Module title,Abbreviation,Module coordinator,Module offered by,ETCS,Method of grading,Duration,Module level,Contents,Intended learning outcomes,Courses,Method of assessment,Allocation of places,Additional information,Workload,Teaching cycle,Referred to in LPO I Information Processing within Organizations,12-IV-161-m01,Faculty of Business Management and Economics,holder of the Chair of Business Management and Business,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Content:This course provides students with an in-depth overview of the structure and the application areas of business management information systems in enterprises and public institutions.Outline of syllabus:1. What is software: concepts, categories, application2. Software life cycle: duration, phases, steps3. As-is analysis: tasks, problems4. To-be concept: system design, data design, dialog design, function design5. Object orientation: paradigm shift6. Change management: meaning, methodologies, project management7. Office automation: tasks, areas of application","After completing the course ""Integrated Information Processing"", students will be able to(i) understand the importance of integration in enterprises, especially in information systems;(ii) assess the progress of development of a software project, estimate cycle costs, know and consider require-ments, which brings a software implementation with;(iii) select the correct procedures or practices in an as-is analysis and target conception and practically apply (with participation in the exercise);(iv) understand the importance of change management and project management and know the appropriate me-thods for specific applications.",V (2) + Ü (2),written examination (approx. 60 minutes)Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus,--,--,150 h,--,-- IT-Management,12-M-ITM-161-m01,Faculty of Business Management and Economics,Holder of the Chair of Information Systems Engineering,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Content:This course provides students with an in-depth overview of aims, tasks and appropriate methods of IT manage-ment.Outline of syllabus:1. Organisation and distinction2. IT strategy3. IT organisation4. Management of IT systems5. Enterprise Architecture Management6. IT project management7. IT security8. IT law9. IT controllingReading:• Hofmann/Schmidt: Masterkurs IT-Management, Wiesbaden.• Tiemeyer: Handbuch IT-Management, Munich.• Hanschke: Strategisches Management der IT-Landschaft, Munich.","After completing the course ""IT Management"", students will be able to1. overview the different aspects to be considered regarding a purposeful IT management;2. understand and apply appropriate methods and tools;3. independently perform system search and selection in a team project (only after participation in the practice lessons).",V (2) + Ü (2),a) written examination (approx. 60 minutes) or b) oral examination (one candidate each: approx. 15 to 20 minu-tes; groups of 2: approx. 20 minutes; groups of 3: approx. 30 minutes)Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus,--,--,150 h,--,-- Project Seminar,12-PS-192-m01,Faculty of Business Management and Economics,Holder of the Chair of Business Management and Business,15,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Content:In small project teams of 4 to 10 members, students will spend several months actively working on a specific and realistic problem with practical relevance. They will progress through several project stages including as-is analy-sis, to-be conception and implementation of an IS solution. The project teams will be required to work indepen-dently and will only receive advice and minor support from research assistants.Reading:will vary according to topic","After completing the course ""Projektseminar"", students will be able to1. analyze business tasks and requirements and generate fitting IS solutions;2. apply project management methods;3. internalize stress, time and conflict management by means of practical teamwork.",S (2),"project: preparing a conceptual design (approx. 150 hours), designing and implementing an approach to solution (approx. 300 hours) as well as presentation (approx. 20 minutes), weighted 1:2:1Language of assessment: German, EnglishCreditable for bonus",--,--,450 h,--,-- Information Retrieval,10-I=IR-161-m01,Institute of Computer Science,Dean of Studies Informatik (Computer Science),5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"IR models (e. g. Boolean and vector space model, evaluation), processing of text (tokenising, text properties), data structures (e. g. inverted index), query elements (e. g. query operations, relevance feedback, query langua-ges and paradigms, structured queries), search engine (e. g. architecture, crawling, interfaces, link analysis), me-thods to support IR (e. g. recommendation systems, text clustering and classification, information extraction).",The students possess theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of information retrieval and have acquired the technical know-how to create a search engine.,V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits):IT,IS,HCI,GE",150 h,--,-- Analysis and Design of Programs,10-I=PA-161-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science II,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Program analysis, model creation in software engineering, program quality, test of programs, process models.","The students are able to analyse programs, to use testing frameworks and metrics as well as to judge program quality.",V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits):SE,IS,ES,GE",150 h,--,-- Security of Software Systems,10-I=SSS-172-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science II,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"The lecture provides an overview of common software vulnerabilities, state-of-the-art attack techniques on mo-dern computer systems, as well as the measures implemented to protect against these attacks. In the course, the following topics are discussed:• x86-64 instruction set architecture and assembly language• Runtime attacks (code injection, code reuse, defenses)• Web security• Blockchains and smart contracts• Side-channel attacks• Hardware security","Students gain a deep understanding of software security, from hardware and low-level attacks to modern con-cepts such as blockchains. The lecture prepares for research in the area of security and privacy, while the exerci-ses allow students to gain hands-on experience with attacks and analysis of systems from an attackers perspec-tive.",V (2) + Ü (2)Module taught in: English,"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: Englishcreditable for bonus",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits): SE, IS, LR, HCI, ES.Basic programming knowledge in C is required.",150 h,--,-- Software Architecture,10-I=SAR-161-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science II,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,Current topics in the area of aerospace.,The students possess a fundamental and applicable knowledge about advanced topics in software engineering with a focus on modern software architectures and fundamental approaches to model-driven software enginee-ring.,V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits):SE,IT,ES",150 h,--,-- Artificial Intelligence 1,10-I=KI1-161-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science VI,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Intelligent agents, uninformed and heuristic search, constraint problem solving, search with partial information, propositional and predicate logic and inference, knowledge representation.","The students possess theoretical and practical knowledge about artificial intelligence in the area of agents, search and logic and are able to assess possible applications.",V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits):AT,SE,IS,HCI",150 h,--,-- Discrete Event Simulation,10-I=ST-161-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science III,8,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Introduction to simulation techniques, statistical groundwork, creation of random numbers and random varia-bles, random sample theory and estimation techniques, statistical analysis of simulation values, inspection of measured data, planning and evaluation of simulation experiments, special random processes, possibilities and limits of model creation and simulation, advanced concepts and techniques, practical execution of simulation projects.","The students possess the methodic knowledge and the practical skills necessary for the stochastic simulation of (technical) systems, the evaluation of results and the correct assessment of the possibilities and limits of simu-lation methods.",V (4) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: German and/or Englishcreditable for bonus",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits):IT,IS,ES,GE",240 h,--,-- Advanced Programming,10-I=APR-182-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science II,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"With the knowledge of basic programming, taught in introductory lectures, it is possible to realize simpler pro-grams. If more complex problems are to be tackled, suboptimal results like long, incomprehensible functions and code duplicates occur. In this lecture, further knowledge is to be conveyed on how to give programs and co-de a sensible structure. Also, further topics in the areas of software security and parallel programming are dis-cussed.","Students learn advanced programming paradigms especially suited for space applications. Different patterns are then implemented in multiple languages and their efficiency measured using standard metrics. In addition, par-allel processing concepts are introduced culminating in the use of GPU architectures for extremely quick proces-sing.",V (2) + Ü (2)Module taught in: English,written examination (90 to 120 minutes)Language of assessment: Englishcreditable for bonus,--,--,150 h,--,-- Programming with neural nets,10-I=PNN-212-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science IX,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Overview over NN, implementation of important NN-architectures like FCN, CNN and LSTMs, practical example for NN-architectures, among others in the area of image and language processing.","Knowledge about possible applications and limitations of NN, for important architectures (eg. FCN, CNN, LSTM) and how they are implemented in NN-tools like Tensorflow/Keras, ability to program network structures from lite-rature, to prepare data and solve concrete tasks for NN.",V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).creditable for bonusLanguage of assessment: German and/or English",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits): IT,KI,HCI,GE",150 h,--,-- NLP and Text Mining,10-I=STM-162-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science VI,5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"Foundations in the following areas: definition of NLP and text mining, properties of text, sentence boundary de-tection, tokenisation, collocation, N-gram models, morphology, hidden Markov models for tagging, probabili-stic parsing, word sense disambiguation, term extraction methods, information extraction, sentiment analysis. The students possess theoretical and practical knowledge about typical methods and algorithms in the area of text mining and language processing mostly for English. They are able to solve problems through the methods taught. They have gained experience in the application of text mining algorithms.",The students possess theoretical and practical knowledge about typical methods and algorithms in the area of text mining and language processing. They are able to solve practical problems with the methods acquired in class. They have gained experience in the application of text mining algorithms.,V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: German and/or English",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits): AT, IT, HCI.",150 h,--,-- Systems Benchmarking,10-I=SB-212-m01,Institute of Computer Science,holder of the Chair of Computer Science IX,5,numerical grade,1 semester,nan,--,--,V (2) + Ü (2),"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes).If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).creditable for bonusLanguage of assessment: German and/or English",--,"Focuses available for students of the Masters programme Informatik (Computer Science, 120 ECTS credits):SE,IT,ES,HCI,GE",150 h,--,-- Computer Vision,10-xtAI=CV-202-m01,Institute of Computer Science,Dean of Studies Informatik (Computer Science),5,numerical grade,1 semester,graduate,"The lecture provides knowledge about current methods and algorithms in the field of computer vision. Important basics as well as the most recent approaches to image representation, image processing and image analysis are taught. Actual models and methods of machine learning as well as their technical backgrounds are presented and their respective applications in image processing are shown.",Students have fundamental knowledge of problems and techniques in the field of computer vision and are able to independently identify and apply suitable methods for concrete problems.,V (2) + Ü (2)Module taught in: English,"Written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes)If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: EnglishCreditable for bonus",--,--,150 h,--,-- Image Processing and Computational Photography,10-I=IP-222-m01,Institute of Computer Science,nan,5,numerical grade,1 semester,nan,--,--,V (2) + Ü (2)Module taught in: English,"written examination (approx. 60 to 120 minutes)If announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, the written examination may be replaced by an oral examination of one candidate each (approx. 20 minutes) or an oral examination in groups of 2 candidates (ap-prox. 15 minutes per candidate).Language of assessment: EnglishCreditable for bonus",--,--,150 h,--,--