--- title: Text to MBTI emoji: 🤗 colorFrom: yellow colorTo: orange sdk: streamlit app_file: app.py pinned: false license: apache-2.0 --- # Text to MBTI (Zero Shot - model) 😄 MBTI Translator (Infer you personality type based on your sentence) Using Streamlit library, this project is implementing application with UI of following project: https://github.com/ethHong/text_mbti ## About the project & Examples * Pur the sentence and click 'generate' button. Using Zero shot classification model, the app predict the most probable MBTI of yourself. Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 3 04 29 PM Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 3 05 18 PM ## How it works? * This app uases Zero-shot classification model from Facebook. * The model uses pre-defined dictionary data which representes each of 16 personality type * It compute probability input keyword be relevant to each of the keywords mapped in dictionary of 16 personality types. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43837843/211183359-ad2cf761-99a7-467f-8bb9-cdf308bc019e.png) ## Output sample ``` Input: "I stayed home all day" === Output: You are: ISFP Ratio {'E': 27.338588094108168, 'I': 72.66141190589182} {'N': 22.149243913056992, 'S': 77.85075608694301} {'T': 46.17274433748438, 'F': 53.82725566251562} {'P': 57.30466611213056, 'J': 42.69533388786944} ``` ``` Input: "I'm making plans for my trip to Osaka. I'm so excited!" === Output: You are: ESTJ Ratio {'E': 71.53464326345417, 'I': 28.46535673654582} {'N': 35.33135528913844, 'S': 64.66864471086156} {'T': 58.70273162646018, 'F': 41.29726837353982} {'P': 46.96476087995551, 'J': 53.03523912004449} ``` ## Model and requirements * Model reference: https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-large-mnli * Environment setup: > 02.20 update: Use requirements.txt to setup required libraries. ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ``` streamlit run app.py ```