from webbrowser import get import gradio as gr import os import os.path as op import json from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import torch import numpy as np import datetime import logging import warnings # imports for gps & map import osmnx as ox import folium import pandas as pd import geopandas import codecs from tracking.gps import * # imports for tracking from import download_from_url, create_unique_folder, load_trash_icons from import IterableFrameReader, SimpleVideoReader from plasticorigins.detection.centernet.networks.mobilenet import get_mobilenet_v3_small from plasticorigins.detection.yolo import load_model, predict_yolo from plasticorigins.detection.detect import detect from plasticorigins.tracking.postprocess_and_count_tracks import filter_tracks, postprocess_for_api, count_objects from plasticorigins.tracking.utils import get_detections_for_video, write_tracking_results_to_file, read_tracking_results, generate_video_with_annotations from plasticorigins.tracking.track_video import track_video from plasticorigins.tracking.trackers import get_tracker logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) class DotDict(dict): """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes""" __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ id_categories = { 0: 'Fragment', #'Sheet / tarp / plastic bag / fragment', 1: 'Insulating', #'Insulating material', 2: 'Bottle', #'Bottle-shaped', 3: 'Can', #'Can-shaped', 4: 'Drum', 5: 'Packaging', #'Other packaging', 6: 'Tire', 7: 'Fishing net', #'Fishing net / cord', 8: 'Easily namable', 9: 'Unclear', 10: 'Fragment', 11: 'Fragment' } config_track = DotDict({ "yolo_conf_thrld": 0.35, "yolo_iou_thrld": 0.5, "confidence_threshold": 0.004, # for the tracking part "detection_threshold": 0.3, # for centernet "downsampling_factor": 4, "noise_covariances_path": "data/tracking_parameters", "output_shape": (960,544), "size": 768, "skip_frames": 3, #3 "arch": "mobilenet_v3_small", "device": "cpu", "detection_batch_size": 1, "display": 0, "kappa": 4, #4 "tau": 3, #4 "max_length": 240, "downscale_output":2 })'---Yolo model...') # Yolo has warning problems, so we set an env variable to remove it os.environ["VERBOSE"] = "False" URL_MODEL = "" FILE_MODEL = "" model_path = download_from_url(URL_MODEL, FILE_MODEL, "./models", logger) model_yolo = load_model(model_path, config_track.device, config_track.yolo_conf_thrld, config_track.yolo_iou_thrld)'---Centernet model...') URL_MODEL = "" FILE_MODEL = "mobilenet_v3_pretrained.pth" model_path = download_from_url(URL_MODEL, FILE_MODEL, "./models", logger) model = get_mobilenet_v3_small(num_layers=0, heads={'hm': 1}, head_conv=256) checkpoint = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=True) URL_DEMO1 = "" FILE_DEMO1 = "video_niv15.mp4" download_from_url(URL_DEMO1, FILE_DEMO1, "./data/", logger) video1_path = op.join("./data", FILE_DEMO1) URL_DEMO2 = "" FILE_DEMO2 = "video_midouze15.mp4" download_from_url(URL_DEMO2, FILE_DEMO2, "./data/", logger) video2_path = op.join("./data", FILE_DEMO2) URL_DEMO3 = "" FILE_DEMO3 = "video_antoine15.mp4" download_from_url(URL_DEMO3, FILE_DEMO3, "./data/", logger) video3_path = op.join("./data", FILE_DEMO3) JSON_FILE_PATH = "data/" video_json_correspondance = { video1_path : JSON_FILE_PATH+"gavepau.json", video2_path : JSON_FILE_PATH+"midouze.json", video3_path : JSON_FILE_PATH+"gavepau.json" } labels2icons = load_trash_icons("./data/icons/") def track(args): device = torch.device("cpu") engine = get_tracker('EKF') detector = None # centernet version if args.model_type == "yolo":"---Using Yolo") detector = lambda frame: predict_yolo(model_yolo, frame, size=config_track.size) elif args.model_type == "centernet":"---Using Centernet") detector = lambda frame: detect(frame, threshold=args.detection_threshold, model=model) transition_variance = np.load(op.join(args.noise_covariances_path, 'transition_variance.npy')) observation_variance = np.load(op.join(args.noise_covariances_path, 'observation_variance.npy'))'---Processing {args.video_path}') reader = IterableFrameReader(video_filename=args.video_path, skip_frames=args.skip_frames, output_shape=args.output_shape, progress_bar=True, preload=False, max_frame=args.max_length) input_shape = reader.input_shape output_shape = reader.output_shape detections = []'---Detecting...') if args.model_type == "yolo": with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") for frame in reader: detections.append(detector(frame)) elif args.model_type == "centernet": detections = get_detections_for_video(reader, detector, batch_size=args.detection_batch_size, device=device)'---Tracking...') display = None results = track_video(reader, iter(detections), args, engine, transition_variance, observation_variance, display, is_yolo=args.model_type=="yolo") # store unfiltered results datestr ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f') output_filename = op.splitext(args.video_path)[0] + "_" + datestr + '_unfiltered.txt' coord_mapping = reader.get_inv_mapping(args.downsampling_factor) write_tracking_results_to_file( results, coord_mapping, # Scale the output back to original video size output_filename=output_filename, )'---Filtering...') # read from the file results = read_tracking_results(output_filename) filtered_results = filter_tracks(results, config_track.kappa, config_track.tau) # store filtered results output_filename = op.splitext(args.video_path)[0] + "_" + datestr + '_filtered.txt' write_tracking_results_to_file( filtered_results, lambda x, y: (x, y), # No scaling, already scaled! output_filename=output_filename, ) return filtered_results def run_model(video_path, model_type, seconds, skip, tau, kappa, gps_file):'---video filename: '+ video_path) # launch the tracking config_track.video_path = video_path config_track.model_type = model_type config_track.skip_frames = int(skip) config_track.tau = int(tau) config_track.kappa = int(kappa) config_track.max_length = int(seconds)*24 out_folder = create_unique_folder("/tmp/", "output") output_path = op.join(out_folder, "video.mp4") filtered_results = track(config_track) # postprocess'---Postprocessing...') output_json_path = op.join(out_folder, "output.json") output_json = postprocess_for_api(filtered_results, id_categories) with open(output_json_path, 'w') as f_out: json.dump(output_json, f_out) # build video output'---Generating new video...') reader = IterableFrameReader(video_filename=config_track.video_path, skip_frames=0, progress_bar=True, preload=False, max_frame=config_track.max_length) # Get GPS Data video_duration = reader.total_num_frames / reader.fps gps_data = get_filled_gps(gps_file, video_duration) # Generate new video generate_video_with_annotations(reader, output_json, output_path, config_track.skip_frames, config_track.downscale_output, logger, gps_data=gps_data, labels2icons=labels2icons) output_label = count_objects(output_json, id_categories) # Get Plastic Map map_frame = None # default value in case no GPS file if gps_data is not None:'---Creating Plastic Map...') # Get Trash Prediction with open(output_json_path) as json_file: predictions = json.load(json_file) trash_df = get_df_prediction(predictions, reader.fps) if len(trash_df) != 0 : # Get Trash prediction alongside GPS data trash_gps_df = get_trash_gps_df(trash_df,gps_data) trash_gps_geo_df = get_trash_gps_geo_df(trash_gps_df) # Create Map center_lat = trash_gps_df.iloc[0]['Latitude'] center_long = trash_gps_df.iloc[0]['Longitude'] map_path = get_plastic_map(center_lat,center_long,trash_gps_geo_df,out_folder) html_content =, 'r') map_html = map_frame = f""""""'---Surfnet End processing...') return output_path, map_frame, output_label, output_json_path def run_model_simple(video_path): """ Simplified version with less options """ gps_file = video_json_correspondance.get(video_path) model_type, seconds, skip, tau, kappa = "yolo", 10, 3, 3, 4 output_path, map_frame, output_label, output_json_path = run_model(video_path, model_type, seconds, skip, tau, kappa, gps_file) return output_path, map_frame, output_label def get_filled_gps(file_obj, video_duration)->list: """Get a filled GPS point list from Plastic Origin mobile GPS JSON track Args: file_obj: a file_obj from gradio input File type video_duration: in seconds Returns: gps_data (list): the GPS filled data as a list """ if file_obj is not None: json_data = parse_json(file_obj) json_data_list = get_json_gps_list(json_data) gps_data = fill_gps(json_data_list, video_duration) return gps_data else: return None def get_plastic_map(center_lat,center_long,trash_gps_gdf,out_folder)->str: """Get the map with plastic trash detection Args: center_lat (float): latitude to center map center_long (float): longitude to center map trash_gps_gdf (DataFrame): trash & gps geo dataframe out_folder (str): folder to save html map Returns: map_html_path (str): full path to html map """ m = folium.Map([center_lat, center_long], zoom_start=16) locs = zip(trash_gps_gdf.geometry.y,trash_gps_gdf.geometry.x) labels = list(trash_gps_gdf['label']) i = 0 for location in locs: folium.CircleMarker(location=location).add_child(folium.Popup(labels[i])).add_to(m) i = i + 1 map_html_path = op.join(out_folder,"plasticmap.html") return map_html_path model_type = gr.inputs.Dropdown(choices=["centernet", "yolo"], type="value", default="yolo", label="model") skip_slider = gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=15, step=1, default=3, label="skip frames") tau_slider = gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=7, step=1, default=3, label="tau") kappa_slider = gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=7, step=1, default=4, label="kappa") seconds_num = gr.inputs.Number(default=10, label="seconds") gps_in = gr.inputs.File(type="file", label="GPS Upload", optional=True) demo = gr.Blocks() title = "Surfnet AI Demo" with demo: with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("The Project"): gr.HTML(""" Surfnet AI Demo

Welcome to the Surfnet demo, the algo that tracks Plastic Pollution 🌊

We all dream about swimming in clear blue waters and walking bare-footed on a beautiful white sand beach. But our dream is threatened. Plastics are invading every corner of the earth, from remote alpine lakes to the deepest oceanic trench. Thankfully, there are many things we can do.🤝 Plastic Origins, a citizen science project from Surfrider Europe, using artificial intelligence to map river plastic pollution, is one of them. This demo is here for you to test the AI model we use to detect and count litter items on riverbanks.

💻 Join the dev team on Github
🏷️ Help us label images on

📧 contact :

""") with gr.TabItem("Surfnet AI"): gr.HTML(""" Left Side Panel

Surfnet is an AI model that detects trash on riverbanks. We use it to map river plastic pollution and act to reduce the introduction of litter into the environment. Developed & Maintain by a bunch of amazing volunteers from the NGO Surfrider Foundation Europe. It takes a minute or two to generate the outputs, be patient!

""" ) #video_in = gr.inputs.Video(type="mp4", source="upload", label="Video Upload", optional=False) gr.Interface(fn=run_model_simple, inputs=["playable_video"], outputs=["playable_video","html","label"], examples=[[video1_path], [video2_path], [video3_path]], description="Upload a video, or select one below.", theme="huggingface", allow_screenshot=False, allow_flagging="never") with gr.TabItem("Advanced Options"): gr.HTML(""" Left Side Panel

Advanced options You may choose your own videos and parameters to run the AI: the model type (Yolov5 or Centernet), the sampling period of the video (skip frames), tracking parameters such as tau and kappa, the number of seconds you want to process, and the GPS file.

""" ) #video_in = gr.inputs.Video(type="mp4", source="upload", label="Video Upload", optional=False) gr.Interface(fn=run_model, inputs=["playable_video", model_type, seconds_num, skip_slider, tau_slider, kappa_slider,gps_in], outputs=["playable_video","html","label", "file"], examples=[[video1_path, "yolo", 10, 3, 3, 4, JSON_FILE_PATH+"gavepau.json"], [video2_path, "yolo", 10, 3, 3, 4, JSON_FILE_PATH+"midouze.json"], [video3_path, "yolo", 10, 3, 3, 4, JSON_FILE_PATH+"gavepau.json"]], description="Upload a video, optionnaly a GPS file and you'll get Plastic detection on river.", theme="huggingface", allow_screenshot=False, allow_flagging="never") demo.launch()