import warnings from import Sequence import numbers import torchvision.transforms as T from torchvision.transforms.functional import ( InterpolationMode, _interpolation_modes_from_int, get_image_num_channels, get_image_size, perspective, crop, ) import torch import numpy as np class RandomScale(object): def __init__(self, scale_range=(0.8, 1.2), min_size=None): super(RandomScale, self).__init__() self.scale_range = scale_range self.min_size = min_size if min_size is not None else 0 def __call__(self, img): if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): height, width = img.shape[-2:] else: width, height = img.size[-2:] s = np.random.uniform(*self.scale_range) resize_h = max(int(height * s), self.min_size) resize_w = max(int(width * s), self.min_size) size = (resize_h, resize_w) return T.Resize(size)(img) class RandomSizeCrop(object): def __init__(self, min_cover): super(RandomSizeCrop, self).__init__() self.min_cover = min_cover def __call__(self, img): if self.min_cover == 1: return img if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): h, w = img.shape[-2:] else: w, h = img.size[-2:] s = np.random.uniform(self.min_cover, 1) size_h = int(h * s) size_w = int(w * s) return T.RandomCrop((size_h, size_w))(img) class DivisibleCrop(object): def __init__(self, d): super(DivisibleCrop, self).__init__() self.d = d def __call__(self, img): if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): h, w = img.shape[-2:] else: w, h = img.size[-2:] h = h - h % self.d w = w - w % self.d return T.CenterCrop((h, w))(img) class ToTensorSafe(object): def __init__(self): super(ToTensorSafe, self).__init__() def __call__(self, img): if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): return img return T.ToTensor()(img) class BorderlessRandomPerspective(object): """Applies random perspective and crops the image to be without borders Args: distortion_scale (float): argument to control the degree of distortion and ranges from 0 to 1. Default is 0.5. p (float): probability of the image being transformed. Default is 0.5. interpolation (InterpolationMode): Desired interpolation enum defined by :class:`torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode`. Default is ``InterpolationMode.BILINEAR``. If input is Tensor, only ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``, ``InterpolationMode.BILINEAR`` are supported. For backward compatibility integer values (e.g. ``PIL.Image.NEAREST``) are still acceptable. fill (sequence or number): Pixel fill value for the area outside the transformed image. Default is ``0``. If given a number, the value is used for all bands respectively. """ def __init__(self, distortion_scale=0.5, p=0.5, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BILINEAR, fill=0): super().__init__() self.p = p # Backward compatibility with integer value if isinstance(interpolation, int): warnings.warn( "Argument interpolation should be of type InterpolationMode instead of int. " "Please, use InterpolationMode enum." ) interpolation = _interpolation_modes_from_int(interpolation) self.interpolation = interpolation self.distortion_scale = distortion_scale if fill is None: fill = 0 elif not isinstance(fill, (Sequence, numbers.Number)): raise TypeError("Fill should be either a sequence or a number.") self.fill = fill @staticmethod def get_crop_endpoints(endpoints): topleft, topright, botright, botleft = endpoints topy = max(topleft[1], topright[1]) leftx = max(topleft[0], botleft[0]) boty = min(botleft[1], botright[1]) rightx = min(topright[0], botright[0]) h = boty - topy w = rightx - leftx return topy, leftx, h, w def __call__(self, img): fill = self.fill if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): if isinstance(fill, (int, float)): fill = [float(fill)] * get_image_num_channels(img) else: fill = [float(f) for f in fill] if torch.rand(1) < self.p: width, height = get_image_size(img) startpoints, endpoints = T.RandomPerspective.get_params(width, height, self.distortion_scale) warped = perspective(img, startpoints, endpoints, self.interpolation, fill) i, j, h, w = self.get_crop_endpoints(endpoints) # print(f"Crop size: {h,w}") cropped = crop(warped, i, j, h, w) return T.Compose([T.Resize(224), T.CenterCrop(224)])(cropped) return img