:{melody_name}\n Sample Segment: {prompt_index}" if include_settings or include_title: background = add_settings_to_image(title if include_title else "", video_description if include_settings else "", background_path=background, font=settings_font, font_color=settings_font_color) audio_write( file.name, output, MODEL.sample_rate, strategy="loudness", loudness_headroom_db=18, loudness_compressor=True, add_suffix=False, channels=2) waveform_video = make_waveform(file.name,bg_image=background, bar_count=45) if MOVE_TO_CPU: MODEL.to('cpu') if UNLOAD_MODEL: MODEL = None torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() return waveform_video, file.name, seed def ui(**kwargs): css=""" #col-container {max-width: 910px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} a {text-decoration-line: underline; font-weight: 600;} #btn-generate {background-image:linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgb(157, 255, 157), rgb(229, 255, 235));} #btn-generate:hover {background-image:linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgb(229, 255, 229), rgb(255, 255, 255));} #btn-generate:active {background-image:linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgb(229, 255, 235), rgb(157, 255, 157));} #versions {margin-top: 1em; width:100%; text-align:center;} .small-btn {max-width:75px;} """ with gr.Blocks(title="UnlimitedMusicGen", css=css, theme="Surn/Beeuty") as demo: gr.Markdown( """ # UnlimitedMusicGen This is your private demo for [UnlimitedMusicGen](https://github.com/Oncorporation/audiocraft), a simple and controllable model for music generation presented at: ["Simple and Controllable Music Generation"](https://huggingface.co/papers/2306.05284) Disclaimer: This won't run on CPU only. Clone this App and run on GPU instance! Todo: Working on improved Interrupt and new Models. Theme Available at ["Surn/Beeuty"](https://huggingface.co/spaces/Surn/Beeuty) """ ) if IS_SHARED_SPACE and not torch.cuda.is_available(): gr.Markdown(""" ⚠ This Space doesn't work in this shared UI ⚠ Duplicate Space to use it privately, or use the public demo """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): text = gr.Text(label="Describe your music", interactive=True, value="4/4 100bpm 320kbps 48khz, Industrial/Electronic Soundtrack, Dark, Intense, Sci-Fi") with gr.Column(): duration = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=720, value=10, label="Duration (s)", interactive=True) model = gr.Radio(["melody", "medium", "small", "large", "melody-large", "stereo-melody", "stereo-medium", "stereo-small", "stereo-large", "stereo-melody-large"], label="AI Model", value="melody-large", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): submit = gr.Button("Generate", elem_id="btn-generate") # Adapted from https://github.com/rkfg/audiocraft/blob/long/app.py, MIT license. _ = gr.Button("Interrupt", elem_id="btn-interrupt").click(fn=interrupt, queue=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): radio = gr.Radio(["file", "mic"], value="file", label="Condition on a melody (optional) File or Mic") melody_filepath = gr.Audio(source="upload", type="filepath", label="Melody Condition (optional)", interactive=True, elem_id="melody-input") with gr.Column(): harmony_only = gr.Radio(label="Use Harmony Only",choices=["No", "Yes"], value="No", interactive=True, info="Remove Drums?") prompt_index = gr.Slider(label="Melody Condition Sample Segment", minimum=-1, maximum=MAX_PROMPT_INDEX, step=1, value=0, interactive=True, info="Which 30 second segment to condition with, - 1 condition each segment independantly") with gr.Accordion("Video", open=False): with gr.Row(): background= gr.Image(value="./assets/background.png", source="upload", label="Background", shape=(768,512), type="filepath", interactive=True) with gr.Column(): include_title = gr.Checkbox(label="Add Title", value=True, interactive=True) include_settings = gr.Checkbox(label="Add Settings to background", value=True, interactive=True) with gr.Row(): title = gr.Textbox(label="Title", value="UnlimitedMusicGen", interactive=True) settings_font = gr.Text(label="Settings Font", value="./assets/arial.ttf", interactive=True) settings_font_color = gr.ColorPicker(label="Settings Font Color", value="#c87f05", interactive=True) with gr.Accordion("Expert", open=False): with gr.Row(): overlap = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=15, value=2, step=1, label="Verse Overlap", interactive=True) dimension = gr.Slider(minimum=-2, maximum=2, value=2, step=1, label="Dimension", info="determines which direction to add new segements of audio. (1 = stack tracks, 2 = lengthen, -2..0 = ?)", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): topk = gr.Number(label="Top-k", value=280, precision=0, interactive=True) topp = gr.Number(label="Top-p", value=1150, precision=0, interactive=True) temperature = gr.Number(label="Randomness Temperature", value=0.7, precision=None, interactive=True) cfg_coef = gr.Number(label="Classifier Free Guidance", value=8.5, precision=None, interactive=True) with gr.Row(): seed = gr.Number(label="Seed", value=-1, precision=0, interactive=True) gr.Button('\U0001f3b2\ufe0f', elem_classes="small-btn").click(fn=lambda: -1, outputs=[seed], queue=False) reuse_seed = gr.Button('\u267b\ufe0f', elem_classes="small-btn") with gr.Column() as c: output = gr.Video(label="Generated Music") wave_file = gr.File(label=".wav file", elem_id="output_wavefile", interactive=True) seed_used = gr.Number(label='Seed used', value=-1, interactive=False) radio.change(toggle_audio_src, radio, [melody_filepath], queue=False, show_progress=False) melody_filepath.change(load_melody_filepath, inputs=[melody_filepath, title], outputs=[title, prompt_index , model], api_name="melody_filepath_change", queue=False) reuse_seed.click(fn=lambda x: x, inputs=[seed_used], outputs=[seed], queue=False, api_name="reuse_seed") submit.click(predict, inputs=[model, text,melody_filepath, duration, dimension, topk, topp, temperature, cfg_coef, background, title, settings_font, settings_font_color, seed, overlap, prompt_index, include_title, include_settings, harmony_only], outputs=[output, wave_file, seed_used], api_name="submit") gr.Examples( fn=predict, examples=[ [ "4/4 120bpm 320kbps 48khz, An 80s driving pop song with heavy drums and synth pads in the background", "./assets/bach.mp3", "melody", "80s Pop Synth" ], [ "4/4 120bpm 320kbps 48khz, A cheerful country song with acoustic guitars", "./assets/bolero_ravel.mp3", "melody", "Country Guitar" ], [ "4/4 120bpm 320kbps 48khz, 90s rock song with electric guitar and heavy drums", None, "medium", "90s Rock Guitar" ], [ "4/4 120bpm 320kbps 48khz, a light and cheerly EDM track, with syncopated drums, aery pads, and strong emotions", "./assets/bach.mp3", "melody", "EDM my Bach" ], [ "4/4 320kbps 48khz, lofi slow bpm electro chill with organic samples", None, "medium", "LoFi Chill" ], ], inputs=[text, melody_filepath, model, title], outputs=[output] ) gr.HTML(value=versions_html(), visible=True, elem_id="versions") # Show the interface launch_kwargs = {} share = kwargs.get('share', False) server_port = kwargs.get('server_port', 0) server_name = kwargs.get('listen') launch_kwargs['server_name'] = server_name if server_port > 0: launch_kwargs['server_port'] = server_port if share: launch_kwargs['share'] = share launch_kwargs['favicon_path']= "./assets/favicon.ico" demo.queue(max_size=10, concurrency_count=1, api_open=False).launch(**launch_kwargs) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--listen', type=str, default='' if 'SPACE_ID' in os.environ else '', help='IP to listen on for connections to Gradio', ) parser.add_argument( '--username', type=str, default='', help='Username for authentication' ) parser.add_argument( '--password', type=str, default='', help='Password for authentication' ) parser.add_argument( '--server_port', type=int, default=0, help='Port to run the server listener on', ) parser.add_argument( '--inbrowser', action='store_true', help='Open in browser' ) parser.add_argument( '--share', action='store_true', help='Share the gradio UI' ) parser.add_argument( '--unload_model', action='store_true', help='Unload the model after every generation to save GPU memory' ) parser.add_argument( '--unload_to_cpu', action='store_true', help='Move the model to main RAM after every generation to save GPU memory but reload faster than after full unload (see above)' ) parser.add_argument( '--cache', action='store_true', help='Cache models in RAM to quickly switch between them' ) args = parser.parse_args() launch_kwargs = {} launch_kwargs['listen'] = args.listen if args.username and args.password: launch_kwargs['auth'] = (args.username, args.password) if args.server_port: launch_kwargs['server_port'] = args.server_port if args.inbrowser: launch_kwargs['inbrowser'] = args.inbrowser if args.share: launch_kwargs['share'] = args.share launch_kwargs['favicon_path']= "./assets/favicon.ico" UNLOAD_MODEL = args.unload_model MOVE_TO_CPU = args.unload_to_cpu if args.cache: MODELS = {} ui( unload_to_cpu = MOVE_TO_CPU, share=args.share, **launch_kwargs, )