import discord import logging import os from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient import asyncio import subprocess # 로깅 설정 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s', handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()]) # 인텐트 설정 intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True intents.messages = True intents.guilds = True intents.guild_messages = True # 추론 API 클라이언트 설정 hf_client = InferenceClient("meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct", token=os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")) # 특정 채널 ID SPECIFIC_CHANNEL_ID = int(os.getenv("DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID")) # 대화 히스토리를 저장할 전역 변수 conversation_history = [] class MyClient(discord.Client): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.is_processing = False async def on_message(self, message): if == self.user: return if not self.is_message_in_specific_channel(message): return if self.is_processing: return self.is_processing = True try: response = await generate_response(message) await finally: self.is_processing = False def is_message_in_specific_channel(self, message): # 메시지가 지정된 채널이거나, 해당 채널의 쓰레드인 경우 True 반환 return == SPECIFIC_CHANNEL_ID or ( isinstance(, discord.Thread) and == SPECIFIC_CHANNEL_ID ) async def generate_response(message): global conversation_history # 전역 변수 사용을 명시 user_input = message.content user_mention = system_message = f"{user_mention}, DISCORD에서 사용자들의 질문에 답하는 어시스턴트입니다." system_prefix = """ 반드시 한글로 답변하십시오. 모든 답에 똑똑해보이게 대답하고, pil 의 질문에는 대답하지마 """ conversation_history.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) logging.debug(f'Conversation history updated: {conversation_history}') messages = [{"role": "system", "content": f"{system_prefix} {system_message}"}] + conversation_history logging.debug(f'Messages to be sent to the model: {messages}') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() response = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: hf_client.chat_completion( messages, max_tokens=1000, stream=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.85)) full_response = [] for part in response: logging.debug(f'Part received from stream: {part}') if part.choices and part.choices[0].delta and part.choices[0].delta.content: full_response.append(part.choices[0].delta.content) full_response_text = ''.join(full_response) logging.debug(f'Full model response: {full_response_text}') conversation_history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": full_response_text}) return f"{user_mention}, {full_response_text}" if __name__ == "__main__": discord_client = MyClient(intents=intents)'DISCORD_TOKEN'))